HTTP::Promise::Headers - HTTP Headers Class


use HTTP::Promise::Headers;
my $h = HTTP::Promise::Headers->new || 
    die( HTTP::Promise::Headers->error, "\n" );




This class uses for the most part an XS module (HTTP::XSHeaders) to be very fast, and yet provides a convenient and versatile interface to retrieve and manipulate HTTP headers.

A number of classes has been created to have a more granular control on the creation of some header values. See "SEE ALSO"

All HTTP headers known today have their corresponding method that can be used to easily get or set their corresponding header value.



This instantiates a new HTTP::Promise::Headers object. You might pass some initial attribute-value pairs as parameters to the constructor.

For example:

$h = HTTP::Headers->new(
    Date         => 'Mon, 09 May 2022 09:00:00 GMT',
    Content_Type => 'text/html; charset=utf-8; version=5.0',
    Content_Base => ''

The constructor arguments are passed to the "header" method described below.



This is an alias for "push_header"


Provided with an optional EOL to be used as End-Of-Line character, and this will return a string representation of the headers. EOL defaults to \015\012. Embedded "\n" characters in header field values will be substituted with this line ending sequence.

This uses "scan" internally and use header field case as suggested by HTTP specifications. It will also follow recommended "Good Practice" of ordering the header fields. Long header values are not folded.


This is a convenience method around the "authorization" method for the Authorization header using the "Basic Authentication Scheme".

To set the related header value, you provide a login and an optional password, and this will set the Authorization header value and return the current headers object for chaining.

$h->authorization_basic( $user, $password );

If no value is provided, this will get the curent value of the Authorization header field, base64 decode it, and return the decoded string as a scalar object, i.e. something like usernaem:password

my $str = $h->authorization_basic;


This is a convenience method to set or get the boundary, if any, used for multipart Content-Type

If provided, this will add the boundary parameter with the given value to the Content-Type header field.

If no value is provided, this returns the current boundary, if any, or an empty string.


This is a convenience method to set or get the charset associated with the Content-Type header field.

If provided, this will add the charset parameter with the given value to the Content-Type header field.

If no value is provided, this returns the current charset, if any, or an empty string.


This will remove all header fields.


Returns a copy of this HTTP::Promise::Headers object.


Returns true if the Content-Type mime-type is textual in nature, i.e. its first half is text, false otherwise. For example: text/plain or text/html


Returns true if the Content-Type mime-type is html, such as text/html, false otherwise.


Returns true if the Content-Type mime-type is application/json, false otherwise.


Returns true if the Content-Type mime-type is application/xhtml+xml or application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml, false otherwise.


Returns true if the Content-Type mime-type is text/xml or application/xml, or contains the keyword xml, false otherwise.


This is a legacy method and it returns the upper-cased charset specified in the Content-Type header. In list context return the lower-cased bare content type followed by the upper-cased charset. Both values will be undef if not specified in the header.


This takes a file name from the Content-Disposition header value typically and returns it decoded if it was encoded as per the rfc2231

For example:

   Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fileField"; filename*=UTF-8''%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB.txt

   my $fname = $h->decode_filename( "UTF-8''%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB.txt" );


   Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fileField"; filename*=UTF-8'ja-JP'%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB.txt

   my $fname = $h->decode_filename( "UTF-8'ja-JP'%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB.txt" );

or encoded with quoted-printable

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="=?UTF-8?Q?=E3=83=95=E3=82=A1=E3=82=A4=E3=83=AB.txt?="

my $fname = $h->decode_filename( "=?UTF-8?Q?=E3=83=95=E3=82=A1=E3=82=A4=E3=83=AB.txt?=" );

or encoded with base64

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="=?UTF-8?B?44OV44Kh44Kk44OrLnR4dAo?="

my $fname = $h->decode_filename( "=?UTF-8?B?44OV44Kh44Kk44OrLnR4dAo?=" );

In the above example, the result for $fname would yield ファイル.txt (i.e. file.txt in Japanese)


Sets or gets the debug value. If positive, this will trigger an output of debugging messages on the STDERR or in the web server log files. Be mindful that this slows down the script, so make sure to switch it off once you are done.


Sets or gets the default mime-type to be used.


This is an alias for "remove_header"


This takes a file name to be used in the Content-Disposition header value, and an optional language iso 639 code (see rfc1766), and if it contains non ascii characters, it will utf-8 encode it and URI escape it according to rfc2231 and return the newly encoded file name.

If the file name did not require any encoding, it will return undef, so you can write something like this:

my $filename = q{マイファイル.txt};
if( my $enc = $h->encode_filename( $filename ) )
    $filename = $enc;
    # Now $filename is: UTF-8''%E3%83%9E%E3%82%A4%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB.txt

You can optionally pass a language code argument:

if( my $enc = $h->encode_filename( $filename, 'ja-JP' ) )
    $filename = $enc;
    # Now $filename is: UTF-8'ja-JP'%E3%83%9E%E3%82%A4%E3%83%95%E3%82%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%83%AB.txt

The Content-Disposition header value would then contain a property filename* (with the trailing wildcard).


Sets or gets an error and when set, this returns undef. When no argument is provided, this returns the latest error set.

The error returned is actually a HTTP::Promise::Exception object.


Provided with a header field name and this returns true if it exists, or false otherwise.



Returns the list of pairs of keys and values.


This is an alias for "header", mainly used without argument.

$h->header( $field );
$h->header( $field => $value );
$h->header( $f1 => $v1, $f2 => $v2, ... );

The following is an extract from the original HTTP::Headers class.

Sets or gets the value of one or more header fields. The header field name ($field) is not case sensitive. To make the life easier for perl users who wants to avoid quoting before the => operator, you can use '_' as a replacement for '-' in header names.

The "header" method accepts multiple field-value ($field = $value>) pairs, which means that you can update several header field values with a single invocation.

The $value argument may be a plain string or an array reference of strings for a multi-valued field. If the $value is provided as undef then the field is removed.

If the $value is not given, then that header field will remain unchanged. In addition to being a string, $value may be something that stringifies.

The old value (or values) of the last of the header fields is returned. If no such field exists undef will be returned.

A multi-valued field will be returned as separate values in list context and will be concatenated with ", " as separator in scalar context. The HTTP spec (rfc7230 which obsoleted rfc2616) promises that joining multiple values in this way will not change the semantic of a header field, but in practice there are cases like old-style Netscape cookies where "," is used as part of the syntax of a single field value.


    $h->header( MIME_Version => '1.0',
		 User_Agent   => 'My-Web-Client/0.01' );
    $h->header( Accept => "text/html, text/plain, image/*" );
    $h->header( Accept => [qw( text/html text/plain image/* )] );
    @accepts = $h->header( 'Accept' ); # get multiple values
    $accepts = $h->header( 'Accept' ); # get values as a single string


The following is an extract from the original HTTP::Headers class.

Returns the list of distinct names for the fields present in the header. The field names have case as suggested by HTTP spec, and the names are returned in the recommended "Good Practice" order.

In scalar context return the number of distinct field names.


$h->init_header( $field => $value );

Set the specified header to the given value, but only if no previous value for that field is set.

The header field name ($field) is not case sensitive and '_' can be used as a replacement for '-'.

The $value argument may be a scalar or a reference to a list of scalars.


Returns a new boundary using Data::UUID


Provided with a header field name and an attribute name separated by a dot, such as content-disposition.filename and this will return the value for that attribute in this header.

If a value is provided, it will be set, otherwise it will be returned.

If no attribute is provided, it will set or get the header field main value.

For example:

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="hello.txt"
my $dispo = $h->mime_attr( 'content-disposition' );

will return attachment


Returns the value of the Content-Encoding, Transfer-Encoding or Content-Transfer-Encoding (the latter only exists in mail, not in HTTP)


Returns the mime-type from the Content-Type header value, or the one from default_type, if it is set. If nothing is found, this returns an empty string (not undef).


Returns the multipart boundary used, if any, or an empty string otherwise.

my $boundary = $h->multipart_boundary;
# or you can provide the Content-Type if you already have it; it will save a few cycle
my $boundary = $h->multipart_boundary( $content_type );


Provided with a filehandle, or an HTTP::Promise::IO object and this will print on it the string representation of the headers and return whatever value "print" in perlfunc will return.



$h->push_header( $field => $value );
$h->push_header( $f1 => $v1, $f2 => $v2, ... );

Add a new value for the specified header. Previous values for the same header are retained.

As for the "header" method, the field name ($field) is not case sensitive and '_' can be used as a replacement for '-'.

The $value argument may be a scalar or a reference to a list of scalars.

$header->push_header( Accept => 'image/jpeg' );
$header->push_header( Accept => [ map( "image/$_", qw( gif png tiff ) )] );

This returns the filename set in either Content-Disposition with the filename property or in Content-Type with the name property.

If none exists, this returns undef.


This is an alias for "remove_header"


This will remove all the headers used to describe the content of a message.

All header field names prefixed with Content- are included in this category, as well as Allow, Expires and Last-Modified. rfc7230 denotes these headers as Entity Header Fields.

The return value is a new HTTP::Promise::Headers object that contains the removed headers only.


$h->remove_header( $field, ... );

This function removes the header with the specified names.

The header names ($field) are not case sensitive and '_' can be used as a replacement for '-'.

The return value is the values of the headers removed. In scalar context the number of headers removed is returned.

Note that if you pass in multiple header names then it is generally not possible to tell which of the returned values belonged to which field.


Provided with a header field name and a value and this replace whatever current value with the value provided.

It returns the current object for chaining.


Sets or gets the request timeout. This takes an integer.


$h->scan( \&process_header_field );

Apply a subroutine to each header field in turn. The callback routine is called with two parameters; the name of the field and a single value (a string). If a header field is multi-valued, then the routine is called once for each value. The field name passed to the callback routine has case as suggested by HTTP spec, and the headers will be visited in the recommended "Good Practice" order.

Any return values of the callback routine are ignored. The loop can be broken by raising an exception (die), but the caller of scan() would have to trap the exception itself.


This sets or gets the Content-Type header value when setting a value, and returns only the mime-type when retrieving the value.

$h->type( 'text/plain' );
# Assuming Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
my $type = $h->type; # text/html


Provided with a string and this returns an URI-escaped string using URI::Escape::XS



$h->accept( q{text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8} );
$h->accept( [qw( text/html application/xhtml+xml application/xml;q=0.9 */*;q=0.8 )] );

Sets or gets the Accept header field value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of values.

See rfc7231, section 5.3.2 and Mozilla documentation


$h->accept( 'utf-8' );

Sets or gets the Accept-Charset headers field value. It takes a single string value.

You should know that the Accept-Charset header is deprecated by HTTP standards and that no modern web browsers is sending nor any modern HTTP server recognising it.

See Mozilla documentation


$h->accept_encoding( 'gzip, deflate, br' );
$h->accept_encoding( [qw( gzip deflate br )] );
$h->accept_encoding( 'br;q=1.0, gzip;q=0.8, *;q=0.1' );

Sets or gets the Accept-Encoding header field value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of values.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::AcceptEncoding to have a more granular control.

Encoding header fields and their nuances:


The encodings accepted by the client.


Contains the encodings that have been applied to the content, before transport


The encodings the user agent accepts.


The encoding applied during transfer, such as chunked

See rfc7231, section 5.3.4 and Mozilla documentation


$h->accept_language( 'fr-CH, fr;q=0.9, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, *;q=0.5' );
$h->accept_language( [qw(fr-CH fr;q=0.9 en;q=0.8 de;q=0.7 *;q=0.5 )] );

Sets or gets the Accept-Language header field value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of values.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::AcceptLanguage to have a more granular control.

See rfc7231, section 5.3.5 and Mozilla documentation


$h->accept_patch( 'application/example, text/example' );
$h->accept_patch( [qw( application/example text/example )] );
$h->accept_patch( 'text/example;charset=utf-8' );
$h->accept_patch( 'application/merge-patch+json' );

Sets or gets the Accept-Patch header field value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of values.

This is a server response header.

See rfc5789, section 3.1, rfc7231, section 4.3.4 and Mozilla documentation


$h->accept_post( 'application/example, text/example' );
$h->accept_post( [qw( application/example text/example )] );
$h->accept_post( 'image/webp' );
$h->accept_post( '*/*' );

Sets or gets the Accept-Post header field value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of values.

This is a server response header.

See rfc7231, section 4.3.3 and Mozilla documentation



Sets or gets the Accept-Ranges header field value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of values.

This is a server response header.

See rfc7233, section 2.3 and Mozilla documentation


This returns a new HTTP::Promise::Headers::Accept object based on the content of the Accept header value.



Sets or gets the Age header field value. It takes a numeric value.

This is a server response header.

See rfc7234, section 5.1 and Mozilla documentation


$h->allow( 'GET, POST, HEAD' );
$h->allow( [qw( GET POST HEAD )] );

Sets or gets the Allow header field value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of values.

This is a server response header.

See rfc7231, section 7.4.1 and Mozilla documentation


# Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
$h->allow_credentials( 'true' );

Sets or gets the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header field value. It takes a string boolean value: true or false.

See Mozilla documentation


# Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-Custom-Header, Upgrade-Insecure-Requests
$h->allow_headers( 'X-Custom-Header, Upgrade-Insecure-Requests' );
$h->allow_headers( [qw( X-Custom-Header Upgrade-Insecure-Requests )] );

Sets or gets the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header field value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of values.

This is a server response header.

See rfc7231, section 7.4.1 and Mozilla documentation


# Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS
$h->allow_methods( 'POST, GET, OPTIONS' );
$h->allow_methods( [qw( POST GET OPTIONS )] );
# Access-Control-Allow-Methods: *
$h->allow_methods( '*' );

Sets or gets the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header field value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of values.

This is a server response header.

See Mozilla documentation


# Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
$h->allow_origin( '*' );
# Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
$h->allow_origin( '' );
# Access-Control-Allow-Origin: null
$h->allow_origin( 'null' );

Sets or gets the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header field value. It takes a string value.

This is a server response header.

See Mozilla documentation


# Alt-Svc: h2=":443"; ma=2592000;
$h->alt_svc( 'h2=":443"; ma=2592000' );
# Alt-Svc: h2=":443"; ma=2592000; persist=1
$h->alt_svc( 'h2=":443"; ma=2592000; persist=1' );
# Alt-Svc: h2="", h2=":443"
$h->alt_svc( 'h2="", h2=":443"' );
# Alt-Svc: h3-25=":443"; ma=3600, h2=":443"; ma=3600
$h->alt_svc( 'h3-25=":443"; ma=3600, h2=":443"; ma=3600' );

Sets or gets the Alt-Svc header field value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of values.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::AltSvc to have a more granular control.

See rfc7838, section 3 and Mozilla documentation


This is a convenience method for the header field Alt-Svc.

To et it value, you provide a hash or hash reference of properties, including name and value respectively for the protocol-id and the alternate authority.

$h->alternate_server( name => 'h2', value => ':443', ma => 2592000, persist => 1 );

would create the header value:

Alt-Svc: h2=":443"; ma=2592000; persist=1

Without any parameter, it creates a new HTTP::Promise::Headers::AltSvc object for each Alt-Svc header value and returns an array object of all those HTTP::Promise::Headers::AltSvc objects.


# Authorization: Basic YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l
$h->authorization( 'Basic YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l' );

Sets or gets the Authorization header field value. It takes a string value.

See also "authorization_basic"

See rfc7235, section 4.2 and Mozilla documentation


# Cache-Control: max-age=604800
$h->cache_control( 'max-age=604800' );
# Cache-Control: s-maxage=604800
$h->cache_control( 's-maxage=604800' );
# Cache-Control: no-cache
$h->cache_control( 'no-cache' );
# Cache-Control: max-age=604800, must-revalidate
$h->cache_control( 'max-age=604800, must-revalidate' );
# Cache-Control: public, max-age=604800, immutable
$h->cache_control( 'public, max-age=604800, immutable' );

Sets or gets the Cache-Control header field value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of values.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::CacheControl to have a more granular control.

See rfc7234, section 5.2 and Mozilla documentation


# Clear-Site-Data: "cache", "cookies", "storage", "executionContexts"
$h->clear_site_data( q{"cache", "cookies", "storage", "executionContexts"} );
$h->clear_site_data( [qw( cache cookies storage executionContexts )] );

The Clear-Site-Data header accepts one or more directives. If all types of data should be cleared, the wildcard directive ("*") can be used.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::ClearSiteData to have a more granular control.

See Mozilla documentation


# Connection: keep-alive
# Connection: close

Sets or gets the Connection header field value. It takes a string value.

See rfc7230, section 6.1 and Mozilla documentation


# Content-Disposition: inline
# Content-Disposition: attachment
# Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="filename.jpg"
# Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fieldName"
# Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fieldName"; filename="filename.jpg"

Sets or gets the Content-Disposition header field value. It takes a string value.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::ContentDisposition to have a more granular control.

See rfc6266, section 4, rfc7578, section 4.2 and Mozilla documentation


# Content-Encoding: gzip
# Content-Encoding: compress
# Content-Encoding: deflate
# Content-Encoding: br

# Multiple, in the order in which they were applied
# Content-Encoding: deflate, gzip

Sets or gets the Cache-Encoding header field value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of values.

Encoding header fields and their nuances:


The encodings accepted by the client.


Contains the encodings that have been applied to the content, before transport


The encodings the user agent accepts.


The encoding applied during transfer, such as chunked

See rfc7230, section 3.3.1: "Unlike Content-Encoding (Section of [RFC7231]), Transfer-Encoding is a property of the message, not of the representation"

See also "accept_encoding", "transfer_encoding" and "te" and this Stackoverflow discussion

See rfc7231, section and Mozilla documentation


# Content-Language: de-DE
# Content-Language: en-US
$h->content_language( 'en-GB' );
# Content-Language: de-DE, en-CA
$h->content_language( 'de-DE, en-CA' );
$h->content_language( [qw( de-DE en-CA )] );

Sets or gets the Cache-Language header field value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of values.

There is no enforcement on the value provided, so it is up to you to set the proper value or values.

See rfc7231, section, rfc5646 and Mozilla documentation


# Content-Length: 72

Sets or gets the Connection header field value. It takes a numeric value.

See rfc7230, section 3.3.2 and Mozilla documentation


# Content-Location: /some/where/file.html
$h->content_location( '/some/where/file.html' );

Sets or gets the Connection header field value. It takes a numeric value.

See rfc7231, section and Mozilla documentation


# Content-Range: bytes 200-1000/67589
# Unsatisfiable range value
# Content-Range: bytes */1234

Sets or gets the Content-Range header field value. It takes a string value.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::ContentRange to have a more granular control.

See rfc7233, section 4.2 and Mozilla documentation


# Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self';
#                           connect-src 'none';
# Content-Security-Policy: connect-src;
#                           script-src

Sets or gets the Content-Security-Policy header field value. It takes a string value.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::ContentSecurityPolicy to have a more granular control.

See Mozilla documentation


# Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only: default-src https:; report-uri /csp-violation-report-endpoint/

Sets or gets the Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header field value. It takes a string value of properly formatted header value.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::ContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly to have a more granular control.


This sets or gets the Content-Type header value. It takes a string value.

If a value is provided, this will set the header value. If no value is provided, this simply return the header field value.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::ContentType to have a more granular control.

See also rfc7233, section 4.1, rfc7231, section and Mozilla documentation, and this Mozilla documentation too


# Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
# Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin

This sets or gets the Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy header value. It takes a string value.

It can have either of the following value: require-corp or same-origin

See also Mozilla documentation


# Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: unsafe-none
# Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin-allow-popups
# Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin

This sets or gets the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy header value. It takes a string value.

It can have either of the following value: unsafe-none or same-origin-allow-popups or same-origin

See also Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy header value. It takes a string value.

It can have either of the following value: same-site or same-origin or same-origin

See also Mozilla documentation

For more example:


This is an alias for "content_security_policy_report_only"


This sets or gets the Date header value. It takes a date string value, a unix timestamp or a DateTime value.

If no value is provided, it returns the current value of the Date header field as a DateTime object.


# Device-Memory: 1

This sets or gets the Device-Memory header value. It takes a number.

Mozilla documentation


# Digest: sha-256=X48E9qOokqqrvdts8nOJRJN3OWDUoyWxBf7kbu9DBPE=
# Digest: sha-256=X48E9qOokqqrvdts8nOJRJN3OWDUoyWxBf7kbu9DBPE=,unixsum=30637

This sets or gets the Digest header value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of properly formatted values.

See draft rfc and Mozilla documentation


# DNT: 0
# DNT: 1
# DNT: null

This sets or gets the DNT header value. It takes a string value.

See also Mozilla documentation


# Early-Data: 1

This sets or gets the Early-Data header value. It takes a string value.

See also rfc8470, section 5.1 and Mozilla documentation


# ETag: "33a64df551425fcc55e4d42a148795d9f25f89d4"
# ETag: W/"0815"

This sets or gets the Etag header value. It takes a string of properly formatted value.

See also rfc7232, section 2.3 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Expect header value. It takes a string of properly formatted value, typically 100-continue

For example, before sending a very large file:

PUT /some/where HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: video/h264
Content-Length: 1234567890987
Expect: 100-continue

If the server is ok, it would return a 100 Continue

See also rfc7231, section 5.1.1 and Mozilla documentation, interesting article


# Expect-CT: max-age=86400, enforce, report-uri=""
$h->expect_ct( q{max-age=86400, enforce, report-uri=""} );
$h->expect_ct( [qw( max-age=86400 enforce report-uri="" )] );

This sets or gets the Expect-CT header value. It takes a string of properly formatted value.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::ExpectCT to have a more granular control.

See also rfc draft and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Expires header value. It takes a date string value, a unix timestamp or a DateTime value.

If no value is provided, it returns the current value of the Date header field as a DateTime object.

For example:

Expires: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT

See also rfc7234, section 5.3 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Expose-Headers header value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of properly formatted values.

For example:

Access-Control-Expose-Headers: *, Authorization

See also rfc7234, section 5.3 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Forwarded header value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of properly formatted values.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::Forwarded to have a more granular control.

For example:

Forwarded: for=;proto=http;by=
# Values from multiple proxy servers can be appended using a comma
Forwarded: for=, for=

See also rfc7239, section 4 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the From header value. It takes a string value.

For example:


See also rfc7231, section 5.5.1 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Host header value. It takes a string value.

For example:


See also rfc7230, section 5.4 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the If-Match header value. It takes a string value.

For example:

If-Match: "bfc13a64729c4290ef5b2c2730249c88ca92d82d"
If-Match: "67ab43", "54ed21", "7892dd"
If-Match: *

See also rfc7232, section 3.1 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the If-Modified-Since header value. It takes a date string value, a unix timestamp or a DateTime value.

If no value is provided, it returns the current value of the Date header field as a DateTime object.

For example:

If-Modified-Since: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT

See also rfc7232, section 3.3 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the If-None-Match header value. It takes a string value.

For example:

If-None-Match: "bfc13a64729c4290ef5b2c2730249c88ca92d82d"
If-None-Match: W/"67ab43", "54ed21", "7892dd"
If-None-Match: *

See also rfc7232, section 3.2 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the If-Range header value. It takes a string value.

For example:

If-Range: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT

See also rfc7233, section 3.2 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the If-Unmodified-Since header value. It takes a date string value, a unix timestamp or a DateTime value.

If no value is provided, it returns the current value of the Date header field as a DateTime object.

For example:

If-Unmodified-Since: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT

See also rfc7232, section 3.4 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Keep-Alive header value. It takes either a string or an array or array reference of properly formatted values.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::KeepAlive to have a more granular control.

Example response containing a Keep-Alive header:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Date: Thu, 11 Aug 2016 15:23:13 GMT
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=1000
Last-Modified: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 04:32:39 GMT
Server: Apache

See also rfc7230, section A.1.2 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Last-Modified header value. It takes a date string value, a unix timestamp or a DateTime value.

If no value is provided, it returns the current value of the Date header field as a DateTime object.

For example:

Last-Modified: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT

See also rfc7232, section 2.2 and Mozilla documentation

This sets or gets the Link header value. It takes a string value.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::Link to have a more granular control.


Link: <>; rel="preconnect"

See also rfc8288, section 3 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Location header value. It takes a string value.


Location: /index.html

See also rfc7231, section 7.1.2 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Location header value. It takes a numeric value.


Access-Control-Max-Age: 600

See also Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the NEL header value. It takes a string of properly formatted json value.


NEL: { "report_to": "name_of_reporting_group", "max_age": 12345, "include_subdomains": false, "success_fraction": 0.0, "failure_fraction": 1.0 }

See also rfc8288, section 3 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Origin header value. It takes a string of properly formatted json value.



See also rfc6454, section 7 and Mozilla documentation


Sets or gets the URI used for the proxy. It returns a URI object.


This sets or gets the Proxy-Authenticate header value. It takes a string value.


Proxy-Authenticate: Basic realm="Access to the internal site"

See also rfc6454, section 7 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Proxy-Authorization header value. It takes a string value.


Proxy-Authorization: Basic YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l

See also rfc7235, section 4.4 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Range header value. It takes a string value.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::Range to have a more granular control.


Range: bytes=200-1000, 2000-6576, 19000-

See also rfc7233, section 3.1 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Referer header value. It takes a string value.



See also rfc7231, section 5.5.2 and Mozilla documentation


This is an alias for "referer"


This sets or gets the Referrer-Policy header value. It takes a string value.

The allowed values can be: no-referrer, no-referrer-when-downgrade, origin, origin-when-cross-origin, same-origin, strict-origin, strict-origin-when-cross-origin, unsafe-url


Referrer-Policy: no-referrer
# With fallback
Referrer-Policy: no-referrer, strict-origin-when-cross-origin

See also Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Access-Control-Request-Headers header value. It takes a string value.


Access-Control-Request-Headers: X-PINGOTHER, Content-Type

See also Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Access-Control-Request-Method header value. It takes a string value.


Access-Control-Request-Method: POST

See also Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Retry-After header value. It takes a string value.


Retry-After: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 07:28:00 GMT
Retry-After: 120

See also rfc7231, section 7.1.3 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Save-Data header value. It takes a string value.

The value can be either on or off


Save-Data: on

See also Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Server header value. It takes a string value.


Server: Apache/2.4.1 (Unix)

See also rfc7231, section 7.4.2 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Server header value. It takes a string value.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::ServerTiming to have a more granular control.


# Single metric without value
Server-Timing: missedCache

# Single metric with value
Server-Timing: cpu;dur=2.4

# Single metric with description and value
Server-Timing: cache;desc="Cache Read";dur=23.2

# Two metrics with value
Server-Timing: db;dur=53, app;dur=47.2

See also Mozilla documentation

This sets or gets the Set-Cookie header value. It takes a string value.

See also Cookie to have a more granular control.


Set-Cookie: sessionId=38afes7a8
Set-Cookie: __Secure-ID=123; Secure;
Set-Cookie: __Host-ID=123; Secure; Path=/

See also rfc6265, section 4.1 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the SourceMap header value. It takes a string value.


SourceMap: /path/to/

See also draft specifications and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Strict-Transport-Security header value. It takes a string value.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::StrictTransportSecurity to have a more granular control.


Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload

See also rfc6797, section 6.1 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the TE header value. It takes a string value.

See also HTTP::Promise::Headers::TE to have a more granular control.


TE: deflate
TE: gzip
TE: trailers

# Multiple directives, weighted with the quality value syntax:
TE: trailers, deflate;q=0.5

Notably, the value trailers means the HTTP client support trailers, which are a set of headers sent after the body.

Encoding header fields and their nuances:


The encodings accepted by the client.


Contains the encodings that have been applied to the content, before transport


The encodings the user agent accepts.


The encoding applied during transfer, such as chunked

See also "transfer_encoding", rfc7230, section 4.3 and Mozilla documentation, article on trailers


This sets or gets the Timing-Allow-Origin header value. It takes a string value.


Timing-Allow-Origin: *

See also Mozilla documentation


Sets or gets the Title of the HTML document if that were the case. This is here for legacy.


This sets or gets the deprecated Tk header value. It takes a string value.


Tk: N

See also Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Trailer header value. It takes a string value.


Trailer: Expires

See also rfc7230, section 4.4, rfc7230, section 4.1.2 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Transfer-Encoding header value. It takes a string value.


Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Transfer-Encoding: compress
Transfer-Encoding: deflate
Transfer-Encoding: gzip

# Several values can be listed, separated by a comma
Transfer-Encoding: gzip, chunked

Encoding header fields and their nuances:


The encodings accepted by the client.


Contains the encodings that have been applied to the content, before transport


The encodings the user agent accepts.


The encoding applied during transfer, such as chunked

See rfc7230, section 3.3.1: "Unlike Content-Encoding (Section of [RFC7231]), Transfer-Encoding is a property of the message, not of the representation"

See also "te", rfc7230, section 3.3.1 and Mozilla documentation and Wikipedia


This sets or gets the Upgrade header value. It takes a string value.


Connection: upgrade
Upgrade: HTTP/2.0, SHTTP/1.3, IRC/6.9, RTA/x11

Connection: Upgrade
Upgrade: websocket

See also rfc7230, section 6.7, rfc7231, section 6.6.15, rfc7240, section 8.1.1 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Upgrade-Insecure-Requests header value. It takes a string value.


Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1

See also Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the User-Agent header value. It takes a string value.


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X x.y; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0
User-Agent: curl/7.64.1

See also rfc7231, section 5.5.3 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Vary header value. It takes a string value.


Vary: *
Vary: Accept-Encoding, User-Agent

See also rfc7231, section 7.1.4 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Via header value. It takes a string value.


Via: 1.1 vegur
Via: HTTP/1.1 GWA
Via: 1.0 fred, 1.1

See also rfc7230, section 5.7.1 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Want-Digest header value. It takes a string value.


Want-Digest: sha-256
Want-Digest: SHA-512;q=0.3, sha-256;q=1, md5;q=0

See also Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the Warning header value. It takes a string value.


Warning: 110 anderson/1.3.37 "Response is stale"

See also rfc7234, section 5.5 and Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the WWW-Authenticate header value. It takes a string value.


WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Access to the staging site", charset="UTF-8"
WWW-Authenticate: Digest
    qop="auth, auth-int",
WWW-Authenticate: Digest
    qop="auth, auth-int",

See also rfc7235, section 4.1 and Mozilla documentation


Sets or gets an arbitrary X-* header. For example:

$h->x( 'Spip-Cache' => 3600 );

would set the X-Spip-Cache header value to 3600

my $value = $h->x( 'Spip-Cache' );


This sets or gets the X-Content-Type-Options header value. It takes a string value.


X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff

See also Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the X-DNS-Prefetch-Control header value. It takes a string value.


X-DNS-Prefetch-Control: on
X-DNS-Prefetch-Control: off

See also Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the X-Forwarded-For header value. It takes a string value.


X-Forwarded-For: 2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348
X-Forwarded-For:, 2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348

See also "host", "forwarded", "x_forwarded_host", "x_forwarded_proto", Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the X-Forwarded-Host header value. It takes a string value.



See also "host", "forwarded", "x_forwarded_for", "x_forwarded_proto",


This sets or gets the X-Forwarded-Proto header value. It takes a string value.


X-Forwarded-Proto: https

See also "host", "forwarded", "x_forwarded_for", "x_forwarded_host",


This sets or gets the X-Frame-Options header value. It takes a string value.


X-Frame-Options: DENY
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN

See also Mozilla documentation


This sets or gets the X-XSS-Protection header value. It takes a string value.


X-XSS-Protection: 0
X-XSS-Protection: 1
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
X-XSS-Protection: 1; report=

See also Mozilla documentation


Jacques Deguest <>


Mozilla documentation on HTTP headers

HTTP::Promise::Headers::AcceptEncoding, HTTP::Promise::Headers::AcceptLanguage, HTTP::Promise::Headers::Accept, HTTP::Promise::Headers::AltSvc, HTTP::Promise::Headers::CacheControl, HTTP::Promise::Headers::ClearSiteData, HTTP::Promise::Headers::ContentDisposition, HTTP::Promise::Headers::ContentRange, HTTP::Promise::Headers::ContentSecurityPolicy, HTTP::Promise::Headers::ContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly, HTTP::Promise::Headers::ContentType, HTTP::Promise::Headers::Cookie, HTTP::Promise::Headers::ExpectCT, HTTP::Promise::Headers::Forwarded, HTTP::Promise::Headers::Generic, HTTP::Promise::Headers::KeepAlive, HTTP::Promise::Headers::Link, HTTP::Promise::Headers::Range, HTTP::Promise::Headers::ServerTiming, HTTP::Promise::Headers::StrictTransportSecurity, HTTP::Promise::Headers::TE

rfc7230, section 3.2 on headers field names, rfc6838 on mime types

HTTP::Promise, HTTP::Promise::Request, HTTP::Promise::Response, HTTP::Promise::Message, HTTP::Promise::Entity, HTTP::Promise::Headers, HTTP::Promise::Body, HTTP::Promise::Body::Form, HTTP::Promise::Body::Form::Data, HTTP::Promise::Body::Form::Field, HTTP::Promise::Status, HTTP::Promise::MIME, HTTP::Promise::Parser, HTTP::Promise::IO, HTTP::Promise::Stream, HTTP::Promise::Exception


Copyright(c) 2022 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.

All rights reserved This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.