Apache2::SSI::URI - Apache2 Server Side Include URI Object Class


# if the global option PerlOptions +GlobalRequest is set in your VirtualHost
my $r = Apache2::RequestUtil->request
my $uri = Apache2::SSI::URI->new(
    apache_request => $r,
    document_uri => '/some/uri/file.html',
    document_root => '/home/john/www',
    base_uri => '/',
) || die( "Unable to create an Apache2::SSI::URI object: ", Apache2::SSI::URI->error );

unless( $uri->code == Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK )
    die( "Sorry, the uri does not exist.\n" );
print( $uri->slurp_utf8 );

# Changing the base uri, which is used to resolve relative uri
$uri->base_uri( '/ssi' );

my $uri2 = $uri->clone;
$uri2->filename( '/home/john/some-file.txt' );
die( "No such file\n" ) if( $uri2->finfo->filetype == Apache2::SSI::Finfo::FILETYPE_NOFILE );

my $dir = $uri->document_directory;

# Full path to the filename, e.g. /home/john/www/some/dir/file.html
# Possible dots are resolved /home/john/www/some/dir/../ssi/../dir/./file.html => /home/john/www/some/dir/file.html
my $filename = $uri->document_filename;

# The uri without path info or query string
my $path = $uri->document_path;

my $doc_root = $uri->document_root;

# The document uri including path info, and query string if any
my $u = $uri->document_uri;

my $req_uri = $uri->env( 'REQUEST_URI' );

# Access to the Apache2::SSI::Finfo object
my $finfo = $uri->finfo;

# A new Apache2::SSI::URI object
my $uri3 = $uri->new_uri( document_uri => '/some/where/about.html', document_root => '/home/john/www' );

# Returns /some/uri
my $parent = $uri->parent;

# The uri is now /some/uri/file.html/some/path
$uri->path_info( '/some/path' );

# The uri is now /some/uri/file.html/some/path?q=something&l=ja_JP
$uri->query_string( 'q=something&l=ja_JP' );

my $html = $uri->slurp_utf8;
my $raw = $uri->slurp({ binmode => ':raw' });

# Same as $uri->document_uri
my $uri = $uri->uri;




Apache2::SSI::URI is used to manipulate and query http uri. It is used by Apache2::SSI both for the main query, and also for sub queries like when there is an include directive.

In this case, there would be the main document uri such as /some/path/file.html and containing a directive such as:

<!--#include virtual="../other.html" -->

An Apache2::SSI::URI object would be instantiated to process the uri ../other.html, flatten the dots and get its underlying filename.

Even if the uri provided does not exist, am Apache2::SSI::URI object would still be returned, so you need to check if the file exists by doing:

if( $uri->code == 404 )
    die( "Not there\n" );

Or, this would work too:

if( $uri->finfo->filetype == Apache2::SSI::Finfo::FILETYPE_NOFILE )
    die( "No such file !\n" );



This instantiate an object that is used to access other key methods. It takes the following parameters:


This is the Apache2::RequestRec object that is provided if running under mod_perl.

it can be retrieved from "request" in Apache2::RequestUtil or via "r" in Apache2::Filter

You can get this Apache2::RequestRec object by requiring Apache2::RequestUtil and calling its class method "request" in Apache2::RequestUtil such as Apache2::RequestUtil-request> and assuming you have set PerlOptions +GlobalRequest in your Apache Virtual Host configuration.

Note that there is a main request object and subprocess request object, so to find out which one you are dealing with, use "is_initial_req" in Apache2::RequestUtil, such as:

use Apache2::RequestUtil (); # extends Apache2::RequestRec objects
my $r = $r->is_initial_req ? $r : $r->main;

This is the base uri which is used to make uri absolute.

For example, if the main document uri is /some/folder/file.html containing a directive:

<!--#include virtual="../other.html" -->

One would instantiate an object using /some/folder/file.html as the base_uri like this:

my $uri = Apache2::SSI::URI->new(
    base_uri => '/some/folder/file.html',
    apache_request => $r,
    document_uri => '../other.html',
    # No need to specify document_root, because it will be derived from 
    # the Apache2::RequestRec provided with the apache_request parameter.

This is only necessary to be provided if this is not running under Apache mod_perl. Without this value, Apache2::SSI has no way to guess the document root and will not be able to function properly and will return an "error".


This is only necessary to be provided if this is not running under Apache mod_perl. This must be the uri of the document being served, such as /my/path/index.html. So, if you are using this outside of the rim of Apache mod_perl and your file resides, for example, at /home/john/www/my/path/index.html and your document root is /home/john/www, then the document uri would be /my/path/index.html


Sets or gets the Apache2::RequestRec object. As explained in the "new" method, you can get this Apache object by requiring the package Apache2::RequestUtil and calling "request" in Apache2::RequestUtil such as Apache2::RequestUtil-request> assuming you have set PerlOptions +GlobalRequest in your Apache Virtual Host configuration.

When running under Apache mod_perl this is set automatically from the special "handler" method, such as:

my $r = $f->r; # $f is the Apache2::Filter object provided by Apache


Sets or gets the base reference uri. This is used to render the "document_uri" provided an absolute uri.


Create a clone of the object and return it.


Sets or gets the http code for this uri.

$uri->code( 404 );


Provided with an uri, and this will resolve the path and removing the dots, such as . and .. and return an URI object.

This is done as per the RFC 3986 section 5.2.4 algorithm

my $uri = $ssi->collapse_dots( '/../a/b/../c/./d.html' );
# would become /a/c/d.html
my $uri = $ssi->collapse_dots( '/../a/b/../c/./d.html?foo=../bar' );
# would become /a/c/d.html?foo=../bar
$uri->query # foo=../bar


Returns an Apache2::SSI::URI object of the current directory of the "document_uri" provided.

This can also be called as $uri-document_dir>


This is an alias for "filename" in Apache2::SSI::URI


Sets or gets the uri path to the document. This is the same as "document_uri", except it is striped from "query_string" and "path_info".


Sets or gets the document root.

Wen running under Apache mod_perl, this value will be available automatically, using "document_root" in Apache2::RequestRec method.

If it runs outside of Apache, this will use the value provided upon instantiating the object and passing the document_root parameter. If this is not set, it will return the value of the environment variable DOCUMENT_ROOT.


Sets or gets the document uri, which is the uri of the document being processed.

For example:


Under Apache, this will get the environment variable DOCUMENT_URI or calls the "uri" in Apache2::RequestRec method.

Outside of Apache, this will rely on a value being provided upon instantiating an object, or the environment variable DOCUMENT_URI be present.

The value should be an absolute uri.


Sets or gets environment variables that are distinct for this uri.

$uri->env( REQUEST_URI => '/some/path/file.html' );
my $loc = $uri->env( 'REQUEST_URI' );

If it is called without any parameters, it returns all the environment variables as a hash reference:

my $all_env = $uri->env;
print $all_env->{REQUEST_URI};

Setting an environment variable using "env" does not actually populate it. So this would not work:

$uri->env( REQUEST_URI => '/some/path/file.html' );

It is the equivalent of "subprocess_env" in Apache2::RequestRec. Actually it uses "subprocess_env" in Apache2::RequestRec if running under Apache/mod_perl, other wise it uses a private hash reference to store the values.


This returns the system file path to the document uri as a string.


Returns a Apache2::SSI::Finfo object. This provides access to "stat" in perlfunc information as method, taking advantage of APR::Finfo when running under Apache, and an identical interface otherwise. See Apache2::SSI::Finfo for more information.


A short-hand for Apache2::SSI::URI-new>


Returns the parent of the document uri, or if there is no parent, it returns the current object itself.

my $up = $uri->parent;
# would return /some/path assuming the document uri was /some/path/file.html


Sets or gets the path info for the current uri.


my $string = $ssi->path_info;
$ssi->path_info( '/my/path/info' );

The path info value is also set automatically when "document_uri" is called, such as:

$ssi->document_uri( '/some/path/to/file.html/my/path/info?q=something&l=ja_JP' );

This will also set automatically the PATH_INFO environment variable.


Set or gets the query string for the current uri.


my $string = $ssi->query_string;
$ssi->query_string( 'q=something&l=ja_JP' );

or, using the URI module:

$ssi->query_string( $uri->query );

The query string value is set automatically when you provide an document_uri upon instantiation or after:

$ssi->document_uri( '/some/path/to/file.html?q=something&l=ja_JP' );

This will also set automatically the QUERY_STRING environment variable.


Returns an object representation of the root uri, i.e. /


It returns the content of the "filename"

it takes an hash reference of parameters:

my $content = $uri->slurp({ binmode => ':utf-8' });

It will return undef and sets an "error" in Module::Generic if there is no "filename" value set or if the file cannot be opened.


It returns the content of the file "filename" utf-8 decoded.

This is equivalent to:

my $content = $uri->slurp({ binmode => ':utf8' });

:utf8 is slightly a bit more lax than :utf-8, so it you want strict utf8, you can do:

my $content = $uri->slurp({ binmode => ':utf-8' });


Jacques Deguest <>

CPAN ID: jdeguest


Apache2::SSI::File, Apache2::SSI::Finfo, Apache2::SSI

mod_include, mod_perl(3), APR::URI, URI,,


Copyright (c) 2020-2021 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.

You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated files under the same terms as Perl itself.