Changes for version 0.006 - 2016-02-05
- Jean-Damien Durand <>
- dist.ini: more prereqs that AutoPrereqs cannot guess
- perl5.tt2: where => sub {} instead of where => {}
- _declaratorToIdentifier & _declaratorToType
- import.tt2
- Cosmetic typos
- Comment about the void keyword
- Tokens externalization
- Add MX_PARAMS_VALIDATE_CACHE_KEY to pos_validated_list() calls
- say an OO style is required
- posValidatedList bis
- useClassAttribute
- useSpecializedType
- useBaseTypes again
- initGlobalVariables and initNameSpace
- useBaseTypes.tt2
- moosex renamed to perl5
- op.tt2: more generic
- op.tt2 dev+
- bin/idl2moose: xF6 character in source -;
- Moose/op.tt2: return; instead of return undef;
- bin/idl2moose: encoding issues
- IDL/ support string in input
- moosex.tt2: wideStringLiteral
- stringLiteral fix detected for "import" directive
- moosex.tt2: dev+ prefer sub {} for default
- moosex.tt2: dev+ fixed for arraysized declarator
IDL to perl's Moose translation
Translate an IDL source to an AST
MooseX-IDL base types mapping
Translate an IDL source to an AST - Tools
Translate an IDL source to an AST - parse tree value helpers