Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

#!env perl
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use File::Basename qw/dirname/;
use Cwd qw/abs_path cwd/;
use Carp qw/croak/;
# -------------------------------
# Generation of grammar templates
# -------------------------------
my $grammarName = shift || '';
if (! $grammarName) {
Usage : $^X $0 grammarName
Example: $^X $0 ECMA-262-5
# We generate templates as a perl class based on the G1 grammar. Note that we MUST be
# in the directory just upper than script/ . We use Cwd and $0 and verify that
# Cwd is the dirname of the dirname of $0.
my $cwd = File::Spec->canonpath(abs_path(cwd()));
my $parentDir = File::Spec->canonpath(abs_path(File::Spec->catdir(dirname($0), File::Spec->updir)));
# Note: we assume filenames are not bizarre, i.e. no need of Unicode::CaseFold
my $isSameDir = File::Spec->case_tolerant() ? (lc($cwd) eq lc($parentDir)) : ($cwd eq $parentDir);
if (! $isSameDir) {
die "Please execute this script in directory $parentDir";
my $ecmaAst = MarpaX::Languages::ECMAScript::AST->new(grammarName => $grammarName);
my $descHashp = $ecmaAst->describe();
my $g1p = $ecmaAst->describe->{G1};
# Get all LHS
my %lhs = ();
map {$lhs{$g1p->{$_}->[0]}++} keys %{$g1p};
# Generate Template.pm
my $grammarAlias = $ecmaAst->grammarAlias;
my $file = File::Spec->catfile($parentDir, 'lib', 'MarpaX', 'Languages', 'ECMAScript', 'AST', 'Grammar', $grammarAlias, 'Template.pm');
if (! open(FILE, '>', $file)) {
die "Cannot open $file, $!";
# We search for the LHS '[:start]'. The real starting point
# will be its LHS
my $startRuleId = undef;
foreach (keys %{$g1p}) {
my $ruleId = $_;
my $rulesp = $g1p->{$ruleId};
my ($lhs, @rhs) = @{$rulesp};
if ($lhs eq '[:start]') {
$startRuleId = $ruleId;
if (! defined($startRuleId)) {
croak 'Cannot find :start';
print "Generating $file\n";
print FILE <<HEADER;
# This is a generated file using the command:
# $^X $0 @COPYARGV
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
package MarpaX::Languages::ECMAScript::AST::Grammar::${grammarAlias}::Template;
# ABSTRACT: Template for ${grammarAlias} transpilation using an AST
# The fixed stuff: new(), lexeme(), indent(), transpile()
print FILE do {local $/; <DATA>};
foreach (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$g1p}) {
my $ruleId = $_;
my $rulesp = $g1p->{$ruleId};
my ($lhs, @rhs) = @{$rulesp};
my $rhsJoined = join(', ', map {"'$_'"} @rhs);
my $g1Callback = '$self->{_g1Callback}';
my $g1CallbackArgs = '$self->{_g1CallbackArgs}';
print FILE "
=head2 G1_$ruleId(\$self, \$value, \$index)
Transpilation of G1 rule No $ruleId, i.e. $lhs ::= @rhs
\$value is the value of RHS No \$index (starting at 0).
sub G1_$ruleId {
my (\$self, \$value, \$index) = \@_;
my \$rc = '';
if (&{$g1Callback}(\@{$g1CallbackArgs}, \\\$rc, $ruleId, \$value, \$index, '$lhs', $rhsJoined)) {
foreach (0..$#rhs) {
printf FILE " %sif (\$index == $_) {\n", $_ > 0 ? 'els' : '';
if (exists($lhs{$rhs[$_]})) {
#print FILE " my \$method$_ = defined(\$value->[$_]) ? \"G1_\$value->[$_]->{ruleId}\" : undef;\n";
#print FILE " my \$value$_ = (defined(\$method$_) ? (\$indent . \$self->\$method$_(\$value->[$_]->{values})) : '');\n";
#push(@value, "\$value$_");
} else {
\$rc = \$self->lexeme('$rhs[$_]', $ruleId, \$value, $_, '$lhs', $rhsJoined);
print FILE " }\n";
print FILE " }\n";
print FILE "\n";
print FILE " return \$rc;\n";
print FILE "}\n";
print FILE "\n1;\n";
if (! close(FILE)) {
warn "Cannot close $file, $!";
Generated generic template.
=head2 new($class, $optionsp)
Instantiate a new object. Takes as optional argument a reference to a hash that may contain the following key/values:
=item g1Callback
G1 callback (CODE ref).
=item g1CallbackArgs
G1 callback arguments (ARRAY ref). The g1 callback is called like: &$g1Callback(@{$g1CallbackArgs}, \$rc, $ruleId, $value, $index, $lhs, @rhs), where $value is the AST parse tree value of RHS No $index of this G1 rule number $ruleId, whose full definition is $lhs ::= @rhs. If the callback is defined, this will always be executed first, and it must return a true value putting its eventual result in $rc. Only when it returns true, lexemes are processed.
=item lexemeCallback
lexeme callback (CODE ref).
=item lexemeCallbackArgs
Lexeme callback arguments (ARRAY ref). The lexeme callback is called like: &$lexemeCallback(@{$lexemeCallbackArgs}, \$rc, $name, $ruleId, $value, $index, $lhs, @rhs), where $value is the AST parse tree value of RHS No $index of this G1 rule number $ruleId, whose full definition is $lhs ::= @rhs. The RHS being a lexeme, $name contains the lexeme's name. If the callback is defined, this will always be executed first, and it must return a true value putting its result in $rc, otherwise default behaviour applies: return the lexeme value as-is.
sub new {
my ($class, $optionsp) = @_;
$optionsp //= {};
my $self = {
_nindent => 0,
_g1Callback => exists($optionsp->{g1Callback}) ? $optionsp->{g1Callback} : sub { return 1; },
_g1CallbackArgs => exists($optionsp->{g1CallbackArgs}) ? $optionsp->{g1CallbackArgs} : [],
_lexemeCallback => exists($optionsp->{lexemeCallback}) ? $optionsp->{lexemeCallback} : sub { return 0; },
_lexemeCallbackArgs => exists($optionsp->{lexemeCallbackArgs}) ? $optionsp->{lexemeCallbackArgs} : []
bless($self, $class);
return $self;
=head2 lexeme($self, $value)
Returns the characters of lexeme inside $value, that is an array reference. C.f. grammar default lexeme action.
sub lexeme {
my $self = shift;
my $rc = '';
if (! &{$self->{_lexemeCallback}}(@{$self->{_lexemeCallbackArgs}}, \$rc, @_)) {
# my ($name, $ruleId, $value, $index, $lhs, @rhs) = @_;
my $lexeme = $_[2]->[2];
if ($lexeme eq ';') { $rc = " ;\n" . $self->indent(); }
elsif ($lexeme eq '{') { $rc = " {\n" . $self->indent(1); }
elsif ($lexeme eq '}') { $rc = "\n" . $self->indent(-1) . " }\n" . $self->indent();}
else { $rc = " $lexeme"; }
return $rc;
=head2 indent($self, $inc)
Returns indentation, i.e. two spaces times current number of indentations. Optional $inc is used to change the number of indentations.
sub indent {
my ($self, $inc) = @_;
if (defined($inc)) {
$self->{_nindent} += $inc;
return ' ' x $self->{_nindent};
=head2 transpile($self, $ast)
Tranpiles the $ast AST, that is the parse tree value from Marpa.
sub transpile {
my ($self, $ast) = @_;
my @worklist = ($ast);
my $transpile = '';
do {
my $obj = shift(@worklist);
if (ref($obj) eq 'HASH') {
my $g1 = 'G1_' . $obj->{ruleId};
# print STDERR "==> @{$obj->{values}}\n";
foreach (reverse 0..$#{$obj->{values}}) {
my $value = $obj->{values}->[$_];
if (ref($value) eq 'HASH') {
# print STDERR "Unshift $value\n";
unshift(@worklist, $value);
} else {
# print STDERR "Unshift [ $g1, $value, $_ ]\n";
unshift(@worklist, [ $g1, $value, $_ ]);
} else {
my ($curMethod, $value, $index) = @{$obj};
# print STDERR "==> Calling $curMethod($value, $index)\n";
$transpile .= $self->$curMethod($value, $index);
# print STDERR "==> $transpile\n";
} while (@worklist);
return $transpile;
# my ($ruleId, $value) = ($ast->{ruleId}, $ast->{values});
# my $method = "G1_$ruleId";
# return $self->$method($value);