HTML::Object - HTML Parser, Modifier and Query Interface
use HTML::Object;
my $p = HTML::Object->new( debug => 5 );
my $doc = $p->parse( $file, { utf8 => 1 } ) || die( $p->error, "\n" );
print $doc->as_string;
or, using the HTML DOM implementation same as the Web API:
use HTML::Object::DOM global_dom => 1;
# then you can also use HTML::Object::XQuery for jQuery like DOM manipulation
my $p = HTML::Object::DOM->new;
my $doc = $p->parse_data( $some_html ) || die( $p->error, "\n" );
$('div.inner')->after( "<p>Test</p>" );
# returns an HTML::Object::DOM::Collection
my $divs = $doc->getElementsByTagName( 'div' );
my $new = $doc->createElement( 'div' );
$new->setAttribute( id => 'newDiv' );
$divs->[0]->parent->replaceChild( $new, $divs->[0] );
# etc.
To enable fatal error and also implement try-catch (using Nice::Try) :
use HTML::Object fatal_error => 1, try_catch => 1;
This module is yet another HTML parser, manipulation and query interface. It uses the C parser from HTML::Parser and has the unique particularity that it does not try to decode the entire html document tree only to re-encode it when printing out its data as string like so many other html parsers out there do. Instead, it modifies only the parts required. The rest is returned exactly as it was found in the HTML. This is faster and safer.
It uses an external json data dictionary file of html tags (html_tags_dict.json
There are 3 ways to manipulate and query the html data:
- 1. HTML::Object::Element
This is lightweight and simple
- 2. HTML::Object::DOM
This is an alternative HTML parser also based on HTML::Parser, and that implements fully the Web API with DOM (Data Object Model), so you can query the HTML with perl equivalent to JavaScript methods of the Web API. It has been designed to be strictly identical to the Web API.
- 3. HTML::Object::XQuery
This interface provides a jQuery like API and requires the use of HTML::Object::DOM. However, this is not designed to be a perl implementation of JavaScript, but rather a perl implementation of DOM manipulation methods found in jQuery.
Note that this interface does not enforce HTML standard. It is up to you the developer to decide what value to use and where the HTML elements should go in the HTML tree and what to do with it.
Instantiate a new HTML::Object object.
This is a parser method called that will add a comment to the stack of html elements.
This is a parser method called that will add a declaration to the stack of html elements.
This is a parser method called that will add a default html tag to the stack of html elements.
This is a parser method called that will add a closing html tag to the stack of html elements.
This is a parser method called that will add a space to the stack of html elements.
This is a parser method called that will add a starting html tag to the stack of html elements.
This is a parser method called that will add a text to the stack of html elements.
Sets or gets the current parent, which must be an HTML::Object::Element object or an inheriting class.
Returns an hash reference containing the HTML tags dictionary. Its structure is:
This property reflects an hash containing all the known tags. Each tag has the following possible properties:
Boolean value
Boolean value
Boolean value
Boolean value that describes whether this is a tag dedicated to svg.
Array reference of HTML attributes containing links
The reference URL to the online web documentation for this tag.
This property holds an hash reference containing the following meta information:
ISO 8601 datetime
Version number
Sets or gets the document HTML::Object::Document object.
Get the hash definition for a given tag (case does not matter).
The tags definition is taken from the external file html_tags_dict.json
that is provided with this package.
Creates and returns a new closing html element HTML::Object::Closing, passing it any arguments provided.
Creates and returns a new closing html element HTML::Object::Comment, passing it any arguments provided.
Creates and returns a new closing html element HTML::Object::Declaration, passing it any arguments provided.
Creates and returns a new closing html element HTML::Object::Document, passing it any arguments provided.
Creates and returns a new closing html element HTML::Object::Element, passing it any arguments provided.
Creates and returns a new closing html element HTML::Object::Space, passing it any arguments provided.
Provided with an HTML tag class name and hash or hash reference of options and this will load that class and instantiate an object passing it the options provided. It returns the object thus Instantiated.
This is used to instantiate object for special class to handle certain HTML tag, such as a
Creates and returns a new closing html element HTML::Object::Text, passing it any arguments provided.
Provided with some data
(see below), and some options as hash or hash reference and this will parse it and return a new HTML::Object::Document object.
Possible accepted data are:
- code
"parse_data" will be called with it.
- glob
"parse_data" will be called with it.
- string
"parse_file" will be called with it.
Other reference will return an error.
Provided with some data
and some options as hash or hash reference and this will parse the given data and return a HTML::Object::Document object.
If the option utf8 is provided, the data
received will be converted to utf8 using "decode" in Encode. If an error occurs decoding the data into utf8, the error will be set as an Module::Generic::Exception object and undef will be returned.
Provided with a file path and some options as hash or hash reference and this will parse the file.
If the option utf8 is provided, the file will be opened with "binmode" in perlfunc set to utf8
It returns a new HTML::Object::Document
Provided with an URI supported by LWP::UserAgent and this will issue a GET query and parse the resulting HTML data, and return a new HTML::Object::Document or HTML::Object::DOM::Document depending on which interface you use (either HTML::Object or HTML::Object::DOM.
If an error occurred, this will set an error and return undef
You can get the response object with "response"
Sets or gets a HTML::Parser object.
Provided with an HTML::Object::Element and this will post process its parsing.
Get the latest HTTP::Response object from the HTTP query made using "parse_url"
Provided with an HTML::Object::Element and this will perform some sanity checks and report the result on STDOUT
Provided with a HTML::Object::Document object and this sets the global variable $GLOBAL_DOM
. This is particularly useful when using HTML::Object::XQuery to do things like:
my $collection = $('div');
Throughout the documentation of this distribution, a lot of descriptions, references and examples have been borrowed from Mozilla. I have also contributed to improving their documentation by fixing bugs and typos on their site.
Jacques Deguest <>
HTML::Object::DOM, HTML::Object::Element, HTML::Object::XQuery
Copyright (c) 2021 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.
You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated files under the same terms as Perl itself.