Changes for version 0.36 - 2014-02-23

  • Jean-Damien Durand <>
    • bin/c2ast: Mention '-' for STDIN usage in the POD and fix log info about it
    • bin/c2ast: Support STDIN, loglevel aliases on the command-line, optional start (dev+), add INFO level logging to bin/c2ast
    • optional :start, dev+
    • AST/ use Marpa::R2 2.080000
    • ISO_ANSI_C_2011/ ft can be '0', so use // instead of ||
    • Test suite and CPP different behaviour v.s. OS
    • bin/c2ast: --lazy, --typedef, --enum and --nocpp options
    • mod POD for lazy mode
    • even in lazy mode we can use typedef/enum helpers
    • type, enum and lazy options support. Preparation for start option support
    • AST/ added lexeme_alternative() and lexeme_complete()
    • bin/*: say that filename must be the last argument when using unknown option(s)


C source analysis
C source scan (C::Scan alternative)


Translate a C source to an AST
Simple but powerful callback generic framework that depend on nothing else but core modules.
Events callback when translating a C source to an AST
Code reference for the Simple callback generic framework.
Options for the Simple callback generic framework.
C grammar written in Marpa BNF
ISO ANSI C 2011 grammar written in Marpa BNF
Implementation of Marpa's interface
Log::Any implementation on top of Marpa
Scope management when translating a C source to an AST
C Translation to AST - Class method utilities
C::Scan-like interface