DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR - DateTime Localised Data from Unicode CLDR


use DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR;
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-Kana-JP' ) ||
    die( DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->error );
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-Kana-JP', calendar => 'japanese' ) ||
    die( DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->error );
my $array = $locale->am_pm_abbreviated;
my $array = $locale->available_formats;
$locale->calendar( 'hebrew' );
my $str = $locale->calendar;
# a Locale::Unicode object that stringifies to the initial locale value (ja-Kana-JP)
my $obj = $locale->code;
my $str = $locale->date_at_time_format_full;
my $str = $locale->date_at_time_format_long;
my $str = $locale->date_at_time_format_medium;
my $str = $locale->date_at_time_format_short;
my $str = $locale->date_format_default;
my $str = $locale->date_format_full;
my $str = $locale->date_format_long;
my $str = $locale->date_format_medium;
my $str = $locale->date_format_short;
my $str = $locale->date_formats;
my $str = $locale->datetime_format;
my $str = $locale->datetime_format_default;
my $str = $locale->datetime_format_full;
my $str = $locale->datetime_format_long;
my $str = $locale->datetime_format_medium;
my $str = $locale->datetime_format_short;
my $str = $locale->day_format_abbreviated;
my $str = $locale->day_format_narrow;
my $str = $locale->day_format_short;
my $str = $locale->day_format_wide;
my $str = $locale->day_period_format_abbreviated( $datetime_object );
my $str = $locale->day_period_format_narrow( $datetime_object );
my $str = $locale->day_period_format_wide( $datetime_object );
my $str = $locale->day_period_stand_alone_abbreviated( $datetime_object );
my $str = $locale->day_period_stand_alone_narrow( $datetime_object );
my $str = $locale->day_period_stand_alone_wide( $datetime_object );
my $hashref = $locale->day_periods;
my $str = $locale->day_stand_alone_abbreviated;
my $str = $locale->day_stand_alone_narrow;
my $str = $locale->day_stand_alone_short;
my $str = $locale->day_stand_alone_wide;
my $str = $locale->default_date_format_length;
my $str = $locale->default_time_format_length;
my $str = $locale->era_abbreviated;
my $str = $locale->era_narrow;
my $str = $locale->era_wide;
my $str = $locale->first_day_of_week;
my $str = $locale->format_for( 'yMEd' );
my $str = $locale->gmt_format(0);
my $str = $locale->gmt_format(3600);
my $str = $locale->gmt_format(-3600);
my $str = $locale->gmt_format(-3600, width => 'short');
my $str = $locale->gmt_format(-3600, { width => 'short' });
# Alias for method 'code'
my $obj = $locale->id;
my $array = $locale->interval_format( GyMEd => 'd' );
my $hashref = $locale->interval_formats;
my $greatest_diff = $locale->interval_greatest_diff( $datetime_object_1, $datetime_object_2 );
my $str = $locale->language;
my $str = $locale->language_code;
# Alias for method 'language_code'
my $str = $locale->language_id;
# Locale::Unicode object
my $obj = $locale->locale;
# Equivalent to $locale->locale->as_string
my $str = $locale->locale_as_string;
# As per standard, it falls back to 'wide' format if it is not available
my $str = $locale->metazone_daylight_long( metazone => 'Taipei' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_daylight_short( metazone => 'Taipei' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_generic_long( metazone => 'Taipei' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_generic_short( metazone => 'Taipei' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_standard_long( metazone => 'Taipei' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_standard_short( metazone => 'Taipei' );
my $str = $locale->month_format_abbreviated;
my $str = $locale->month_format_narrow;
my $str = $locale->month_format_wide;
my $str = $locale->month_stand_alone_abbreviated;
my $str = $locale->month_stand_alone_narrow;
my $str = $locale->month_stand_alone_wide;
# Language name in English. Here: Japanese
my $str = $locale->name;
# Alias for the method 'native_name'
my $str = $locale->native_language;
# Language name in the locale's original language. Here: 日本語
my $str = $locale->native_name;
# The local's script name in the locale's original language. Here: カタカナ
my $str = $locale->native_script;
# The local's territory name in the locale's original language. Here: 日本
my $str = $locale->native_territory;
# The local's variant name in the locale's original language. Here: undef since there is none
my $str = $locale->native_variant;
my $str = $locale->native_variants;
# Returns 1 or 0
my $bool = $locale->prefers_24_hour_time;
my $str = $locale->quarter_format_abbreviated;
my $str = $locale->quarter_format_narrow;
my $str = $locale->quarter_format_wide;
my $str = $locale->quarter_stand_alone_abbreviated;
my $str = $locale->quarter_stand_alone_narrow;
my $str = $locale->quarter_stand_alone_wide;
# The locale's script name in English. Here: Katakana
my $str = $locale->script;
# The locale's script ID, if any. Here: Kana
my $str = $locale->script_code;
# Alias for method 'script_code'
my $str = $locale->script_id;
# The locale's territory name in English. Here: Japan
my $str = $locale->territory;
# The locale's territory ID, if any. Here: JP
my $str = $locale->territory_code;
# Alias for method 'territory_code'
my $str = $locale->territory_id;
my $str = $locale->time_format_default;
my $str = $locale->time_format_full;
my $str = $locale->time_format_long;
my $str = $locale->time_format_medium;
my $str = $locale->time_format_short;
# Time patterns for 'full', 'long', 'medium', and 'short' formats
my $array = $locale->time_formats;
my $str = $locale->timezone_city( timezone => 'Asia/Tokyo' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_fallback;
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_gmt;
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_gmt_zero;
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_hour;
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_region;
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_region_daylight;
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_region_standard;
my $str = $locale->timezone_daylight_long( timezone => 'Europe/London' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_daylight_short( timezone => 'Europe/London' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_generic_long( timezone => 'Europe/London' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_generic_short( timezone => 'Europe/London' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_standard_long( timezone => 'Europe/London' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_standard_short( timezone => 'Europe/London' );
# The locale's variant name, if any, in English. Here undef, because there is none
my $str = $locale->variant;
# The locale's variant ID, if any. Here undef, since there is none
my $str = $locale->variant_code;
# Alias for method 'variant_code'
my $str = $locale->variant_id;
my $array = $locale->variants;
# The CLDR data version. For example: 45.0
my $str = $locale->version;

# To get DateTime to use DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR for the locale data
my $dt = DateTime->now(
    locale => DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' ),

Enabling fatal exceptions:

use v5.34;
use experimental 'try';
no warnings 'experimental';
    my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en', fatal => 1 );
    # Missing the 'offset' argument
    my $str = $locale->format_gmt;
    # More code
catch( $e )
    say "Oops: ", $e->message;

Or, you could set the global variable $FATAL_EXCEPTIONS instead:

use v5.34;
use experimental 'try';
no warnings 'experimental';
$DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR::FATAL_EXCEPTIONS = 1;
    my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
    # Missing the 'offset' argument
    my $str = $locale->format_gmt;
    # More code
catch( $e )
    say "Oops: ", $e->message;




This is a powerful replacement for DateTime::Locale and DateTime::Locale::FromData that use static data from over 1,000 pre-generated modules, whereas DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR builds a locale object to access its Unicode CLDR (Common Locale Data Repository) data from SQLite data made available with Locale::Unicode::Data

It provides the same API as DateTime::Locale, but in a dynamic way. This is important since in the Unicode LDML specifications, a locale inherits from its parent's data.

Once a data is retrieved by a method, it is cached to avoid waste of time.

It also adds a few methods to access the locale at time patterns, such as date_at_time_format_full, and native_variants

It also provides key support for day period

It also provides support for interval datetime, and a method to find the greatest datetime difference element between 2 datetimes, as well as a method to get all the available format patterns for intervals, and a method to retrieve the components of an specific interval patterns

It adds the short format for day missing in DateTime::Locale::FromData

Note that in CLDR parlance, there are standard pattern formats. For example full, long, medium, short or also abbreviated, short, wide, narrow providing various level of conciseness.



# Japanese as spoken in Japan
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-JP' ) ||
    die( DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->error );
# Okinawan as spoken in Japan Southern islands
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ryu-Kana-JP-t-de-t0-und-x0-medical' ) ||
    die( DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->error );

use Locale::Unicode;
my $loc = Locale::Unicode->new( 'fr-FR' );
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( $loc ) ||
    die( DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->error );

Specifying a calendar ID other than the default gregorian:

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-JP', calendar => 'japanese' ) ||
    die( DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->error );

or, using an hash reference:

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-JP', { calendar => 'japanese' } ) ||
    die( DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->error );

Instantiate a new DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR object based on a locale provided, and returns it. By default, it uses the calendar gregorian, but you can specify a different one with the calendar option.

You can provide any locale, even complex one as shown above, and only its core part will be retained. So, for example:

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ryu-Kana-JP-t-de-t0-und-x0-medical' ) ||
    die( DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->error );
say $locale; # ryu-Kana-JP

If an error occurs, it sets an exception object and returns undef in scalar context, or an empty list in list context, or possibly a special DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR::NullObject in object context. See "error" for more information.

The object is overloaded and stringifies into the core part of the original string provided upon instantiation.

The core part is comprised of the language ID, an optional script ID, an optional territory ID and zero or multiple variant IDs. See Locale::Unicode and the LDML specifications for more information.


All methods are read-only unless stated otherwise.


This is an alias for am_pm_format_abbreviated


my $array = $locale->am_pm_format_abbreviated;

Returns an array reference of the terms used to represent am and pm

The array reference could be empty if the locale does not support specifying am/pm

For example:

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $ampm = $locale->am_pm_abbreviated
say @$ampm; # AM, PM

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja' );
my $ampm = $locale->am_pm_abbreviated
say @$ampm; # 午前, 午後

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
my $ampm = $locale->am_pm_abbreviated
say @$ampm; # Empty

See "calendar_term" in Locale::Unicode::Data


Same as am_pm_format_abbreviated, but returns the narrow format of the AM/PM terms.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->am_pm_format_narrow;


Same as am_pm_format_abbreviated, but returns the wide format of the AM/PM terms.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->am_pm_format_wide;


Same as am_pm_format_abbreviated, but returns the abbreviated stand-alone format of the AM/PM terms.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->am_pm_standalone_abbreviated;


Same as am_pm_format_abbreviated, but returns the narrow stand-alone format of the AM/PM terms.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->am_pm_standalone_narrow;


Same as am_pm_format_abbreviated, but returns the wide stand-alone format of the AM/PM terms.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->am_pm_standalone_wide;


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->available_formats;

Returns an array reference of all the format ID available for this locale

See "calendar_available_format" in Locale::Unicode::Data


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $ref = $locale->available_format_patterns;

Returns an hash reference of all the available format ID to their corresponding pattern for the locale

See "calendar_available_format" in Locale::Unicode::Data


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-Kana-JP', calendar => 'japanese' ) ||
    die( DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->error );
my $str = $locale->calendar; # japanese
$locale->calendar( 'gregorian' );

Sets or gets the calendar ID used to perform queries along with the given locale


my $obj = $locale->code;

Returns the Locale::Unicode object either received or created upon object instantiation.


my $str = $locale->date_at_time_format_full;

Returns the full date at time pattern

For example:

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->date_at_time_format_full;
# EEEE, MMMM d, y 'at' h:mm:ss a zzzz
# Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 1:26:38 AM UTC

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
say $locale->date_at_time_format_full;
# EEEE d MMMM y 'à' HH:mm:ss zzzz
# mardi 23 juillet 2024 à 01:27:11 UTC


Same as date_at_time_format_full, but returns the long format pattern.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->date_at_time_format_long;
# MMMM d, y 'at' h:mm:ss a z
# July 23, 2024 at 1:26:11 AM UTC


Same as date_at_time_format_full, but returns the medium format pattern.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->date_at_time_format_medium;
# MMM d, y 'at' h:mm:ss a
# Jul 23, 2024 at 1:25:43 AM


Same as date_at_time_format_full, but returns the short format pattern.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->date_at_time_format_short;
# M/d/yy 'at' h:mm a
# 7/23/24 at 1:25 AM


This is an alias to date_format_medium


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->date_format_full;
# EEEE, MMMM d, y
# Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Returns the full date pattern

See also "calendar_format_l10n" in Locale::Unicode::Data


Same as date_format_full, but returns the long format pattern.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->date_format_long;
# MMMM d, y
# July 23, 2024


Same as date_format_full, but returns the medium format pattern.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->date_format_long;
# MMM d, y
# Jul 23, 2024


Same as date_format_full, but returns the short format pattern.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->date_format_short;
# M/d/yy
# 7/23/24


my $now = DateTime->now( locale => 'en' );
my $ref = $locale->date_formats;
foreach my $type ( sort( keys( %$ref ) ) )
    say $type, ":";
    say $ref->{ $type };
    say $now->format_cldr( $ref->{ $type } ), "\n";

Would produce:

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

MMMM d, y
July 23, 2024

MMM d, y
Jul 23, 2024


Returns an hash reference with the keys being: full, long, medium, short and their value the result of their associated date format methods.


This is an alias for datetime_format_medium


This is also an alias for datetime_format_medium


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->datetime_format_full;
# EEEE, MMMM d, y, h:mm:ss a zzzz
# Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 1:53:27 AM UTC

Returns the full datetime pattern

See also "calendar_datetime_format" in Locale::Unicode::Data


Same as datetime_format_full, but returns the long format pattern.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->datetime_format_long;
# MMMM d, y, h:mm:ss a z
# July 23, 2024, 1:57:02 AM UTC


Same as datetime_format_full, but returns the medium format pattern.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->datetime_format_medium;
# MMM d, y, h:mm:ss a
# Jul 23, 2024, 2:03:16 AM


Same as datetime_format_full, but returns the short format pattern.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->datetime_format_short;
# M/d/yy, h:mm a
# 7/23/24, 2:04 AM


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $days = $locale->day_format_abbreviated;
say @$days;
# Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

Returns an array reference of week day names abbreviated format with Monday first and Sunday last.

See also "calendar_term" in Locale::Unicode::Data


Same as day_format_abbreviated, but returns the narrow format days.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $days = $locale->day_format_abbreviated;
say @$days;
# M, T, W, T, F, S, S


Same as day_format_abbreviated, but returns the short format days.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $days = $locale->day_format_short;
say @$days;
# Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su


Same as day_format_abbreviated, but returns the wide format days.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $days = $locale->day_format_wide;
say @$days;
# Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2024, hour => 7 );
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->day_period_format_abbreviated( $dt );
# in the morning

my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2024, hour => 13 );
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->day_period_format_abbreviated( $dt );
# in the afternoon

my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2024, hour => 7 );
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-Kana-JP' );
say $locale->day_period_format_abbreviated( $dt );
# 朝
# which means "morning" in Japanese

my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2024, hour => 13 );
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
say $locale->day_period_format_abbreviated( $dt );
# après-midi

Returns a string representing the localised expression of the period of day the DateTime object provided is.

If nothing relevant could be found somehow, this will return an empty string. undef is returned only if an error occurred.

This is used to provide the relevant value for the token B or b in the Unicode LDML format patterns

See also "calendar_term" in Locale::Unicode::Data, "day_period" in Locale::Unicode::Data and DateTime::Format::Unicode


Same as day_period_format_abbreviated, but returns the narrow format of day period.

my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2024, hour => 7 );
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->day_period_format_narrow( $dt );
# in the morning


Same as day_period_format_abbreviated, but returns the wide format of day period.

my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2024, hour => 7 );
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->day_period_format_wide( $dt );
# in the morning


my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2024, hour => 7 );
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->day_period_stand_alone_abbreviated( $dt );
# morning

my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2024, hour => 13 );
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->day_period_stand_alone_abbreviated( $dt );
# afternoon

my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2024, hour => 7 );
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-Kana-JP' );
say $locale->day_period_stand_alone_abbreviated( $dt );
# ""

The previous example would yield nothing, and as per the LDML specifications, you would need to use the localised AM/PM instead.

my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2024, hour => 13 );
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
say $locale->day_period_stand_alone_abbreviated( $dt );
# ap.m.

Returns a string representing the localised expression of the period of day the DateTime object provided is.

If nothing relevant could be found somehow, this will return an empty string. undef is returned only if an error occurred.

This is used to provide a stand-alone word that can be used as a title, or in a different context.

See also "calendar_term" in Locale::Unicode::Data, "day_period" in Locale::Unicode::Data and DateTime::Format::Unicode


Same as day_period_stand_alone_abbreviated, but returns the narrow stand-alone version of the day period.

my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2024, hour => 13 );
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
say $locale->day_period_stand_alone_narrow( $dt );
# ap.m.


Same as day_period_stand_alone_abbreviated, but returns the wide stand-alone version of the day period.

my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2024, hour => 13 );
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
say $locale->day_period_stand_alone_wide( $dt );
# après-midi


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $hash = $locale->day_periods;
# Would return an hash reference like:
    midnight => ["00:00", "00:00"],
    morning1 => ["06:00", "12:00"],
    noon => ["12:00", "12:00"],
    afternoon1 => ["12:00", "18:00"],
    evening1 => ["18:00", "21:00"],
    night1 => ["21:00", "06:00"],

Returns an hash reference of day period token and values of 2-elements array (start time and end time in hours and minutes)


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $days = $locale->day_stand_alone_abbreviated;
say @$days;
# Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

Returns an array reference of week day names in abbreviated format with Monday first and Sunday last.

This is often identical to the format type.

See the LDML specifications for more information on the difference between the format and stand-alone types.


Same as day_stand_alone_abbreviated, but returns the narrow format days.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $days = $locale->day_stand_alone_narrow;
say @$days;
# M, T, W, T, F, S, S


Same as day_stand_alone_abbreviated, but returns the short format days.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $days = $locale->day_stand_alone_short;
say @$days;
# Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su


Same as day_stand_alone_abbreviated, but returns the wide format days.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $days = $locale->day_stand_alone_wide;
say @$days;
# Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday


This returns the string medium


This returns the string medium


my $array = $locale->era_abbreviated;
say @$array;
# BC, AD

Returns an array reference of era names in abbreviated format.

See also "calendar_eras_l10n" in Locale::Unicode::Data


Same as era_abbreviated, but returns the narrow format eras.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->era_narrow;
say @$array;
# B, A


Same as era_abbreviated, but returns the wide format eras.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->era_wide;
say @$array;
# Before Christ, Anno Domini


Used as a mutator, this sets an exception object and returns an DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR::NullObject in object context (such as when chaining), or undef in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.

The DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR::NullObject class prevents the perl error of Can't call method "%s" on an undefined value (see perldiag). Upon the last method chained, undef is returned in scalar context or an empty list in list context.


$cldr->fatal(1); # Enable fatal exceptions
$cldr->fatal(0); # Disable fatal exceptions
my $bool = $cldr->fatal;

Sets or get the boolean value, whether to die upon exception, or not. If set to true, then instead of setting an exception object, this module will die with an exception object. You can catch the exception object then after using try. For example:

use v.5.34; # to be able to use try-catch blocks in perl
use experimental 'try';
no warnings 'experimental';
    my $cldr = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en', fatal => 1 );
    # Forgot the 'offset':
    my $str = $locale->format_gmt;
catch( $e )
    say "Error occurred: ", $e->message;
    # Error occurred: No value for width was provided.


my $integer = $locale->first_day_of_week;

Returns an integer ranging from 1 to 7 where 1 means Monday and 7 means Sunday.

This represents what is the first day of the week for this locale

Since the information on the first day of the week pertains to a territory, if the locale you provided does not have such information, this method will find out the likely subtag to get the locale's rightful territory

See the LDML specifications about likely subtags for more information.

For example:

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );

Since there is no territory associated, this will look up the likely subtag to find the target locale is en-Latn-US, and thus the territory for en is US and first day of the week is 7

Another example:

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr-Latn' );

This will ultimately get the territory FR and first day of the week is 1

# Okinawan as spoken in the Japanese Southern islands
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ryu' );

This will become ryu-Kana-JP and thus the territory would be JP and first day of the week is 7

This information is cached in the current object, like for all the other methods in this API.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $pattern = $locale->format_for( 'Bhm' );

Provided with the format ID of an available format and this will return the localised CLDR pattern.

Keep in mind that the CLDR formatting method of DateTime does not recognise all the CLDR pattern tokens. Thus, for example, if you chose the standard available pattern Bhm, this method would return the localised pattern h:mm B. However, DateTime does not understand the token B

my $now = DateTime->now( locale => "en", time_zone => "Asia/Tokyo" );
# Assuming $now = 2024-07-23T21:39:39
say $now->format_cldr( 'h:mm B' );
# 9:39 B

But B is the day period, which can be looked up with "day_period" in Locale::Unicode::Data, which provides us with the day period token night1, which itself can be looked up with "calendar_term" in Locale::Unicode::Data and gives us the localised string at night. Thus the proper CLDR formatting really should be 9:39 at night

You can use DateTime::Format::Unicode instead of the default DateTime CLDR formatting if you want to get better support for all CLDR pattern tokens.

With Japanese:

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja' );
my $pattern = $locale->format_for( 'Bhm' );
# BK:mm
my $now = DateTime->now( locale => "ja", time_zone => "Asia/Tokyo" );
say $now->format_cldr( 'BK:mm' );
# B9:54

But, this should have yielded: 夜9:54 instead.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
# Get the offset in seconds from the UTC
my $offset = $dt->offset;
my $str = $locale->gmt_format( $offset );
# The 'width' is 'long' by default
my $str = $locale->gmt_format( $offset, width => 'short' );

This returns a localised and formatted GMT timezone given an offset in seconds of the datetime from UTC.

For example:

  • GMT

  • UTC

  • Гринуич

Optionally, you can provide the width option that may have the value long (default), or short

If the offset is 0, meaning this is the GMT time, then the localised representation of GMT is returned using timezone_format_gmt_zero, otherwise it will use the GMT format provided by timezone_format_gmt and timezone_format_hour for the formatting of the hours, minutes and possibly seconds.

Also, if the option width is provided with a value short, then the GMT hours, minutes, seconds formatting will not be zero padded.

For example:

  • GMT+03:30


  • GMT+3:30


  • UTC-03.00


  • UTC-3


  • Гринуич+03:30


See the LDML specifications for more information.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->format_timezone_location( timezone => 'Europe/Rome' );
# "Italy Time"
my $str = $locale->format_timezone_location( timezone => 'America/Buenos_Aires' );
# "Buenos Aires Time"

Returns a properly formatted timezone based on the locale and the given timezone provided in an hash or hash reference.

Note that, if the given timezone is, what is called by the LDML specifications, a "Golden Time Zone", then it represents a territory, and the localised territory name is used instead of the localised exemplar city for that timezone. For example:

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->format_timezone_location( timezone => 'Asia/Taipei' );

would yield Taiwan Time, because Asia/Taipei is the primary timezone for Taiwan.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja' );
my $str = $locale->format_timezone_non_location(
    timezone => 'America/Los_Angeles',
    type => 'standard',
# アメリカ太平洋標準時
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->format_timezone_non_location(
    timezone => 'America/Vancouver',
    type => 'standard',
# Pacific Time (Canada)
my $str = $locale->format_timezone_non_location(
    timezone => 'America/Phoenix',
    type => 'standard',
# Mountain Time (Phoenix)
my $str = $locale->format_timezone_non_location(
    timezone => 'America/Whitehorse',
    type => 'standard',
# Pacific Time (Whitehorse)

Returns a properly formatted timezone based on the locale, the given timezone and the type provided in an hash or hash reference.

This is using a complexe algorithm defined by the LDML specifications

The type can only be generic, standard, or daylight:

  • generic

    Quoting from the LDML specifications, "[t]he generic time is so-called wall-time; what clocks use when they are correctly switched from standard to daylight time at the mandated time of the year.". See here too.

    Quoting from the LDML specifications:

    • Generic non-location format

      Reflects "wall time" (what is on a clock on the wall): used for recurring events, meetings, or anywhere people do not want to be overly specific. For example, 10 am Pacific Time will be GMT-8 in the winter, and GMT-7 in the summer.

      For example:

      • Pacific Time (long)

      • PT (short)

    • Generic partial location format

      Reflects "wall time": used as a fallback format when the generic non-location format is not specific enough.

      For example:

      • Pacific Time (Canada) (long)

      • PT (Whitehorse) (short)

    • Generic location format

      Reflects "wall time": a primary function of this format type is to represent a time zone in a list or menu for user selection of time zone. It is also a fallback format when there is no translation for the generic non-location format. Times can also be organized hierarchically by country for easier lookup.

      For example:

      • France Time

      • Italy Time

      • Japan Time

      • United States

        • Chicago Time

        • Denver Time

        • Los Angeles Time

        • New York Time

      • United Kingdom Time

    Note that "[a] generic location format is constructed by a part of time zone ID representing an exemplar city name or its country as the final fallback."

    See also the LDML specifications

  • standard or daylight

    "Reflects a specific standard or daylight time, which may or may not be the wall time. For example, 10 am Pacific Standard Time will be GMT-8 in the winter and in the summer."

    For example:

    • Pacific Standard Time (long)

    • PST (short)

    • Pacific Daylight Time (long)

    • PDT (short)


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $bool = $locale->has_dst( 'Asia/Tokyo' );
# 0
my $bool = $locale->has_dst( 'America/Los_Angeles' );
# 1

Returns true if the given timezone is using daylight saving time, and false otherwise.

The result is cached to ensure repeating calls for the same timezone are returned even faster.

If an error occurred, this will set an exception object, and returns undef in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.

How does it work? Very simply, this generates a DateTime object based on the current year and given timezone both for January 1st and July 1st, and get the timezone offset for each. If they do not match, the timezone has daylight saving time.


This is an alias for locale


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->interval_format( GyMEd => 'G' );
# ["E, M/d/y G", " – ", "E, M/d/y G", "E, M/d/y G – E, M/d/y G"]
my $array = $locale->interval_format( GyMEd => 'M' );
# ["E, M/d/y", " – ", "E, M/d/y G", "E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y G"]
my $array = $locale->interval_format( GyMEd => 'd' );
# ["E, M/d/y", " – ", "E, M/d/y G", "E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y G"]
my $array = $locale->interval_format( GyMEd => 'y' );
# ["E, M/d/y", " – ", "E, M/d/y G", "E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y G"]

Provided with a format ID and a greatest difference token, and this will return an array reference composed of the following 4 elements:

1. the first part
2. the separator
3. the second part
4. the full interval pattern

If nothing is found for the given format ID and greatest difference token, an empty array reference will be returned.

If an error occurred, this will set an error object and return undef in scalar context and an empty list.

With DateTime::Format::Unicode, you can do something like:

my $fmt = DateTime::Format::Unicode->new(
    pattern => 'GyMEd',
    locale  => 'en',
my $str = $fmt->format_interval( $dt1, $dt2 );

This will use this method interval_format

If nothing is found, you can use the fallback pattern, which is something like this (varies from locale to locale): {0} - {1}

my $array = $locale->interval_format( default => 'default' );
# ["{0}", " - ", "{1}", "{0} - {1}"]

However, note that not all locales have a fallback pattern, so even the query above may return an empty array.

For example, as of version 45.0 (2024) of the CLDR data:

# German:
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'de' );
my $array = $locale->interval_format( default => 'default' );
# []

# French:
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
my $array = $locale->interval_format( default => 'default' );
# []

# Italian:
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'it' );
my $array = $locale->interval_format( default => 'default' );
# []


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $ref = $locale->interval_formats;

This would return something like:

    Bh => [qw( B h )],
    Bhm => [qw( B h m )],
    d => ["d"],
    default => ["default"],
    Gy => [qw( G y )],
    GyM => [qw( G M y )],
    GyMd => [qw( d G M y )],
    GyMEd => [qw( d G M y )],
    GyMMM => [qw( G M y )],
    GyMMMd => [qw( d G M y )],
    GyMMMEd => [qw( d G M y )],
    H => ["H"],
    h => [qw( a h )],
    hm => [qw( a h m )],
    Hm => [qw( H m )],
    hmv => [qw( a h m )],
    Hmv => [qw( H m )],
    Hv => ["H"],
    hv => [qw( a h )],
    M => ["M"],
    Md => [qw( d M )],
    MEd => [qw( d M )],
    MMM => ["M"],
    MMMd => [qw( d M )],
    MMMEd => [qw( d M )],
    y => ["y"],
    yM => [qw( M y )],
    yMd => [qw( d M y )],
    yMEd => [qw( d M y )],
    yMMM => [qw( M y )],
    yMMMd => [qw( d M y )],
    yMMMEd => [qw( d M y )],
    yMMMM => [qw( M y )],

Returns an hash reference of all available interval format IDs and their associated greatest difference token

The default interval format pattern is something like {0} – {1}, but this changes depending on the locale and is not always available.

{0} is the placeholder for the first datetime and {1} is the placeholder for the second one.

See "interval_formats" in Locale::Unicode::Data


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $diff = $locale->interval_greatest_diff( $dt1, $dt2 );

Provided with 2 DateTime objects, and this will compute the greatest difference.

Quoting from the LDML specifications:

"The data supplied in CLDR requires the software to determine the calendar field with the greatest difference before using the format pattern. For example, the greatest difference in "Jan 10-12, 2008" is the day field, while the greatest difference in "Jan 10 - Feb 12, 2008" is the month field. This is used to pick the exact pattern."

If both DateTime objects are identical, this will return an empty string.

If an error occurred, an exception object is set and undef is returned in scalar context, and an empty list in list context.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2024, month => 7, day => 1, time_zone => 'Asia/Tokyo' );
my $bool = $locale->is_dst( $dt );
# 0
my $dt = DateTime->new( year => 2024, month => 7, day => 1, time_zone => 'America/Los_Angeles' );
my $bool = $locale->is_dst( $dt );
# 1

Returns true if the given timezone is using daylight saving time, and false otherwise.

The result is cached to ensure repeating calls for the same timezone are returned even faster.

If an error occurred, this will set an exception object, and returns undef in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.

How does it work? Very simply, this generates a DateTime object based on the current year and given timezone both for January 1st and July 1st, and get the timezone offset for each. If they do not match, the timezone has daylight saving time.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $bool = $locale->is_ltr;
# 1

# Hebrew:
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'he' );
my $bool = $locale->is_ltr;
# 0

Returns true if the locale is written left-to-right, or false otherwise.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $bool = $locale->is_ltr;
# 0

# Hebrew:
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'he' );
my $bool = $locale->is_ltr;
# 1

Returns true if the locale is written right-to-left, or false otherwise.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja' );
my $str = $locale->language;
# Japanese

Returns the name of the locale in English


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-Kana-JP' );
my $str = $locale->language_code;
# ja
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ryu-JP' );
my $str = $locale->language_code;
# ryu

Returns the language ID part of the locale


This is an alias for language_code


Returns the current Locale::Unicode object used in the current object.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->locale_number_system;
# ["latn", ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]]
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ar' );
my $array = $locale->locale_number_system;
# ["arab", ["٠","١","٢","٣","٤","٥","٦","٧","٨","٩"]]

This returns array reference containing 2 elements for the locale, crawling along the inheritance tree until it finds a proper match:

0. the numbering system

For example: latn

1. an array reference of digits, starting from 0, in the locale's own writing.

For example: ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_daylight_long( metazone => 'Atlantic' );
# Atlantic Daylight Time
# America/Guadeloupe

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_daylight_long( metazone => 'Atlantic' );
# heure d’été de l’Atlantique

This returns the localised metazone name for the daylight saving time mode and long format for the given metazone ID.

If nothing can be found, an empty string is returned.

If an error occurred, an exception object is set, and undef is returned in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_daylight_short( metazone => 'Atlantic' );

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_daylight_short( metazone => 'Atlantic' );

This returns the localised metazone name for the daylight saving time mode and short format for the given metazone ID.

If nothing can be found, an empty string is returned.

If an error occurred, an exception object is set, and undef is returned in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_generic_long( metazone => 'Atlantic' );
# Atlantic Time

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_generic_long( metazone => 'Atlantic' );
# heure de l’Atlantique

This returns the localised metazone name for the generic time and long format for the given metazone ID.

If nothing can be found, an empty string is returned.

If an error occurred, an exception object is set, and undef is returned in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_generic_short( metazone => 'Atlantic' );
# AT

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_generic_short( metazone => 'Atlantic' );
# HA

This returns the localised metazone name for the generic time and short format for the given metazone ID.

If nothing can be found, an empty string is returned.

If an error occurred, an exception object is set, and undef is returned in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_standard_long( metazone => 'Atlantic' );
# Atlantic Standard Time

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_standard_long( metazone => 'Atlantic' );
# heure normale de l’Atlantique

This returns the localised metazone name for the standard time and long format for the given metazone ID.

If nothing can be found, an empty string is returned.

If an error occurred, an exception object is set, and undef is returned in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_standard_short( metazone => 'Atlantic' );

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
my $str = $locale->metazone_standard_short( metazone => 'Atlantic' );

This returns the localised metazone name for the standard time and short format for the given metazone ID.

If nothing can be found, an empty string is returned.

If an error occurred, an exception object is set, and undef is returned in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->month_format_abbreviated;
say @$array;
# Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec

Returns an array reference of month names in abbreviated format from January to December.

See also "calendar_term" in Locale::Unicode::Data


Same as month_format_abbreviated, but returns the months in narrow format.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->month_format_narrow;
say @$array;
# J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D


Same as month_format_abbreviated, but returns the months in wide format.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->month_format_wide;
say @$array;
# January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->month_stand_alone_abbreviated;
say @$array;
# Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec

Returns an array reference of month names in abbreviated stand-alone format from January to December.

See also "calendar_term" in Locale::Unicode::Data

Note that there is often little difference between the format and stand-alone format types.

See the LDML specifications for more information on the difference between the format and stand-alone types.


Same as month_stand_alone_abbreviated, but returns the months in narrow format.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->month_stand_alone_narrow;
say @$array;
# J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D


Same as month_format_abbreviated, but returns the months in wide format.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->month_stand_alone_wide;
say @$array;
# January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
say $locale->name; # French

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr-CH' );
say $locale->name; # Swiss French

The locale's name in English.

See also native_name


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr-CH' );
say $locale->native_language; # français

Returns the locale's language name as written in the locale own language.

If nothing can be found, it will return an empty string.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr-CH' );
say $locale->native_name; # français suisse

Returns the locale's name as written in the locale own language.

If nothing can be found, it will return an empty string.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr-Latn-CH' );
say $locale->native_script; # latin

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
say $locale->native_script; # undef

Returns the locale's script name as written in the locale own language.

If there is no script specified in the locale, it will return undef

If there is a script in the locale, but, somehow, it cannot be found in the locale's own language tree, it will return an empty string.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr-CH' );
say $locale->native_territory; # Suisse

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
say $locale->native_territory; # undef

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en-Latn-003' );
say $locale->native_territory; # North America

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en-XX' );
say $locale->native_territory; # ''

Returns the locale's territory name as written in the locale own language.

If there is no territory specified in the locale, it will return undef

If there is a territory in the locale, but, somehow, it cannot be found in the locale's own language tree, it will return an empty string.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'es-valencia' );
say $locale->native_variant; # Valenciano

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'es' );
say $locale->native_variant; # undef

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en-Latn-005' );
say $locale->native_variant; # undef

Returns the locale's variant name as written in the locale own language.

If there is no variant specified in the locale, it will return undef, and if there is more than one variant it will return the value for the first one only. To get the values for all variants, use native_variants

If there is a variant in the locale, but, somehow, it cannot be found in the locale's own language tree, it will return an empty string.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-Latn-fonipa-hepburn-heploc' );
say $locale->native_variants;
# ["IPA Phonetics", "Hepburn romanization", ""]

Here, heploc is an empty string in the array, because it is a deprecated variant, and as such there is no localised name value for it in the CLDR data.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'es' );
say $locale->native_variants; # []

Returns an array reference of each of the locale's variant subtag name as written in the locale own language.

If there is no variant specified in the locale, it will return an empty array.

If a variant subtag cannot be found in the locale's own language tree, then an empty string will be set in the array instead.

Either way, the size of the array will always be equal to the number of variants in the locale


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ar-EG' );
say $locale->number_system;
# arab

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja' );
say $locale->number_system;
# latn

Returns a string representing the number system for the locale


This checks whether the locale prefers the 24H format or the 12H one and returns true (1) if it prefers the 24 hours format or false (0) otherwise.

How it finds out? It pulls the preferred time format from the CLDR data by calling time_format_preferred, and from there returns true (1) if the value is either H or k, or else false (0).


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->quarter_format_abbreviated;
say @$array;
# Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4

Returns an array reference of quarter names in abbreviated format.

See also "calendar_term" in Locale::Unicode::Data


Same as quarter_format_abbreviated, but returns the quarters in narrow format.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->quarter_format_narrow;
say @$array;
# 1, 2, 3, 4


Same as quarter_format_abbreviated, but returns the quarters in wide format.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->quarter_format_wide;
say @$array;
# 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter, 4th quarter


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->quarter_stand_alone_abbreviated;
say @$array;
# Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4

Returns an array reference of quarter names in abbreviated format.

See also "calendar_term" in Locale::Unicode::Data

Note that there is often little difference between the format and stand-alone format types.

See the LDML specifications for more information on the difference between the format and stand-alone types.


Same as quarter_stand_alone_abbreviated, but returns the quarters in narrow format.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->quarter_stand_alone_narrow;
say @$array;
# 1, 2, 3, 4


Same as quarter_stand_alone_abbreviated, but returns the quarters in wide format.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->quarter_stand_alone_wide;
say @$array;
# 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter, 4th quarter


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-Kana-JP' );
my $str = $locale->script;
# Katakana

Returns the name of the locale's script in English.

If there is no script specified in the locale, it will return undef

If there is a script in the locale, but, somehow, it cannot be found in the en locale's language tree, it will return an empty string.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-Kana-JP' );
my $script = $locale->script_code;
# Kana

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-JP' );
my $script = $locale->script_code;
# undef

Returns the locale's script ID, or undef if there is none.


This is an alias for script_code


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-JP' );
my $script = $locale->territory;
# Japan

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'zh-034' );
my $script = $locale->territory;
# Southern Asia

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $script = $locale->territory;
# undef

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en-XX' );
my $script = $locale->territory;
# ''

Returns the name of the locale's territory in English.

If there is no territory specified in the locale, it will return undef

If there is a territory in the locale, but, somehow, it cannot be found in the en locale's language tree, it will return an empty string.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-JP' );
my $script = $locale->territory_code;
# JP

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-Kana' );
my $script = $locale->territory_code;
# undef

Returns the locale's territory ID, or undef if there is none.


This is an alias for territory_code


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $ref = $locale->territory_info;

which would yield:

    calendars => undef,
    contains => undef,
    currency => "USD",
    first_day => 7,
    gdp => 19490000000000,
    languages => [qw(
        en es zh-Hant fr de fil it vi ko ru nv yi pdc hnj haw
        frc chr esu dak cho lkt ik mus io cic cad jbo osa zh
    literacy_percent => 99,
    min_days => 1,
    parent => "021",
    population => 332639000,
    status => "regular",
    territory => "US",
    territory_id => 297,
    weekend => undef,

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en-GB' );
my $ref = $locale->territory_info;

which would yield:

    calendars => undef,
    contains => undef,
    currency => "GBP",
    first_day => 1,
    gdp => 2925000000000,
    languages => [qw(
        en fr de es pl pa ur ta gu sco cy bn ar zh-Hant it lt pt
        so tr ga gd kw en-Shaw
    literacy_percent => 99,
    min_days => 4,
    parent => 154,
    population => 65761100,
    status => "regular",
    territory => "GB",
    territory_id => 121,
    weekend => undef,

Returns an hash reference of information related to the ISO3166 country code associated with the locale. If the locale has no country code associated, it will expand it using the Unicode LDML rule with "likely_subtag" in Locale::Unicode::Data

Keep in mind that the default or fallback data are stored in the special territory code 001 (World). Thus, for example, if the calendars field is empty, the default value would be in 001, and would be ["gregorian"]


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->time_format_allowed;

Returns an array reference of allowed time patterns for the locale's associated territory. If the locale has no territory associated with, it will check the likely subtag to derive the territory for that locale


This is an alias for time_format_medium


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->time_format_full;
# h:mm:ss a zzzz
# 10:44:07 PM UTC

Returns the full date pattern

See also "calendar_format_l10n" in Locale::Unicode::Data


Same as time_format_full, but returns the long format pattern.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->time_format_long;
# h:mm:ss a z
# 10:44:07 PM UTC


Same as time_format_full, but returns the medium format pattern.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->time_format_medium;
# h:mm:ss a
# 10:44:07 PM


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->time_format_preferred;

Returns a string representing the time preferred pattern for the locale's associated territory. If the locale has no territory associated with, it will check the likely subtag to derive the territory for that locale


Same as time_format_full, but returns the short format pattern.

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->time_format_short;
# h:mm a
# 10:44 PM


my $now = DateTime->now( locale => 'en' );
my $ref = $locale->time_formats;
foreach my $type ( sort( keys( %$ref ) ) )
    say $type, ":";
    say $ref->{ $type };
    say $now->format_cldr( $ref->{ $type } ), "\n";

Would produce:

h:mm:ss a zzzz
10:44:07 PM UTC

h:mm:ss a z
10:44:07 PM UTC

h:mm:ss a
10:44:07 PM

h:mm a
10:44 PM

Returns an hash reference with the keys being: full, long, medium, short and their value the result of their associated time format methods.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_canonical( timezone => 'America/Atka' );
# America/Adak

Returns the canonical version of the given timezone.

The CLDR keeps all timezones, even outdated ones for reliability and consistency, so this method helps switch a given timezone for its canonical counterpart.

If the given timezone is already the canonical one, then it is simply returned.

If none could be found somehow, an empty string would be returned.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_city( timezone => 'America/St_Barthelemy' );
# St. Barthélemy

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_city( timezone => 'America/St_Barthelemy' );
# Saint-Barthélemy

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_city( timezone => 'America/St_Barthelemy' );
# サン・バルテルミー

Returns a string representing the localised version of the exemplar city for a given timezone

If nothing can be found, an empty string is returned.

If an error occurred, an exception object is set, and undef is returned in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_fallback;
# {1} ({0})

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_fallback;
# {1}({0})

Returns the fallback timezone localised format "where {1} is the metazone, and {0} is the country or city." (quoting from the LDML specifications)

Do not assume you can simply use parenthesis to format it yourself, since the format would change depending on the locale used, and even the parenthesis itself varies as shown in the example above with the Japanese language (here a double byte parenthesis).

If nothing can be found, an empty string is returned.

If an error occurred, an exception object is set, and undef is returned in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.

See the LDML specifications for more information.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_gmt;
# GMT{0}

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_gmt;
# UTC{0}

Returns the GMT localised format.

This needs to be used in conjonction with the timezone_format_hour to form a complete localised GMt formatted timezone.

For example:

  • GMT+03:30


  • GMT+3:30


  • UTC-03.00


  • UTC-3


  • Гринуич+03:30


If nothing can be found, an empty string is returned.

If an error occurred, an exception object is set, and undef is returned in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.

See the LDML specifications for more information.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_gmt_zero;

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'fr' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_gmt_zero;

Returns the GMT localised format for when the offset is 0, i.e. when this is a GMT time.

For example:

  • GMT

  • UTC

  • Гринуич

If nothing can be found, an empty string is returned.

If an error occurred, an exception object is set, and undef is returned in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.

See the LDML specifications for more information.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_hour;
# ["+HH:mm", "-HH:mm"]

Returns the GMT format for hour, minute and possibly seconds, as an array reference containing 2 elements:

0. format for positive offset; and
1. format for negative offset.

If nothing can be found, an empty array reference is returned.

If an error occurred, an exception object is set, and undef is returned in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.

See the LDML specifications for more information.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_region;
# {0} Time

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_region;
# {0}時間

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'es' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_region;
# hora de {0}

Returns a string representing the timezone localised regional format, "where {0} is the country or city." (quoting from the LDML specifications)

For example, once formatted, this would yield:

  • Japan Time

  • 日本時間

  • Hora de Japón

If nothing can be found, an empty string is returned.

If an error occurred, an exception object is set, and undef is returned in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_region_daylight;
# {0} Daylight Time

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_region_daylight;
# {0}夏時間

Same as timezone_format_region, but uses the daylight saving time format.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_region_standard;
# {0} Standard Time

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_format_region_standard;
# {0}標準時

Same as timezone_format_region, but uses the daylight saving time format.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_daylight_long( timezone => 'Europe/London' );
# British Summer Time

Returns a string of a localised representation of a given timezone, for the daylight saving time in long format.

If none exists for the given timezone, which may often be the case, you need to use the timezone format methods instead (timezone_format_fallback, timezone_format_gmt, timezone_format_gmt_zero, timezone_format_hour, timezone_format_hour, timezone_format_region, timezone_format_region_daylight, and timezone_format_region_standard)

If nothing can be found, an empty string is returned.

If an error occurred, an exception object is set, and undef is returned in scalar context, or an empty list in list context.

See the LDML specifications for more information.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_daylight_short( timezone => 'Europe/London' );
# ""

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_daylight_short( timezone => 'Pacific/Honolulu' );

Same as timezone_daylight_long, but for the daylight saving time short format.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_generic_long( timezone => 'Europe/London' );
# ""

Same as timezone_daylight_long, but for the generic long format.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_generic_short( timezone => 'Europe/London' );
# ""

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_generic_short( timezone => 'Pacific/Honolulu' );

Same as timezone_daylight_long, but for the generic short format.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $bcp47_id = $locale->timezone_id( timezone => 'America/Los_Angeles' );
# uslax

Provided with a timezone, and this returns its BCP47 time zone ID equivalent.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_standard_long( timezone => 'Europe/London' );
# ""

Same as timezone_daylight_long, but for the standard long format.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_standard_short( timezone => 'Europe/London' );
# ""

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $str = $locale->timezone_standard_short( timezone => 'Pacific/Honolulu' );

Same as timezone_daylight_long, but for the standard short format.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'es-valencia' );
my $script = $locale->variant;
# Valencian

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'es' );
my $script = $locale->variant;
# undef

# No such thing as variant 'klingon'. Language 'tlh' exists though :)
my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en-klingon' );
my $script = $locale->variant;
# ''

Returns the name of the locale's variant in English.

If there is no variant specified in the locale, it will return undef

If there is a variant in the locale, but, somehow, it cannot be found in the en locale's language tree, it will return an empty string.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'es-valencia' );
my $script = $locale->variant_code;
# valencia

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'es-ES' );
my $script = $locale->variant_code;
# undef

Returns the locale's variant ID, or undef if there is none.


This is an alias for variant_code


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'es-valencia' );
my $array = $locale->variants;
# ["valencia"]

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'ja-Latn-fonipa-hepburn-heploc' );
my $array = $locale->variants;
# ["fonipa", "hepburn", "heploc"]

my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
my $array = $locale->variants;
# []

This returns an array reference of variant subtags for this locale, even if there is no variant.


my $locale = DateTime::Locale::FromCLDR->new( 'en' );
say $locale->version; # 45.0

Returns the Unicode CLDR data version number.


Locale::Unicode supports Storable::Improved, Storable, Sereal and CBOR serialisation, by implementing the methods FREEZE, THAW, STORABLE_freeze, STORABLE_thaw

For serialisation with Sereal, make sure to instantiate the Sereal encoder with the freeze_callbacks option set to true, otherwise, Sereal will not use the FREEZE and THAW methods.

See "FREEZE/THAW CALLBACK MECHANISM" in Sereal::Encoder for more information.

For CBOR, it is recommended to use the option allow_sharing to enable the reuse of references, such as:

my $cbor = CBOR::XS->new->allow_sharing;

Also, if you use the option allow_tags with JSON, then all of those modules will work too, since this option enables support for the FREEZE and THAW methods.


Jacques Deguest <>


Locale::Unicode, Locale::Unicode::Data, DateTime::Format::Unicode



Copyright(c) 2024 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.

All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.