HTTP::Promise::Body::Form - x-www-form-urlencoded Data Class


use HTTP::Promise::Body::Form;
my $form = HTTP::Promise::Body::Form->new;
my $form = HTTP::Promise::Body::Form->new( $hash_ref );
my $form = HTTP::Promise::Body::Form->new( q{e%3Dmc2} );
die( HTTP::Promise::Body::Form->error, "\n" ) if( !defined( $form ) );




This class represents x-www-form-urlencoded HTTP body. It inherits from Module::Generic::Hash

This is different from a multipart/form-data. For this, please check the module HTTP::Promise::Body::Form::Data



This takes an optional data, and some options and returns a new HTTP::Promise::Body::Form object.

Acceptable data are:

An hash reference
An url encoded string

If a string is provided, it will be automatically decoded into an hash of name-value pairs. When a name is found more than once, its values are added as an array reference.

my $form = HTTP::Promise::Body->new( 'name=John+Doe&foo=bar&foo=baz&foo=' );

Would result in a HTTP::Promise::Body::Form object containing:

name => 'John Doe', foo => ['bar', 'baz', '']

As an historical note, x-www-form-urlencoded is not an rfc-defined standard, and differs from URI encoding defined by rfc3986 in that it uses + to represent whitespace. It was defined back then by Mosaic as a non-standard way of encoding form data. This also this historical note and this Stackoverflow discussion.


HTTP::Promise::Body::Form inherits all the methods from Module::Generic::Hash, and adds or override the following ones.


This returns a new HTTP::Promise::Body::Form::Data object based on the current data, or upon error, sets an error and returns undef.


This returns a properly urlencoded representation of the name-value pairs stored in this hash object.

Each value will be encoded into utf8 before being urlencoded. This is all done fast with URL::Encode::XS


Provided with an x-www-form-urlencoded string and this will return a decoded string taking under account utf8 characters.

my $params = $form->decode( 'tengu=%E5%A4%A9%E7%8B%97' );
# [ 'tengu', '天狗' ]

If an error occurs, this will set an error object and return undef


Provided with an url-encoded string, included utf-8 string, and this returns its corresponding decoded version.

my $deity = $form->decode( '%E5%A4%A9%E7%8B%97' );

results in: 天狗


Takes an x-www-form-urlencoded string and returns an array reference of name-value pairs. If a name is seen more than once, its value will be an array reference.

If an error occurs, this will set an error object and return undef


Takes an x-www-form-urlencoded string or an array reference of name-value pairs and returns an hash reference of name-value pairs.

If a name is seen more than once, its value will be an array reference.

If an error occurs, this will set an error object and return undef


Takes an array reference or an hash reference and this returns a properly url-encoded string representation.

If an error occurs, this will set an error object and return undef


Takes a string and returns an encoded string. UTF-8 strings are ok too as long as they are in perl's internal representation.

If an error occurs, this will set an error object and return undef


Returns the number of keys currently set in this key-value pairs held in the object.


This encodes the key-pairs as x-www-form-urlencoded by calling "as_string", which returns a new scalar object, opens it, passing whatever arguments it received to "open" in Module::Generic::Scalar and return the resulting object upon success, or upon error, sets an error and returns undef


Provided with a valid filehandle, and this print the x-www-form-urlencoded representation of the key-value pairs contained in this object, to the given filehandle, or upon error, sets an error and returns undef


Jacques Deguest <>


Specifications, old rfc1867

rfc7578 on multipart/form-data

HTTP::Promise, HTTP::Promise::Request, HTTP::Promise::Response, HTTP::Promise::Message, HTTP::Promise::Entity, HTTP::Promise::Headers, HTTP::Promise::Body, HTTP::Promise::Body::Form, HTTP::Promise::Body::Form::Data, HTTP::Promise::Body::Form::Field, HTTP::Promise::Status, HTTP::Promise::MIME, HTTP::Promise::Parser, HTTP::Promise::IO, HTTP::Promise::Stream, HTTP::Promise::Exception


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All rights reserved.

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