Changelog for MarpaX-Languages-M4
0.001 2015-02-22T16:31:37
[Jean-Damien Durand <>]
- Impl/ remove wanted version on Marpa::R2
- Changes/META.json/README.pod for the 1st release
- bin/m4pp: make xt a bit more happy
- GNU -> Default
- Impl/ allow ambiguity
- bin/m4pp: Make dzil happy
- Impl/ log only when necessary
- Options reorganization
- --fatal-warnings
- version wnad warn_macro_sequence
- bin/m4pp
- Impl/ fix options parsing
- Impl/ fix comment
- fix test
- file/line/program: t+
- impl_line
- t/GNU.t: errprint test
- t/GNU.t: maketemp test
- Impl/ maketemp fix
- Hopefully portable syscmf/esyscmd test suite
- try a portable echo in test suite
- platform detect fix and tests
- Eval fixes and test suite
- incr/decr test suite
- format test suite
- patsubst fix to get the correct warning
- inc/capitalize.m4
- t/GNU.t: patsubst test
- Impl/ define GNU extensions and re-implement patsubst
- Impl/ perltidier
- t/GNU.t: removed a duplicate translit test-case
- t/GNU.t: another translit test-case
- Impl/ GNU M4 compliant translit
- t/GNU.t: substr
- Impl/ my regexp semantics
- regexp: dev+
- t/GNU.t: undivert
- Impl/ undiverting empty string fix
- t/GNU.t: divert is a common english word -;
- undivert at EOF fix
- t/GNU.t: divert
- GNU/ << and >> fix
- include test suite
- eof v.s. eoi: dev+
- EOF: dev+
- Impl/ tiny optimizations
- Cosmetic change
- wrap GNU examples
- t/GNU.t: m4wrap
- t/GNU.t: Difference v.s. TeX
- A word can be empty
- policy_cmdtounix and fail-safe use of IPC::Cmd
- parser_isMacro centralization
- .gitattributes: protect t against crl
- regexp dev+
- word-regexp policy - dev+
- test changeword - prevent accidentical call of builtin
- Fix eof within a comment
- Impl/ added a comment
- Impl/ tiny optimization
- changecom tests and fix precedence over arguments collection
- Impl/ throw exception if EOF in string
- Fix for quoted strings: if end-string is a prefix of start-string,
end-string has precedence
- t/GNU.t: when end-string is a prefix of start-string - TO FIX
- Impl/ Quoted string have higher precedence than arguments
- t/GNU.t: changequote
- Type/
- t/GNU.t: log levels
- Impl/ eof logic
- Role/ renamed requires
- Role/ renamed requires
- macros_is_empty renamed to macros_isEmpty
- Impl/ fix ABSTRACT
- Role/
- t/GNU.t: show only errors
- Role/ renaming
- Role::Builtins -> Role::Builtin cont'ed
- Role::Builtins -> Role::Builtin
- Renaming
- Role/ remove non-needed requires
- t/GNU.t: dnl
- Impl/ eof context
- Impl/ remove explicit namespace in eval grammar actions
- Impl/ alignment
- dzil stuff cont'ed
- dzil stuff
- dist.ini: prefer Dit::Contributor over ContributorsFromGit
- More tests
- Impl/ hopefully removed ambiguity
- Impl/ unquoted parenthesis cont'ed
- Impl/ unquoted parenthesis fix when collecting arguments
- t/GNU.t: composited foreach/foreachq
- inc/foreach.m4 inc/foreachq.m4 inc/forloop.m4
- t/GNU.t: composite forloop - source
- t/GNU.t: composite forloop - nested : fix test number
- t/GNU.t: composite forloop - nested
- t/GNU.t: composite forloop
- t/GNU.t: composite argn
- t/GNU.t: composites quote/dquote/dquote_elt source
- t/GNU.t: composites quote/dquote/dquote_elt
- Impl/ binmode on temporary files
- dzil fixes conted
- dzil fix
- Initial commit