Changes for version 0.007 - 2015-03-02
- Jean-Damien Durand <>
- lib/MarpaX/Languages/
- Revert "posix regexp dev+"
- Revert "dist.ini: MyDistMakeMaker"
- dist.ini: MyDistMakeMaker
- posix regexp dev+
- Impl/ centralized method to raise an ImplException exception
- Impl/ throw exception if EOF during argument collection
- Removed parser exceptions, causing more trouble than helping
- Impl/ remove unused code
- Work on processing from command-line
- work on logging
- Centralized code for macro execution
- fix logging message
- use exceptions everywhere instead of croak
- bin/m4pp: removed a debug statement
- dist.ini: fixes for Moo, removed nonneeded plugin
M4 implementation in Perl
M4 implementation in Perl
M4 pre-processor - default implementation
Base conversion util class
Eval Marpa actions
M4 Macro generic implementation
M4 Macro list generic implementation
M4 Marpa parser
M4 Marpa parser actions
M4 Macro Parse Value generic implementation
M4 Builtin role
M4 implementation role
M4 Logger role
M4 Macro role
M4 Macros role
M4 Macro Parser role
M4 Macro Parse Value role
M4 Impl type
M4 Logger Type
M4 Macro type
M4 Token type
M4 Macro Parse Value type