DB::Object::Fields::Field - Table Field Object
my $dbh = DB::Object->connect({
driver => 'Pg',
conf_file => $conf,
database => 'my_shop',
host => 'localhost',
login => 'super_admin',
schema => 'auth',
# debug => 3,
}) || bailout( "Unable to connect to sql server on host localhost: ", DB::Object->error );
my $tbl_object = $dbh->customers || die( "Unable to get the customers table object: ", $dbh->error, "\n" );
my $fields = $tbl_object->fields;
print( "Fields for table \"", $tbl_object->name, "\": ", Dumper( $fields ), "\n" );
my $c = $tbl_object->fo->currency;
print( "Got field object for currency: \"", ref( $c ), "\": '$c'\n" );
printf( "Name: %s\n", $c->name );
printf( "Type: %s\n", $c->type );
printf( "Default: %s\n", $c->default );
printf( "Position: %s\n", $c->pos );
printf( "Table: %s\n", $c->table );
printf( "Database: %s\n", $c->database );
printf( "Schema: %s\n", $c->schema );
printf( "Next field: %s (%s)\n", $c->next, ref( $c->next ) );
print( "Showing name fully qualified: ", $c->prefixed( 3 )->name, "\n" );
## would print: my_shop.public.customers.currency
print( "Trying again (should keep prefix): ", $c->name, "\n" );
## would print again: my_shop.public.customers.currency
print( "Now cancel prefixing at the table fields level.\n" );
$tbl_object->fo->prefixed( 0 );
print( "Showing name fully qualified again (should not be prefixed): ", $c->name, "\n" );
## would print currency
print( "First element is: ", $c->first, "\n" );
print( "Last element is: ", $c->last, "\n" );
This is a table field object as instantiated by DB::Object::Fields
- new( %arg )
Creates a new DB::Object::Fields::Field objects. It may also take an hash like arguments, that also are method of the same name.
- debug
Toggles debug mode on/off
- _find_siblings()
Given a field position from 1 to n, this will find and return the field object. It returns undef or empty list if none could be found.
- as_string()
This returns the name of the field, possibly prefixed
This is also called to stringify the object
print( "Field is: $field\n" );
- database()
Returns the name of the database this field is attached to.
- database_object()
Returns the database object, ie the one used to make sql queries
- default()
Returns the default value, if any, for that field.
- first()
Returns the first field in the table.
- last()
Returns the last field in the table.
- name()
Returns the field name. This is also what is returned when object is stringified. For example
my $c = $tbl_object->fo->last_name; print( "$c\n" ); ## will produce "last_name"
The output is altered by the use of prefixed. See below.
- next()
Returns the next field object.
- pos()
Returns the position of the field in the table. This is an integer starting from 1.
- prefixed()
Called without argument, this will instruct the field name to be returned prefixed by the table name.
print( $tbl_object->fo->last_name->prefixed, "\n" ); ## would produce my_shop.last_name
prefixed can also be called with an integer as argument. 1 will prefix it with the table name, 2 with the schema name and 3 with the database name.
- prev()
Returns the previous field object.
- schema()
Returns the table schema to which this field is attached.
- table()
Returns the table name for this field.
- table_name()
Same as above. This returns the table name.
- table_object()
Returns the table object which is a DB::Object::Tables object.
- type()
Returns the field type such as
, Cjson>,varchar
, etc.
Jacques Deguest <>
Copyright (c) 2020 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.
All rights reserved
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.