HTML::Object::DOM::Document - HTML Object DOM Document Class


use HTML::Object::DOM::Document;
my $doc = HTML::Object::DOM::Document->new || 
    die( HTML::Object::DOM::Document->error, "\n" );




This module represents an HTML document. It inherits from HTML::Object::Document and HTML::Object::DOM::Element

It is the top object in the hierarchy and thus has no parent. It should contain only one child, the html element, and has one associated element, the doctype, which can also be accessed with "declaration"


+------------------------+     +---------------------------+     +-------------------------+     +----------------------------+     +-----------------------------+
| HTML::Object::Element  | --> | HTML::Object::EventTarget | --> | HTML::Object::DOM::Node | --> | HTML::Object::DOM::Element | --> | HTML::Object::DOM::Document |
+------------------------+     +---------------------------+     +-------------------------+     +----------------------------+     +-----------------------------+
  |                                                                                                                                   ^
  |                                                                                                                                   |
  v                                                                                                                                   |
+------------------------+                                                                                                            |
| HTML::Object::Document | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+



Normally this returns undef under perl, but you can set it to whatever element object you want.

Under JavaScript, this returns the element that currently has focus.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns the body node object of the current document.


# Given this HTML: <body id="oldBodyElement"></body>
say($doc->body->id); # "oldBodyElement"

my $aNewBodyElement = $doc->createElement("body");

$aNewBodyElement->id = "newBodyElement";
$doc->body = $aNewBodyElement;
say($doc->body->id); # "newBodyElement"

See also Mozilla documentation


This is read-only.

Returns the character set being used by the document. This is always utf-8

See also Mozilla documentation


This is read-only.

Returns the number of child elements of the current document. This being the top document, it typically contains only 1 element, the <html> tag.

The total number of children is not the same as the number of child nodes.

See also Mozilla documentation


This is read-only.

Returns the child elements of the current document, as an array object.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns undef since this is not relevant under perl.

Normally, it would indicate whether the document is rendered in quirks or strict mode.

See also Mozilla documentation


This is read-only.

Returns the Content-Type from the MIME Header of the current document.

See also Mozilla documentation

Set or get a semicolon-separated list of the cookies for that document or sets a single cookie.

See also Mozilla documentation


Under perl, this does not nor return do anything special, but you can set yourself an HTML::Object::DOM::Element.

Normally, under JavaScript, this returns the currentScript property returns the <script> element whose script is currently being processed and is not a JavaScript module.

See also Mozilla documentation


This returns a reference to the window object.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns true under perl.

Under the web, with JavaScript, this would get/set the ability to edit the whole document.

See also Mozilla documentation


Get or set directionality (rtl/ltr) of the document.

See also Mozilla documentation


This is read-only.

Returns the Document Type Definition (DTD) object of the current document.


my $doctypeObj = $doc->doctype;

    "doctype->name: " . $doctypeObj->name . "\n" +
    "doctype->internalSubset: " . $doctypeObj->internalSubset . "\n" +
    "doctype->publicId: " . $doctypeObj->publicId . "\n" +
    "doctype->systemId: " . $doctypeObj->systemId

See also Mozilla documentation


This is read-only.

Returns the element that is a direct child of the document. For HTML documents, this is normally the HTML Element object representing the document's <html> element.

See also Mozilla documentation


Set or get the document location as a string, if any.

See also Mozilla documentation


This is read-only.

Returns a list, as an html collection object, of the embedded <embed> elements within the current document.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns undef since this is not relevant under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this would return the FeaturePolicy interface which provides a simple API for introspecting the feature policies applied to a specific document.

See also Mozilla documentation


This is read-only.

Returns the first child element of the current document.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns undef since this is not relevant under perl.

Normally, it would return the FontFaceSet interface of the current document.

See also Mozilla documentation


This is read-only.

Returns a list, as an html collection object, of the <form> elements within the current document.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns undef since this is not relevant under perl.

Normally, it would return the element that is currently in full screen mode for this document.

See also Mozilla documentation

This is read-only.

Returns the <head element|HTML::Object::DOM::Head> of the current document, or undef if there is none.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns undef since this is not relevant under perl.

Normally, it would return a boolean value indicating if the page is considered hidden or not.

See also Mozilla documentation


This is read-only.

Returns a list, as an html collection object, of the images in the current document.

See also Mozilla documentation


This returns the DOM implementation object associated with the current document.

See also Mozilla documentation


This is read-only.

Returns the last child element of the current document, which is the root <html> element, the only child of the document.

See also Mozilla documentation


This is read-only.

Returns the date on which the document was last modified, if any, as a DateTime object.

This value exists if the document was read from a file, and it would contain the file last modification time.

See also Mozilla documentation

This is read-only.

Returns a list, as an html collection object, of all the hyperlinks in the document.


my $links = $doc->$links;
for( my $i = 0; $i < $links->length; $i++ )
    my $linkHref = $doc->createTextNode( $links->[$i]->href );
    my $lineBreak = $doc->createElement("br");
    $doc->body->appendChild( $linkHref );
    $doc->body->appendChild( $lineBreak );

See also Mozilla documentation


Set or get the URI of the current document. This is the same as "documentURI"

See also Mozilla documentation


Normally this is returns undef under perl, byt you can set whatever boolean value you want.

Under JavaScript, this returns a boolean that is true only if this document is synthetic, such as a standalone image, video, audio file, or the like.

See also Mozilla documentation


This returns or sets the value of the current node.

For document, element or collection, this returns undef and for attribute, text or comment, this returns the objct value.

See for more information


Read-only. This always returns undef since this is the top element. This is inherited from HTML::Object::DOM::Node


Normally this returns undef under perl, but you can set whatever element object you want.

Under JavaScript, this returns undef since this is not relevant under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this would return the Element currently being presented in picture-in-picture mode in this document.

See also Mozilla documentation


Normally this returns undef under perl, but you can set whatever boolean value you want.

Under JavaScript, this would return true if the picture-in-picture feature is enabled, and false otherwise.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns always an empty collection object since this is not relevant under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this would return a list, as a collection, of the available plugins.

See also Mozilla documentation


Normally this returns undef under perl, but you can set whatever element object you want.

Under JavaScript, this would return the element set as the target for mouse events while the pointer is locked. null if lock is pending, pointer is unlocked, or if the target is in another document.

See also Mozilla documentation


This is read-only.

Returns loading status of the document. This always returns a true value.

The readyState of a document can be one of following:


The document is still loading.


The document has finished loading and the document has been parsed.

There is actually no distinction with the following complete state.


The document and all its resources have finished loading. The state indicates that the load event is about to fire.

This is actually the same state as interactive

See also Mozilla documentation


Set or get the URI of the page that linked to this page.

See also Mozilla documentation


This is read-only.

Returns all the <script elements|HTML::Object::DOM::Element::Script> on the document, as a collection object.

See also Mozilla documentation


Although this is meaningless under perl, you can set or get an element object that scrolls the document.

See also Mozilla documentation


This is read-only.

Returns a list, as an array object, of CSS StyleSheet element objects for stylesheets explicitly linked into, or embedded in a document.

Contrary to the original JavaScript equivalent, this does not return CSSStyleSheet objects, because it would be potentially heavy to parse each css in link and style tags. You could do this yourself by using CSS::Object and looping through each element object returned. For example:

    my $e = shift( @_ );
    if( $e->tag eq 'link' )
        my $resp = $ua->get( $e->attr( 'href' ) );
        die( $resp->message ) if( $resp->is_error );
        my $style = $resp->decoded_content;
        my $css = CSS::Object->new;
        $css->read_string( $style );
            my $rule = shift( @_ );
            # more processing
    elsif( $e->tag eq 'style' )
        my $css = CSS::Object->new;
        $css->read_string( $e->text );
            my $rule = shift( @_ );
            # more processing

or you can use "find" in HTML::Object::XQuery with a xpath selector, such as:

use HTML::Object::XQuery; # Load jQuery style query functions
# $doc is the HTML::Object::Document returned by HTML::Object->parse
my $collection = $doc->find( 'link[rel=""]' ) ||
    die( $doc->error );
    # more processing

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns undef since this is not relevant under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this would return timeline as a special instance of DocumentTimeline that is automatically created on page load.

See also Mozilla documentation


Set or get the title of the current document.

See also Mozilla documentation


Set or get the document location as a string.

See also Mozilla documentation


Normally this returns undef under perl, but you can set whatever string value you want. This returns a scalar object

Under JavaScript, this would return a string denoting the visibility state of the document. Possible values are visible, hidden, prerender, and unloaded.

See also Mozilla documentation



"adoptNode" transfers a node from another document into the method's document. The adopted node and its subtree is removed from its original document (if any), and its ownerDocument is changed to the current document. The node can then be inserted into the current document.

Before they can be inserted into the current document, nodes from external documents should either be:

See also Mozilla documentation


Inserts a set of Node objects or string objects after the last child of the document.

This is inherited from HTML::Object::DOM::Element


my $html = $doc->createElement( 'html' );
$doc->append( $html );
# HierarchyRequestError: The operation would yield an incorrect node tree.

# Also

my $doc = HTML::Object::DOM::Document->new;
my $html = $doc->createElement( 'html');
$doc->append( $html );

$doc->children; # HTMLCollection [<html>]


Provided with one or more nodes and this will add them to the list of this document's children.


Returns a string representation of this document and all its hierarchy.


See "captureEvents" in HTML::Object::DOM::Window.

See also Mozilla documentation


Always returns undef under perl.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns undef since this is not relevant under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this would return a CaretPosition object containing the DOM node containing the caret, and caret's character offset within that node.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns an array object of the document child nodes.

See also Mozilla documentation


The close() method finishes writing to a document, opened with "open".


# Open a document to write to it

# Write the content of the document
$doc->write("<p>The one and only content.</p>");

# Close the document

See also Mozilla documentation



Provided with an argument and this creates a new attribute object and returns it.

The attribute name is converted to lowercase.


my $node = $doc->getElementById( 'div1' );
my $a = $doc->createAttribute( 'my_attrib' );
$a->value = 'newVal';
$node->setAttributeNode( $a );
say( $node->getAttribute( 'my_attrib' ) ); # "newVal"

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns undef since this is not relevant under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this would create a new attribute node in a given namespace and returns it.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns undef since this is not relevant under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this would create a new CDATA node and returns it.

See also Mozilla documentation


Creates a new comment node and returns it.


my $comment = $doc->createComment( 'This is a not-so-secret comment in your document' );
$doc->getElementsByTagName( 'div' )->[0]->appendChild( $comment );
say( $doc->as_string );
# <div><!--This is a not-so-secret $comment in your document--></div>

See also Mozilla documentation


This create a new HTML::Object::DOM::DocumentFragment object, passing its new() constructor whatever argument was provided.

It returns the newly instantiated object.

Document fragments are DOM Node objects which are never part of the main DOM tree. The usual use case is to create the document fragment, append elements to the document fragment and then append the document fragment to the DOM tree. In the DOM tree, the document fragment is replaced by all its children.

Since the document fragment is not part of the main DOM tree, appending children to it does not affect the main tree.


<ul id="ul"></ul>

use Module::Generic::Array;
my $element  = $doc->getElementById('ul'); # assuming ul exists
my $fragment = $doc->createDocumentFragment();
my $browsers = Module::Generic::Array->new( ['Firefox', 'Chrome', 'Opera',
    'Safari', 'Internet Explorer'] );

    my $browser = shift( @_ );
    my $li = $doc->createElement('li');
    $li->textContent = $browser;
    $fragment->appendChild( $li );

$element->appendChild( $fragment );

would yield:

  • Firefox

  • Chrome

  • Opera

  • Safari

  • Internet Explorer

See Mozilla documentation


Provided with a tag name and this creates a new HTML::Object::Element object that is returned.

This methods sets an error and returns undef upon error.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns undef since this is not relevant under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this would create a new element with the given tag name and namespace URI.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns undef since this is not relevant for HTML document. This is used for XML.

This was used to create a new entity reference object and returns it.


$doc->createEntityReference( '&amp' ); # &

See also Mozilla documentation


Creates an event object, passing it whatever arguments were provided, and returns it.


my $event = $doc->createEvent( $type );

# Create the $event.
my $event = $doc->createEvent( 'click' );

# Define that the event name is 'build'.
$event->initEvent( build => { bubbles => 1 });

# Listen for the $event.
$elem->addEventListener( build => sub
    # e->target matches elem
}, { capture => 0 });

# Target can be any Element or other EventTarget.
$elem->dispatchEvent( $event );

See also Mozilla documentation


Compiles an HTML::Object::XPath::Expr which can then be used for (repeated) evaluations. It returns a HTML::Object::DOM::XPathResult object.


my $xpathExpr = $doc->createExpression( $xpathText );
my $result = $xpathExpr->evaluate( $contextNode );

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns undef as XML is not used in HTML::Object

Normally, under JavaScript, this creates an XPathNSResolver object.

See also Mozilla documentation


Creates a HTML::Object::DOM::NodeIterator object.


use Module::Generic::Array;
my $nodeIterator = $doc->createNodeIterator(
        sub acceptNode
            my $node = shift( @_ );
            return( $node->nodeName->toLowerCase() == 'p' ? NodeFilter->FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter->FILTER_REJECT;
my $pars = Module::Generic::Array->new;
my $currentNode;

while( $currentNode = $nodeIterator->nextNode() )
    $pars->push( $currentNode );

See also Mozilla documentation


Creates a new ProcessingInstruction object.


my $doc = HTML::Object::DOM->new->parseFromString('<foo />', 'application/xml');
my $pi = $doc->createProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet', 'href="mycss->css" type="text/css"');

$doc->insertBefore($pi, $doc->firstChild);

say( $doc->as_string );
# Displays: <?xml-stylesheet href="mycss->css" type="text/css"?><foo/>

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns undef under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this creates a Range object.

See also Mozilla documentation


Provided with a text, either as a string, or as a list of strings, and this creates a text node.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns undef under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this creates a Touch object.

Also, this feature is deprecated.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns undef under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this creates a TouchList object.

Also, this feature is deprecated.

See also Mozilla documentation


Creates a TreeWalker object.


use HTML::Object::DOM::NodeFilter qw( :all );
my $treeWalker = $doc->createTreeWalker(
    sub{ return( FILTER_ACCEPT ); },

my $nodeList = Module::Generic::Array->new;
my $currentNode = $treeWalker->currentNode;

while( $currentNode )
    $nodeList->push( $currentNode );
    $currentNode = $treeWalker->nextNode();

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns undef under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this returns the topmost element at the specified coordinates.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns undef under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this returns an array of all elements at the specified coordinates.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns undef under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this enables the style sheets for the specified style sheet set.

See also Mozilla documentation


Evaluates an XPath expression.


my $xpathResult = $doc->evaluate(

my $headings = $doc->evaluate( "/html/body//h2", $document );
# Search the document for all h2 elements.
# The result will likely be an unordered node iterator.
my $thisHeading = $headings->iterateNext();
my $alertText = "Level 2 $headings in this document are:\n";
while( $thisHeading )
    $alertText .= $thisHeading->textContent . "\n";
    $thisHeading = $headings->iterateNext();
say( $alertText ); # print the text of all h2 elements

See also Mozilla documentation


This does absolutely nothing and always returns undef.

This is actually a deprecated feature of the web API.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns undef under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this removes the video from the floating picture-in-picture window back to its original container.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns undef under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this releases the pointer lock.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns the first child from the document list of nodes.

See also Mozilla documentation



Provided with an element id, and this method returns the corresponding element object.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns undef under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this returns an array of all Animation objects currently in effect, whose target elements are descendants of the document.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns undef under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this returns a list of DOMQuad objects representing the CSS fragments of the node.

See also Mozilla documentation


Provided with a string and this returns an element object whose id attribute matches the string specified.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns a list of elements with the given class name.


<span class="orange fruit">Orange Fruit</span>
<span class="orange juice">Orange Juice</span>
<span class="apple juice">Apple Juice</span>
<span class="foo bar">Something Random</span>
<textarea id="resultArea" style="width:98%;height:7em"></textarea>

Another example:

# getElementsByClassName only selects elements that have both given classes
my $allOrangeJuiceByClass = $doc->getElementsByClassName('orange juice');
my $result = "$doc->getElementsByClassName('orange juice')";
for( my $i=0; $i < $allOrangeJuiceByClass->length; $i++ )
    $result .= "\n    " . $allOrangeJuiceByClass->[$i]->textContent;

# querySelector only selects full complete matches
my $allOrangeJuiceQuery = $doc->querySelectorAll('.orange->juice');
$result += "\n\ndocument->querySelectorAll('.orange->juice')";
for( my $i=0; $i < $allOrangeJuiceQuery->length; $i++ )
    $result .= "\n    " . $allOrangeJuiceQuery->[$i]->textContent;

$doc->getElementById( 'resultArea' )->value = $result;

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns a NodeList Collection of elements with a given name attribute in the document.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <title>Example: using getElementsByName</title>
        <input type="hidden" name="up" />
        <input type="hidden" name="down" />

my $up_names = $doc->getElementsByName( 'up' );
say( $up_names->[0]->tagName ); # displays "input"

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns a list of elements with the given tag name.

See also Mozilla documentation


This is merely an alias to "getElementsByTagName" since there is no support for namespace.

Normally, under JavaScript, this returns a list of elements with the given tag name and namespace.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns the current object.


This always returns undef under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this returns a Selection object representing the range of text selected by the user, or the current position of the caret.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns true if the document list of nodes is not empty, false otherwise.

See also Mozilla documentation


Under perl, this always returns true.

Normally, under JavaScript, this returns a boolean value indicating whether the document or any element inside the document has focus. This method can be used to determine whether the active element in a document has focus.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns undef under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this returns a Promise that resolves with a boolean value indicating whether the document has access to its first-party storage.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns a clone of a node from an external document.


my $iframe  = $doc->querySelector( 'iframe' );
my $oldNode = $iframe->contentWindow->document->getElementById( 'myNode' );
my $newNode = $doc->importNode( $oldNode, $true );
$doc->getElementById( 'container' )->appendChild( $newNode );

See also Mozilla documentation


Provided with a node and a reference node and this will insert the node after the reference node.

It returns the current object upon success, or undef upon error

Surprisingly enough there is no insertAfter method in the web API, only "insertBefore"


Provided with a node and a reference node and this will insert the node before the reference node.

It returns the current object upon success, or undef upon error

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns the last child node from the document list of nodes.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns undef under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this allows you to change the element being used as the background image for a specified element ID.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns a smart undef. This means the return value will depend on what the caller expects. In scalar context it will return undef and an empty list in list context, but if this method is chained, it will return a dummy object to avoid the perl error "method called on an undefined value"

See also Mozilla documentation


Replaces entities, normalizes text nodes, etc.

This is actually an alias to "normalize" in HTML::Object::DOM::Node

See also Mozilla documentation


The open() method opens a document for writing and returns the current document object.

This does come with some side effects. For example:


The following simple code opens the document and replaces its content with a number of different HTML fragments, before closing it again.

my $doc = $parser->parse_data( $html );
$doc->write("<p>Hello world!</p>");
$doc->write("<p>I am a fish</p>");
$doc->write("<p>The number is 42</p>");

An automatic "open" call happens when "write" is called after the document has loaded.

See also Mozilla documentation


This interface returns the DOM node's parent Element, or undef if the node either has no parent, or its parent isn't a DOM Element.

See also Mozilla documentation


This returns the parent of the specified node in the DOM tree.

Document and DocumentFragment nodes can never have a parent, so parentNode will always return undef.

See also Mozilla documentation


Inserts a set of Node objects or string objects before the first child of the document.


my $html = $doc->createElement( 'html' );
$doc->prepend( $html );
# HierarchyRequestError: The operation would yield an incorrect node tree.

Another example:

my $doc = HTML::Object::DOM::Document->new;
my $html = $doc->createElement( 'html' );
$doc->prepend( $html );

$doc->children; # HTMLCollection [<$html>]

See also Mozilla documentation


This returns the node immediately preceding the specified one in its parent's childNodes list, or undef if the specified node is the first in that list.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns false under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this reports whether or not the specified editor command is enabled by the browser.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns true under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this returns true if the formatting command is in an indeterminate state on the current range.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns false under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this returns true if the formatting command has been executed on the current range.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns false under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this returns true if the formatting command is supported on the current range.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns undef under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this returns the current value of the current range for a formatting command.

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns the first Element node within the document, in document order, that matches the specified selectors.


<div id="foo\bar"></div>
<div id="foo:bar"></div>

$doc->querySelector( '#foo\\bar' ); # Match the first div
$doc->querySelector( '#foo\:bar' ); # Match the second div

my $el = $doc->querySelector(".myclass");

See also Mozilla documentation


Returns a list of all the Element nodes within the document that match the specified selectors.


<div class="outer">
    <div class="select">
        <div class="inner">

my $inner = $select->querySelectorAll( '.outer .inner' );
$inner->length; # 1, not 0

See also Mozilla documentation


Releases the current mouse capture if it's on an element in this document.

See also Mozilla documentation


See "releaseEvents" in HTML::Object::DOM::Window.

See also Mozilla documentation


Provided with a node and this removes a child node from the DOM and returns the removed node.

See also Mozilla documentation


Provided with a new node and and an old node and this will replace the old one by the new one. Note that if the new node is already present somewhere else in the DOM, it is first removed from that position.

This returns the old node removed.

See the document in "replaceChild" in HTML::Object::DOM::Node for more details.

See also Mozilla documentation


Replaces the existing children of a document with a specified new set of children.


$doc->children; # HTMLCollection []

See also Mozilla documentation


This always returns undef under perl.

Normally, under JavaScript, this returns a Promise that resolves if the access to first-party storage was granted, and rejects if access was denied.

See also Mozilla documentation


This always return undef.


Provided with a list of nodes and this will write them to the body of this document. If the document is already closed, such as when it has already loaded, this will call "open", which will cause to empty the document.

See also Mozilla documentation


Same as with "write", except this will add a new line.

See also Mozilla documentation


There is only limited support for events under perl, but you can trigger yourself any event.

Event listeners for those events can also be found by prepending on before the event type:

click event listeners can be set also with onclick method:

$e->onclick(sub{ # do something });
# or as an lvalue method
$e->onclick = sub{ # do something };

Below are some key ones, but you can see the full lists on the Mozilla documentation


Fired when the document has been completely loaded and parsed, without waiting for stylesheets, images, and subframes to finish loading.

See also Mozilla documentation


Fired when the readyState attribute of a document has changed.

See also Mozilla documentation


Fired when the content of a tab has become visible or has been hidden. Also available via the onvisibilitychange property.

See also Mozilla documentation


Listen to these events using "addEventListener" in HTML::Object::EventTarget or by assigning an event listener to the oneventname property of this interface.

Under perl, few events are actually "fired" by HTML::Object::DOM::Document and for the others, nothing prevents you from triggering whatever events you want on any element, even private non-standard ones, and set up listeners for them.

Below are the ones actually "fired" by HTML::Object.


This takes a code reference (a reference to a subroutine or an anonymous subroutine) as its unique argument.

The onabort property is the event handler for processing abort events sent to the perl script.

It returns undef and sets an HTML::Object::TypeError error if the value provided is not a code reference, i.e. a reference to an existing subroutine or an anonymous subroutine.

It returns true upon success.

Upon an abort signal (ABRT, INT or TERM), this will execute the code reference, passing it an error event object


use HTML::Object::DOM;
my $p = HTML::Object::DOM->new;
$doc = $p->parse_data( $some_html_string );
$doc->onabort = sub
    my $event = shift( @_ );
    print( "Oh no: ", $event->trace, "\n" );
# or
$doc->onabort = \&exception_handler;


Under perl, no such event is fired, but you can trigger one yourself.

This property references a function that fires when a static <script> element finishes executing its script. It does not fire if the element is added dynamically, such as with appendChild().

See also Mozilla documentation


Under perl, no such event is fired, but you can trigger one yourself.

This is fired when the code in a <script> element declared in an HTML document is about to start executing. Does not fire if the element is added dynamically, eg with appendChild().

See also Mozilla documentation


Under perl, no such event is fired, but you can trigger one yourself.

This represents the event handling code for the copy event.

See also Mozilla documentation


Under perl, no such event is fired, but you can trigger one yourself.

This represents the event handling code for the cut event.

See also Mozilla documentation


The onerror property is an event handler that processes error events triggered by a "warn" in perlfunc or "die" in perlfunc

Upon an error signal (__WARN__, or __DIE__), this will execute the code reference, passing it an error event object


use HTML::Object::DOM;
my $p = HTML::Object::DOM->new;
$doc = $p->parse_data( $some_html_string );
$doc->onerror = sub
    my $event = shift( @_ );
    print( "Oh no: ", $event->trace, "\n" );
# or
$doc->onerror = \&exception_handler;


Under perl, no such event is fired, but you can trigger one yourself.

This property is an event handler for the fullscreenchange event that is fired immediately before a document transitions into or out of full-screen mode.

See also Mozilla documentation


Under perl, no such event is fired, but you can trigger one yourself.

This property is an event handler for the fullscreenerror event that is sent to the document when it fails to transition into full-screen mode after a prior call to Element.requestFullscreen().

See also Mozilla documentation


The onload property is an event handler for the load event that fires when the initial HTML document has been completely loaded and parsed. It is fired after the "readyState" has changed to complete

Contrary to the JavaScript environment, under perl, there is obviously no window and thus no difference between the JavaScript window load event and the DOMContentLoaded event

For example:

$doc->addEventListener( load => sub
    say( 'Document fully loaded and parsed' );

sub doSomething
    say( 'Document loaded' );

# Loading has not finished yet
if( $doc->readyState eq 'loading' )
    $doc->addEventListener( load => \&doSomething );
# 'load' has already fired

Upon execution, a new event is passed of type readstate and with the detail property having the following data available:


The document object


The state of the document parsing.

The event target property is also set to the document object.


Under perl, no such event is fired, but you can trigger one yourself.

This property interface is an event handler that processes paste events.

The paste event fires when the user attempts to paste text.

See also Mozilla documentation


The onreadystatechange property is an event handler for the readystatechange event that is fired when the "readyState" attribute of a document has changed.

There are 3 state: loading, interactive and complete (which is the same, under perl, as loading)

This event does not bubble and is not cancelable

Upon execution, a new event is passed of type readstate and with the detail property having the following data available:


The document object


The state of the document parsing.

The event target property is also set to the document object.

See for more information


Under perl, no such event is fired, but you can trigger one yourself.

This property interface is an event handler that processes events when the document view or an element has been scrolled, whether by the user, a Web API, or the user agent.

See also Mozilla documentation


Under perl, no such event is fired, but you can trigger one yourself.

This is fired when the Selection of a Document is changed. The Selection consists of a starting position and (optionally) a range of HTML nodes from that position. Clicking or starting a selection outside of a text field will generally fire this event.

See also Mozilla documentation


Is an event handler representing the code to be called when the visibilitychange event is raised.

See also Mozilla documentation


Under perl, no such event is fired, but you can trigger one yourself.

This event is fired when the user rotates the mouse (or other pointing device) wheel.

See also Mozilla documentation


Jacques Deguest <>


HTML::Object::Document, HTML::Object::DOM::Element

Mozilla documentation on DOM, Mozilla documentation on Document object


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All rights reserved

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.