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use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
# ABSTRACT: C::Scan-like interface
use Carp qw/croak/;
use Log::Any qw/$log/;
our $VERSION = '0.45'; # VERSION
sub new {
my ($class, %options) = @_;
my $grammarName = $options{grammarName} || 'ISO-ANSI-C-2011';
if (! defined($grammarName)) {
croak 'Usage: new($grammar_Name)';
} elsif ($grammarName eq 'ISO-ANSI-C-2011') {
return MarpaX::Languages::C::AST::Grammar::ISO_ANSI_C_2011::Scan->new(%options);
} else {
croak "Unsupported grammar name $grammarName";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub replace {
my ($self, $from, $to, $declaration, %options) = @_;
$log->tracef('Making as AST of %s', $declaration);
my $c = MarpaX::Languages::C::Scan->new(content => $declaration, %options);
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
MarpaX::Languages::C::Scan - C::Scan-like interface
=head1 VERSION
version 0.45
use MarpaX::Languages::C::Scan;
my $cSourceCode = <<C_SOURCE_CODE;
typedef int myInt_type;
typedef enum myEnum1_e {X11 = 0, X12} myEnumType1_t, *myEnumType1p_t;
typedef enum {X21 = 0, X22} myEnumType2_t, *myEnumType2p_t;
typedef struct myStruct1 {int x;} myStructType1_t, *myStructType1p_t;
typedef struct {int x;} myStructType2_t, *myStructType2p_t;
my $scan = MarpaX::Languages::C::Scan->new(content => $cSourceCode);
This modules returns a grammar dependant C::Scan-like interface. Current grammars are:
=item ISO-ANSI-C-2011
=head2 new($class, grammarName => $grammarName, %options)
Instance a new object. Takes a hash as argument. The entire %options content is forwarded to a per-grammar C::Scan-like implement. Supported grammars are:
=item ISO-ANSI-C-2011
ISO ANSI C 2011, with GNU and MSVS extensions. This is the default value.
Please refer to per-grammar documentation for other options and methods.
=head2 replace($self, $from, $to, $declaration, %options)
In the asDOM mode only, this function is replacing $from by $to in any structure that matches $declaration. For example: with a $declaration value "f(int *x)", if $from is "x" and $to is "x[3]", it is as if the declaration would become "f(int *x[3])".
Only the global structure in terms of children has to be matched. This mean that the example above would have worked as well with a $declaration value of "f(int z, float *x)". Embedded declarations obey the same rule, for instance to match a structure member you only have to write its parents e.g.: "struct y {int x;}", even if in reality "struct y" contains something before "x".
Internally, this method will call again MarpaX::Languages::C::Scan->new(%options) on $declaration, please refer to the new() method for %options description.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Jean-Damien Durand <jeandamiendurand@free.fr>
This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Jean-Damien Durand.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.