Changes for version 0.001 - 2015-02-22
- Jean-Damien Durand <>
- Impl/ remove wanted version on Marpa::R2
- Changes/META.json/README.pod for the 1st release
- bin/m4pp: make xt a bit more happy
- GNU -> Default
- Impl/ allow ambiguity
- bin/m4pp: Make dzil happy
- Impl/ log only when necessary
- Options reorganization
- --fatal-warnings
- version wnad warn_macro_sequence
- bin/m4pp
- Impl/ fix options parsing
- Impl/ fix comment
- fix test
- file/line/program: t+
- impl_line
- t/GNU.t: errprint test
- t/GNU.t: maketemp test
- Impl/ maketemp fix
- Hopefully portable syscmf/esyscmd test suite
- try a portable echo in test suite
- platform detect fix and tests
- Eval fixes and test suite
- incr/decr test suite
- format test suite
- patsubst fix to get the correct warning
- inc/capitalize.m4
- t/GNU.t: patsubst test
- Impl/ define GNU extensions and re-implement patsubst
- Impl/ perltidier
- t/GNU.t: removed a duplicate translit test-case
- t/GNU.t: another translit test-case
- Impl/ GNU M4 compliant translit
- t/GNU.t: substr
- Impl/ my regexp semantics
- regexp: dev+
- t/GNU.t: undivert
- Impl/ undiverting empty string fix
- t/GNU.t: divert is a common english word -;
- undivert at EOF fix
- t/GNU.t: divert
- GNU/ << and >> fix
- include test suite
- eof v.s. eoi: dev+
- EOF: dev+
- Impl/ tiny optimizations
- Cosmetic change
- wrap GNU examples
- t/GNU.t: m4wrap
- t/GNU.t: Difference v.s. TeX
- A word can be empty
- policy_cmdtounix and fail-safe use of IPC::Cmd
- parser_isMacro centralization
- .gitattributes: protect t against crl
- regexp dev+
- word-regexp policy - dev+
- test changeword - prevent accidentical call of builtin
- Fix eof within a comment
- Impl/ added a comment
- Impl/ tiny optimization
- changecom tests and fix precedence over arguments collection
- Impl/ throw exception if EOF in string
- Fix for quoted strings: if end-string is a prefix of start-string, end-string has precedence
- t/GNU.t: when end-string is a prefix of start-string - TO FIX
- Impl/ Quoted string have higher precedence than arguments collection
- t/GNU.t: changequote
- Type/
- t/GNU.t: log levels
- Impl/ eof logic
- Role/ renamed requires
- Role/ renamed requires
- macros_is_empty renamed to macros_isEmpty
- Impl/ fix ABSTRACT
- Role/
- t/GNU.t: show only errors
- Role/ renaming
- Role::Builtins -> Role::Builtin cont'ed
- Role::Builtins -> Role::Builtin
- Renaming
- Role/ remove non-needed requires
- t/GNU.t: dnl
- Impl/ eof context
- Impl/ remove explicit namespace in eval grammar actions
- Impl/ alignment
- dzil stuff cont'ed
- dzil stuff
- dist.ini: prefer Dit::Contributor over ContributorsFromGit
- More tests
- Impl/ hopefully removed ambiguity
- Impl/ unquoted parenthesis cont'ed
- Impl/ unquoted parenthesis fix when collecting arguments
- t/GNU.t: composited foreach/foreachq
- inc/foreach.m4 inc/foreachq.m4 inc/forloop.m4
- t/GNU.t: composite forloop - source
- t/GNU.t: composite forloop - nested : fix test number
- t/GNU.t: composite forloop - nested
- t/GNU.t: composite forloop
- t/GNU.t: composite argn
- t/GNU.t: composites quote/dquote/dquote_elt source
- t/GNU.t: composites quote/dquote/dquote_elt
- Impl/ binmode on temporary files
- dzil fixes conted
- dzil fix
- Initial commit
M4 implementation in Perl
M4 pre-processor - default implementation
Base conversion util class
Eval Marpa actions
M4 Macro generic implementation
M4 Macro list generic implementation
M4 Macro Parser Marpa actions
M4 Macro Parse Value generic implementation
M4 Builtin role
M4 implementation role
M4 Logger role
M4 Macro role
M4 Macros role
M4 Macro Parser role
M4 Macro Parse Value role
M4 Impl type
M4 Logger Type
M4 Macro type
M4 Token type
M4 Macro Parse Value type