Changes for version 0.15.3 - 2021-06-26

  • Improvement for Module::Generic::File for method load
  • Switched Module::Generic::SharedMem to use json xs module by default as data packing mechanism, but with the choice left to the user between JSON and Storable
  • Corrected a bug in Module::Generic::File in method tmpfile that, due to errors in parameters, inadvertently, was creating also temporary directories
  • Corrected a bug in rmtree whereby the directory itself was not removed. Added the option "keep_root" to decide whether to keep it or not.


An Array Iterator Element Object Class
Generic Module Scalar IO Class
Shared Memory Manipulation


Generic Module to inherit from
An Array Manipulation Object Class
Boolean Representation Class
A DateTime wrapper for enhanced features
Dynamic Object Class
Generic Module Exception Class
File Object Abstraction Class
File Info Object Class
Hash Manipulation Object Class
An Array Iterator Object Class
Null Value Chaining Object Class
Number Manipulation Object Class
String Manipulation Object Class
Shared Memory Manipulation
Object Access Control Class


in lib/Module/Generic/
in lib/Module/Generic/
in lib/Module/Generic/
in lib/Module/Generic/
in lib/Module/Generic/
in lib/Module/Generic/