Module::Generic::Scalar - String Manipulation Object Class
my $s = Module::Generic::Scalar->new( "John Doe" );
print( $s->substr( 0, 4 ), "\n" );
# prints: John
The purpos of this calss/package is to provide an object-oriented approach to string manipulation.
The object is overloaded, so it returns the embedded string when used as a string.
print( "I met with $s\n" );
Would produce: I met with John Doe
Provided with scalar reference, an array or just a regular string and this returns a new object.
If an array reference or an array-based object is provided like Module::Generic::Array, this will concatenate all the array elements
Returns a Module::Generic::Boolean object with its value set to true or false based on the value of the scalar object.
# $s is 1
$s->as_boolean; # sets to true
# $s is 0
$s->as_boolean; # sets to false
# $s is hello
$s->as_boolean: # sets to true
# $s is undefined or empty
$s->as_boolean: # sets to false
# etc...
Module::Generic::Boolean objects are very useful because they can be used in perl as o or 1 to indicate false or true, but when used in json, they are automatically converted to false
or true
Returns the object string as a string.
my $s = Module::Generic::Scalar->new( "Mary Jane" );
print( "Hello $s\n" );
# Hello Mary Jane
Returns a new Module::Generic::Scalar object representing the string with the words capitalised, done in a smart way. That is the special words like and
, but
, if
, on
, or
, the
, to
, etc. are not capitalised.
This is based on the work done by John Gruber and Aristotle Pagaltzis
Just like "chomp" in perlfunc, this remove the trailing new lines in the string, if any.
Just like "chop" in perlfunc, this remove the trailing character in the string, no matter what it is.
Returns a copy of the object.
This takes a "salt" and returns an encrypted version of the string. See "crypt" in perlfunc. Note that this does not work well on some BSD systems.
Returns true or false whether the string object contains a defined string, i.e. not undef
Just like "fc" in perlfunc, provided with a string, this enables comparison with casefolding.
To quote from the manual: "Casefolding is the process of mapping strings to a form where case differences are erased".
lc($this) eq lc($that) # Wrong!
# or
uc($this) eq uc($that) # Also wrong!
# or
$this =~ /^\Q$that\E\z/i # Right!
# And now
my $s = Module::Generic::Scalar( $this );
$s->fc( $that );
Returns the hex value of the string.
Given a sub string and an optional position, and this returns the position at which the sub string was found.
Returns true if the string contains only alphabetic characters, or else it returns false.
This uses perl's [[:alpha:]]
to test.
Returns true if the string contains only alphabetic or numeric characters, or else it returns false.
This uses perl's [[:alnum:]]
to test.
Returns true if the string is zero in length, or else it returns false.
Returns true if the string contains only lower case characters, or else it returns false.
This uses perl's [[:lower:]]
to test.
Returns true if the string contains only numeric characters, or else it returns false.
This uses "looks_like_number" in Scalar::Util
Returns true if the string contains only upper case characters, or else it returns false.
This uses perl's [[:upper:]]
to test.
Given a string, this return a new Module::Generic::Scalar object with the string all in lower case.
Given a string, this return a new Module::Generic::Scalar object with the first character of the string in lower case.
Provided with a number and this will get the chunk starting from the left of the string object.
Module::Generic::Scalar->new( "Hello world" )->left( 5 );
# will produce: Hello
See also "right"
This returns the length of the string, as a Module::Generic::Number object.
Provided with a string or a regular express and this return the value of the regular expression evaluation against the object string.
my $s = "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it";
print( "Matches? ", $s->like( qr/\bapprove[[:blank:]\h]+what\b/ ) ? 'yes' : 'no', "\n" ); # print yes
This removes any new line and space characters, i.e. \r
and \n
at the begining of the string.
It takes an optional argument that can be an alternative string to remove at the end of the sstring or a regular expression, such as one provided with "perlfunc/qr"
$s->ltrim( qr/[[:blank:]\h]+/ ); # Remove all kind of leading whitespaces
It returns the object itself for chaining.
See also "rtrim"
Provided with a string or a regular expression like the one created with "qr" in perlfunc and this returns true or false whether the string object matched or not.
# $s is "Hello world"
$s->match( 'world' ); # pass
$s->match( qr/WORLD/i ); # pass
$s->match( 'monde' ); # obviously fail
This returns the value of "ord" in perlfunc on the string, as a Module::Generic::Number object.
Provided with a number n and a string and this will create n instance of the string. If the number is positive, the string will be placed at the begining and if negative, it will be placed at the end
$s->pad( 3, 'X' );
# XXXHello world
$s->padd( -3, 'X' );
# Hello worldXXX
This sets or gets the position inside the string object. See "pos" in perlfunc for detail about this.
Given a string, this return a new Module::Generic::Scalar object with the given string characters escapeed with "quotemeta" in perlfunc.
Provided with a string or a regular expression and a replacement string and this will replace all instance of the string or regular expression with the replacement string provided.
# $s is Hello world
$s->replace( ' ', '_' ); # Hello_world
$s->replace( qr/[[:blank:]\h]+/, '_' ); # Hello_world
This empty the string inside the object.
Given a string, this return a new Module::Generic::Scalar object with the given string cin reverse order.
Provided with a number and this will get the chunk starting from the right of the string object.
Module::Generic::Scalar->new( "Hello world" )->right( 5 );
# will produce: world
See also "left"
Given a sub string and an optional position, and this returns the position at which the sub string was found, starting from the end.
This removes any new line and space characters, i.e. \r
and \n
at the end of the string.
It takes an optional argument that can be an alternative string to remove at the end of the sstring or a regular expression, such as one provided with "perlfunc/qr"
$s->rtrim( qr/[[:blank:]\h]+/ ); # Remove all kind of trailing whitespaces
It returns the object itself for chaining.
See also "ltrim"
Returns the string within this scalar object. This calls "as_string"
Provided with a scalar reference or scalar-based object like Module::Generic::Scalar or an array reference and this sets the current string/.
This acts the exact same way as for "new", except it acts on the current object string.
Provided with a string or an expression and this returns the list in list context or, in scalar context, an array reference as an Module::Generic::Array object.
Provided with a list of arguments, and this replace the placeholders just like "sprintf" in perlfunc does.
Provided with an offset, an optional length and an optional replacement string, and this return a new Module::Generic::Scalar object.
See "substr" in perlfunc for more information.
Provided with a search list and a replacement list and this will perform just like the perl core "tr" in perlfunc function.
It also accepts options like cdsr
and returns the resulting value.
Provided with a target string or a regular expression, and this will remove any occurence of them in the string object.
Given a string, this return a new Module::Generic::Scalar object with the string all in upper case.
Given a string, this return a new Module::Generic::Scalar object with the first character of the string in upper case.
Sets the underlying string object to undef.
This would make
print( $s->defined ? 'defined' : 'undefined', "\n" );
return false, but becareful that you cannot do:
print( $s ? 'defined' : 'undefined', "\n" );
Because $s is the object so it would always return true.
If you stringify it like
print( "$s" ? 'defined' : 'undefined', "\n" );
It would still return as defined, because this would be a defined string, albeit empty
Module::Generic::Number, Module::Generic::Array, Module::Generic::Boolean, Module::Generic::Hash, Module::Generic::Dynamic
Jacques Deguest <>
Copyright (c) 2000-2020 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.
You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated files under the same terms as Perl itself.