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## Module Generic - ~/lib/Module/Generic/Array.pm
## Version v2.1.0
## Copyright(c) 2023 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.
## Author: Jacques Deguest <jack@deguest.jp>
## Created 2021/03/20
## Modified 2024/04/29
## All rights reserved
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the same terms as Perl itself.
use warnings;
use List::Util ();
use Scalar::Util ();
use Want;
no warnings;
use overload (
# Turned out to be not such a good ide as it create unexpected results, especially when this is an array of overloaded objects
# '""' => 'as_string',
'==' => sub { _obj_eq(@_) },
'!=' => sub { !_obj_eq(@_) },
'eq' => sub { _obj_eq(@_) },
'ne' => sub { !_obj_eq(@_) },
'%{}' => 'as_hash',
fallback => 1,
use constant BREAK_LOOP => \"BREAK";
$DEBUG = 0;
$ERRORS = {};
$RETURN = {};
our $VERSION = 'v2.1.0';
use strict;
no warnings 'redefine';
# require Module::Generic::Hash;
# require Module::Generic::Iterator;
# require Module::Generic::Null;
# require Module::Generic::Number;
# require Module::Generic::Scalar;
no strict 'refs';
$TRUE = ${"Module::Generic::Boolean::true"};
$FALSE = ${"Module::Generic::Boolean::false"};
sub new
my $this = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $init = [];
if( @_ )
if( ( Scalar::Util::blessed( $_[0] ) && $_[0]->isa( 'ARRAY' ) ) ||
ref( $_[0] ) eq 'ARRAY' )
$init = CORE::shift( @_ );
$init = [@_];
CORE::return( bless( $init => ( ref( $this ) || $this ) ) );
sub append { return( CORE::shift->push( @_ ) ); }
sub as_array { CORE::return( $_[0] ); }
sub as_hash
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $opts = {};
$opts = CORE::shift( @_ ) if( ( Scalar::Util::reftype( $opts ) // '' ) eq 'HASH' );
# my $ref = {};
my $offsets = $self->keys;
if( $opts->{start_from} )
my $start = CORE::int( $opts->{start_from} );
for my $i ( 0..$#$offsets )
$offsets->[ $i ] += $start;
# Since our array might contain reference, we instantiate first our special hash object, and then we add into it our elements
# Module::Generic::Hash, that uses Module::Generic::TieHash, knows how to handle keys as reference
my $ref = Module::Generic::Hash->new;
@$ref{ @$self } = @$offsets;
return( $ref );
sub as_string
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $sort = 0;
$sort = CORE::shift( @_ ) if( @_ );
CORE::return( $self->sort->as_string ) if( $sort );
CORE::return( "@$self" );
sub break
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $id = Scalar::Util::refaddr( $self );
CORE::return( $RETURN->{ $id } = BREAK_LOOP );
sub callback
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my( $what, $code ) = @_;
if( !defined( $what ) )
warnings::warn( "No callback type was provided.\n" ) if( warnings::enabled( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) );
elsif( $what ne 'add' && $what ne 'remove' )
warnings::warn( "Callback type provided ($what) is unsupported. Use 'add' or 'remove'.\n" ) if( warnings::enabled( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) );
elsif( scalar( @_ ) == 1 )
warnings::warn( "No callback code was provided. Provide an anonymous subroutine, or reference to existing subroutine.\n" ) if( warnings::enabled( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) );
elsif( defined( $code ) && ref( $code ) ne 'CODE' )
warnings::warn( "Callback provided is not a code reference. Provide an anonymous subroutine, or reference to existing subroutine." ) if( warnings::enabled( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) );
if( !defined( $code ) )
# undef is passed as an argument, so we remove the callback
if( scalar( @_ ) >= 2 )
# The array is not tied, so there is nothing to remove.
my $tie = tied( @$self );
return(1) if( !$tie );
my $rv = $tie->unset_callback( $what );
untie( @$self ) if( !$tie->has_callback );
return( $rv );
# Only 1 argument: get mode only
my $tie = tied( @$self );
return if( !$tie );
return( $tie->get_callback( $what ) );
# $code is defined, so we have something to set
my $tie = tied( @$self );
# Not tied yet
if( !$tie )
$tie = tie( @$self => 'Module::Generic::Array::Tie',
data => $self,
debug => $DEBUG,
$what => $code,
}) || return;
$tie->set_callback( $what => $code ) || return;
sub chomp
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
CORE::chomp( @$self );
CORE::return( $self );
sub clone { CORE::return( $_[0]->new( [ @{$_[0]} ] ) ); }
sub concat
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $new = $self->clone;
for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar( @_ ); $i++ )
if( !defined( $_[$i] ) ||
( Scalar::Util::reftype( $_[$i] ) // '' ) ne 'ARRAY' )
$new->push( @{$_[$i]} );
return( $new );
sub contains { CORE::return( CORE::shift->exists( @_ ) ); }
sub delete
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my( $offset, $length ) = @_;
if( defined( $offset ) )
if( $offset !~ /^\-?\d+$/ )
warn( "Non integer offset \"$offset\" provided to delete array element\n" ) if( $self->_warnings_is_enabled );
CORE::return( $self );
if( CORE::defined( $length ) && $length !~ /^\-?\d+$/ )
warn( $self, "Non integer length \"$length\" provided to delete array element\n" ) if( $self->_warnings_is_enabled );
CORE::return( $self );
my @removed = CORE::splice( @$self, $offset, CORE::defined( $length ) ? CORE::int( $length ) : 1 );
if( Want::want( 'LIST' ) )
rreturn( @removed );
rreturn( $self->new( \@removed ) );
# Required to make the compiler happy, as per Want documentation
CORE::return( $self );
sub each
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $code = CORE::shift( @_ ) || do
warn( "No subroutine callback as provided for each\n" ) if( $self->_warnings_is_enabled );
if( ref( $code ) ne 'CODE' )
warn( "I was expecting a reference to a subroutine for the callback to each, but got '$code' instead.\n" ) if( $self->_warnings_is_enabled );
# Index starts from 0
while( my( $i, $v ) = CORE::each( @$self ) )
local $_ = $v;
# CORE::defined( $code->( $i, $v ) ) || CORE::last;
my $rv = $code->( $i, $v );
CORE::last if( defined( $rv ) && CORE::length( $rv ) && ( $rv eq BREAK_LOOP || !$rv ) );
CORE::return( $self );
sub eighth { CORE::return( CORE::shift->get_null(7) ); }
sub empty { CORE::return( CORE::shift->reset( @_ ) ); }
sub error
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $addr = Scalar::Util::refaddr( $self ) || $self;
my $class = ref( $self ) || $self;
my $o;
no strict 'refs';
if( @_ )
my $args = {};
# We got an object as first argument. It could be a child from our exception package or from another package
# Either way, we use it as it is
if( ( Scalar::Util::blessed( $_[0] ) && $_[0]->isa( 'Module::Generic::Exception' ) ) ||
Scalar::Util::blessed( $_[0] ) )
$o = CORE::shift( @_ );
elsif( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' )
$args = CORE::shift( @_ );
$args->{message} = CORE::join( '', CORE::map( ref( $_ ) eq 'CODE' ? $_->() : $_, @_ ) );
$args->{class} //= '';
my $ex_class = CORE::length( $args->{class} )
? $args->{class}
: ( defined( ${"${class}\::EXCEPTION_CLASS"} ) && CORE::length( ${"${class}\::EXCEPTION_CLASS"} ) )
? ${"${class}\::EXCEPTION_CLASS"}
: 'Module::Generic::Exception';
unless( CORE::scalar( CORE::keys( %{"${ex_class}\::"} ) ) )
my $pl = "use $ex_class;";
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub{};
local $@;
eval( $pl );
# We have to die, because we have an error within another error
die( "${class}\::error() is unable to load exception class \"$ex_class\": $@" ) if( $@ );
$o = $ERRORS->{ $addr } = $ERROR = $ex_class->new( $args );
local $@;
require Encode;
if( $@ )
warn( $o ) if( $self->_warnings_is_enabled );
my $enc_str = eval
no strict 'subs';
Encode::encode( 'UTF-8', "$o", Encode::FB_CROAK );
# Display warnings if warnings for this class is registered and enabled or if not registered
warn( $@ ? $o : $enc_str ) if( $self->_warnings_is_enabled );
if( !$args->{no_return_null_object} && want( 'OBJECT' ) )
my $null = Module::Generic::Null->new( $o, { debug => $DEBUG, has_error => 1 });
rreturn( $null );
if( !$ERRORS->{ $addr } && want( 'OBJECT' ) )
my $null = Module::Generic::Null->new( $o, { debug => $DEBUG, wants => 'object' });
rreturn( $null );
return( $ERRORS->{ $addr } );
sub even
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my @new = @$self[ CORE::grep( !($_ % 2), 0..$#$self ) ];
CORE::return( $self->new( \@new ) );
# Mostly the same as with remove() except for the end
sub except
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $ref;
if( scalar( @_ ) == 1 &&
Scalar::Util::blessed( $_[0] ) &&
$_[0]->isa( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) )
$ref = CORE::shift( @_ );
elsif( scalar( @_ ) == 1 &&
( Scalar::Util::reftype( $_[0] ) // '' ) eq 'ARRAY' )
$ref = $self->new( CORE::shift( @_ ) );
$ref = $self->new( [ @_ ] );
my $hash = $ref->as_hash;
my @res = grep{ !CORE::exists( $hash->{ $_ } ) } @$self;
CORE::return( $self->new( \@res ) );
sub exists
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $this = CORE::shift( @_ );
if( ref( $this ) && ref( $this ) ne 'Regexp' )
my $pos = $self->pos( $this );
CORE::return( CORE::defined( $pos ) ? 1 : 0 );
CORE::return( $self->_number( CORE::scalar( CORE::grep( /^$this$/, @$self ) ) ) );
sub fifth { CORE::return( CORE::shift->get_null(4) ); }
sub filter
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my( $code, $this ) = @_;
CORE::return if( ref( $code ) ne 'CODE' );
my $n = -1;
return( $self->map(sub
local $_ = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $rv = $code->( ( defined( $this ) ? $this : () ), $_, ++$n, $self );
return if( !$rv );
return( $_ );
}) );
sub first { CORE::return( CORE::shift->get_null(0) ); }
sub for
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $code = CORE::shift( @_ );
CORE::return if( ref( $code ) ne 'CODE' );
CORE::for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar( @$self ); $i++ )
local $_ = $self->[ $i ];
my $rv = $code->( $i, $self->[ $i ] );
CORE::last if( CORE::defined( $rv ) && CORE::length( "$rv" ) && ( $rv eq BREAK_LOOP || !$rv ) );
if( defined( my $ret = $self->return ) )
$rv = $ret;
if( CORE::ref( $rv ) eq 'SCALAR' )
if( !CORE::defined( $$rv ) || !CORE::length( $$rv ) || $rv eq BREAK_LOOP )
elsif( $$rv =~ /^[\-\+]?\d+$/ )
$i += int( $$rv );
CORE::return( $self );
sub foreach
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $code = CORE::shift( @_ );
CORE::return if( ref( $code ) ne 'CODE' );
# CORE::foreach my $v ( @$self )
CORE::foreach( @$self )
# local $_;
# local $_ = $v;
# my $rv = $code->( $v );
my $rv = $code->( $_ );
CORE::last if( CORE::defined( $rv ) && CORE::length( "$rv" ) && ( $rv eq BREAK_LOOP || !$rv ) );
if( CORE::defined( my $ret = $self->return ) )
$rv = $ret;
if( CORE::ref( $rv ) eq 'SCALAR' )
if( !CORE::defined( $$rv ) || !CORE::length( $$rv ) || $rv eq BREAK_LOOP )
CORE::return( $self );
sub fourth { CORE::return( CORE::shift->get_null(3) ); }
sub get
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $offset = CORE::int( CORE::shift( @_ ) );
# offset may be out of bound, which will lead Module::Generic::Scalar to hold an undefined value or the offset exists but contains an undef value which will lead to the same
if( want( 'OBJECT' ) && ( !ref( $self->[ $offset ] ) || ( Scalar::Util::reftype( $self->[ $offset ] ) // '' ) eq 'SCALAR' ) )
rreturn( Module::Generic::Scalar->new( $self->[ $offset ] ) );
# If the enclosed value is a regular ref like array or hash and user wants an object, this will trigger an error, but that is the user's fault. I think it would be bad design to prevent the error from happening and second guess what the user is trying to do.
CORE::return( $self->[ $offset ] );
sub get_null
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $offset = CORE::int( CORE::shift( @_ ) );
if( CORE::defined( $self->[ $offset ] ) && CORE::length( $self->[ $offset ] ) )
if( want( 'OBJECT' ) && ( !ref( $self->[ $offset ] ) || ( Scalar::Util::reftype( $self->[ $offset ] ) // '' ) eq 'SCALAR' ) )
rreturn( Module::Generic::Scalar->new( $self->[ $offset ] ) );
# If the enclosed value is a regular ref like array or hash and user wants an object, this will trigger an error, but that is the user's fault. I think it would be bad design to prevent the error from happening and second guess what the user is trying to do.
CORE::return( $self->[ $offset ] );
if( Want::want( 'OBJECT' ) )
rreturn( Module::Generic::Null->new( wants => 'object' ) );
CORE::return( $self->[ $offset ] );
sub grep
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $expr = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $invert = ( @_ ? CORE::shift( @_ ) : 0 );
my $ref;
my $i = -1;
if( ref( $expr ) eq 'CODE' )
$ref = ( $invert ? [CORE::grep( !$expr->( $_, ++$i ), @$self )] : [CORE::grep( $expr->( $_, ++$i ), @$self )] );
$expr = ref( $expr ) eq 'Regexp'
? $expr
: qr/\Q$expr\E/;
$ref = ( $invert ? [ CORE::grep( $_ !~ /$expr/, @$self ) ] : [ CORE::grep( $_ =~ /$expr/, @$self ) ] );
if( Want::want( 'LIST' ) )
CORE::return( @$ref );
CORE::return( $self->new( $ref ) );
sub has { CORE::return( CORE::shift->exists( @_ ) ); }
# Same as get. Maybe I should alias it
sub index
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $pos = CORE::int( CORE::shift( @_ ) );
if( want( 'OBJECT' ) && ( !ref( $self->[ $pos ] ) || ( Scalar::Util::reftype( $self->[ $pos ] ) // '' ) eq 'SCALAR' ) )
rreturn( Module::Generic::Scalar->new( $self->[ $pos ] ) );
CORE::return( $self->[ $pos ] );
sub intersection
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $other = $self->new( @_ );
my $hash = $self->as_hash;
my $new = $other->grep(sub{ CORE::exists( $hash->{ $_ } ) });
CORE::return( $new );
sub is_empty { CORE::return( CORE::scalar( @{$_[0]} ) ? $FALSE : $TRUE ) }
# sub iterator { CORE::return( Module::Generic::Iterator->new( CORE::shift( @_ ) ) ); }
sub iterator
CORE::return( Module::Generic::Iterator->new( CORE::shift( @_ ) ) );
sub join
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
CORE::return( $self->_scalar( CORE::join( CORE::shift( @_ ), @$self, @_ ) ) );
sub keys
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
CORE::return( $self->new( scalar( @$self ) ? [ CORE::keys( @$self ) ] : [] ) );
sub last { CORE::return( CORE::shift->get_null(-1) ); }
sub length { CORE::return( $_[0]->_number( scalar( @{$_[0]} ) ) ); }
sub list { CORE::return( @{$_[0]} ); }
sub map
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $code = CORE::shift( @_ );
CORE::return if( ref( $code ) ne 'CODE' );
my $ref = [ CORE::map( $code->( $_ ), @$self ) ];
if( Want::want( 'OBJECT' ) )
CORE::return( $self->new( $ref ) );
elsif( Want::want( 'LIST' ) )
CORE::return( @$ref );
CORE::return( $self->new( $ref ) );
sub max
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
return( Module::Generic::Scalar->new( List::Util::max( @$self ) ) );
sub merge
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
# First check before modifying anything
for( @_ )
CORE::return( $self->error( "Value provided (", overload::StrVal( $_ ), ") is not an Module::Generic::Array object." ) ) if( !Scalar::Util::blessed( $_ ) || !$_->isa( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) );
# Now, we modify
for( @_ )
CORE::push( @$self, @$_ );
CORE::return( $self );
sub min
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
return( Module::Generic::Scalar->new( List::Util::min( @$self ) ) );
sub ninth { CORE::return( CORE::shift->get_null(8) ); }
sub object { return( $_[0] ); }
sub odd
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my @new = @$self[ CORE::grep( ($_ % 2), 0..$#$self ) ];
CORE::return( $self->new( \@new ) );
sub offset
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my( $pos, $len ) = @_;
if( scalar( @_ ) >= 2 )
int( $len ) < 0
? $self->new( [ @$self[ ( int( $pos ) + int( $len ) )..int( $pos ) ] ] )
: $self->new( [ @$self[ int( $pos )..( int( $pos ) + ( int( $len ) - 1 ) ) ] ] )
CORE::return( $self->new( [ @$self[ int( $pos )..$#$self ] ] ) );
sub pack
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
CORE::return( $self->_scalar( CORE::pack( $_[0], @$self ) ) );
sub pop
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
if( Want::want( 'OBJECT' ) && ( !ref( $self->[-1] ) || ( Scalar::Util::reftype( $self->[-1] ) // '' ) eq 'SCALAR' ) )
rreturn( Module::Generic::Scalar->new( CORE::pop( @$self ) ) );
CORE::return( CORE::pop( @$self ) );
sub pos
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $this = CORE::shift( @_ );
CORE::return if( !CORE::length( $this ) );
my $is_ref = ref( $this );
my $ref = $is_ref ? Scalar::Util::refaddr( $this ) : $this;
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#$self )
if( ( $is_ref && Scalar::Util::refaddr( $self->[$i] ) eq $ref ) ||
( !$is_ref && $self->[$i] eq $this ) )
CORE::return( $i );
sub prepend { return( CORE::shift->unshift( @_ ) ); }
sub push
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
CORE::push( @$self, @_ );
CORE::return( $self );
sub push_arrayref
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $ref = CORE::shift( @_ );
CORE::return( $self->error( "Data provided ($ref) is not an array reference." ) ) if( !UNIVERSAL::isa( $ref, 'ARRAY' ) );
CORE::push( @$self, @$ref );
CORE::return( $self );
# Implementation of JavaScript reduce in perl.
# This is different from the one in List::Util that departs from its JavaScript counterpart.
# Ours is strictly compliant
sub reduce
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $cb = CORE::shift( @_ ) ||
CORE::return( $self->error( "No callback anonymous subroutine or reference to a subroutine was provided." ) );
if( ref( $cb ) ne 'CODE' )
CORE::return( $self->error( "No callback anonymous subroutine or reference to a subroutine was provided." ) );
elsif( !CORE::scalar( @$self ) )
CORE::return( $self->error( "Array object is empty. Nothing to run reduce on." ) );
my $init;
$init = CORE::shift( @_ ) if( @_ );
my( $accumulator, $pos );
if( CORE::defined( $init ) )
( $accumulator, $pos ) = ( $init, 0 );
( $accumulator, $pos ) = ( $self->[0], 1 );
for( my $i = $pos; $i < scalar( @$self ); $i++ )
# try-catch
local $@;
local $_ = $self->[$i];
$accumulator = $cb->( $accumulator, $self->[$i], $i );
if( $@ )
CORE::return( $self->error( "Error calling reduce callback: $@" ) );
return( $accumulator );
sub remove
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $ref;
if( scalar( @_ ) == 1 &&
Scalar::Util::blessed( $_[0] ) &&
$_[0]->isa( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) )
$ref = CORE::shift( @_ );
elsif( scalar( @_ ) == 1 &&
( Scalar::Util::reftype( $_[0] ) // '' ) eq 'ARRAY' )
$ref = $self->new( CORE::shift( @_ ) );
$ref = $self->new( [ @_ ] );
my $hash = $ref->as_hash;
my @res = grep{ !CORE::exists( $hash->{ $_ } ) } @$self;
@$self = @res;
CORE::return( $self );
sub replace
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my( $old, $new ) = @_;
my $pos = $self->pos( $old );
return if( !defined( $pos ) );
$self->[ $pos ] = $new;
return( $self );
sub reset
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
if( @_ )
warn( "Warning only: ", ref( $self ), "::reset() called with ", scalar( @_ ), " arguments, but I was not expecting any. Called from package \"", [caller]->[0], "\" at line ", [caller]->[2], " from subroutine ", [caller]->[3], "\n" );
@$self = ();
CORE::return( $self );
sub return
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $id = Scalar::Util::refaddr( $self );
if( @_ )
$RETURN->{ $id } = \( CORE::shift( @_ ) );
CORE::return( '' ) if( !CORE::defined( ${$RETURN->{ $id }} ) );
CORE::return( $RETURN->{ $id } );
sub return_reset
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $id = Scalar::Util::refaddr( $self );
CORE::return( CORE::delete( $RETURN->{ $id } ) );
sub reverse
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $ref = [ CORE::reverse( @$self ) ];
if( wantarray() )
CORE::return( @$ref );
CORE::return( $self->new( $ref ) );
sub scalar { CORE::return( CORE::shift->length ); }
sub second { CORE::return( CORE::shift->get_null(1) ); }
sub set
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $ref = ( scalar( @_ ) == 1 && ( ( Scalar::Util::blessed( $_[0] ) && $_[0]->isa( 'ARRAY' ) ) || ref( $_[0] ) eq 'ARRAY' ) ) ? CORE::shift( @_ ) : [ @_ ];
@$self = @$ref;
CORE::return( $self );
sub seventh { CORE::return( CORE::shift->get_null(6) ); }
sub shift
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
if( Want::want( 'OBJECT' ) && ( !ref( $self->[0] ) || ( Scalar::Util::reftype( $self->[0] ) // '' ) eq 'SCALAR' ) )
rreturn( Module::Generic::Scalar->new( CORE::shift( @$self ) ) );
CORE::return( CORE::shift( @$self ) );
sub sixth { CORE::return( CORE::shift->get_null(5) ); }
sub size { CORE::return( $_[0]->_number( $#{$_[0]} ) ); }
sub sort
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $code = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $ref;
if( ref( $code ) eq 'CODE' )
$ref = [sort
$code->( $a, $b );
} @$self];
$ref = [ CORE::sort( @$self ) ];
if( Want::want( 'LIST' ) )
CORE::return( @$ref );
CORE::return( $self->new( $ref ) );
sub splice
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my( $offset, $length, @list ) = @_;
if( defined( $offset ) && int( $offset ) !~ /^\-?\d+$/ )
warn( "Offset provided for splice \"$offset\" is not an integer.\n" ) if( $self->_warnings_is_enabled );
## If a list was provided, the user is not looking to get an element removed, but add it, so we return out object
CORE::return( $self ) if( scalar( @list ) );
if( defined( $length ) && int( $length ) !~ /^\-?\d+$/ )
warn( "Length provided for splice \"$length\" is not an integer.\n" ) if( $self->_warnings_is_enabled );
CORE::return( $self ) if( scalar( @list ) );
# Adding elements, so we return our object and allow chaining
# @_ = offset, length, replacement list
if( scalar( @_ ) > 2 )
CORE::splice( @$self, int( $offset ), int( $length ), @list );
CORE::return( $self );
elsif( !scalar( @_ ) )
CORE::splice( @$self );
CORE::return( $self );
if( CORE::defined( $offset ) && CORE::defined( $length ) )
if( Want::want( 'OBJECT' ) )
rreturn( $self->new( [CORE::splice( @$self, int( $offset ), int( $length ) )] ) );
CORE::return( CORE::splice( @$self, int( $offset ), int( $length ) ) );
elsif( CORE::defined( $offset ) )
if( Want::want( 'OBJECT' ) )
rreturn( $self->new( [CORE::splice( @$self, int( $offset ) )] ) );
CORE::return( CORE::splice( @$self, int( $offset ) ) );
# my $a = $ar->split( qr/[[:blank:]\h]+/, "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" );
sub split { CORE::return( CORE::shift->_scalar( CORE::splice( @_, 1, 1 ) )->split( @_ ) ); }
sub tenth { CORE::return( CORE::shift->get_null(9) ); }
sub third { CORE::return( CORE::shift->get_null(2) ); }
sub unchomp
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $nl = CORE::scalar( @_ ) ? CORE::shift( @_ ) : $/;
$_ .= $nl for( @$self );
CORE::return( $self );
sub undef
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
@$self = ();
CORE::return( $self );
sub unique
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $self_update = 0;
$self_update = CORE::shift( @_ ) if( @_ );
my @new = List::Util::uniq( @$self );
CORE::return( $self->new( \@new ) ) unless( $self_update );
@$self = @new;
CORE::return( $self );
sub unshift
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
CORE::unshift( @$self, @_ );
CORE::return( $self );
sub values
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $ref = [ CORE::values( @$self ) ];
if( Want::want( 'LIST' ) )
CORE::return( @$ref );
CORE::return( $self->new( $ref ) );
sub _boolean
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
sub _number
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $num = CORE::shift( @_ );
CORE::return if( !defined( $num ) );
CORE::return( $num ) if( !CORE::length( $num ) );
CORE::return( Module::Generic::Number->new( $num ) );
sub _obj_eq
no overloading;
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $other = CORE::shift( @_ );
## Sorted
my $strA = $self->as_string(1);
my $strB;
if( Scalar::Util::blessed( $other ) && $other->isa( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) )
$strB = $other->as_string(1);
# Compare error message
elsif( ( Scalar::Util::reftype( $other ) // '' ) eq 'ARRAY' )
$strB = $self->new( $other )->as_string(1);
CORE::return( 0 );
CORE::return( $strA eq $strB ) ;
sub _scalar
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $str = CORE::shift( @_ );
CORE::return if( !defined( $str ) );
# Whether empty or not, return an object
CORE::return( Module::Generic::Scalar->new( $str ) );
sub _warnings_is_enabled { CORE::return( warnings::enabled( ref( $_[0] ) || $_[0] ) ); }
local( $., $@, $!, $^E, $? );
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $id = Scalar::Util::refaddr( $self );
CORE::delete( $ERRORS->{ $id } );
CORE:delete( $RETURN->{ $id } );
return( $self );
my $self = CORE::shift( @_ );
my $serialiser = CORE::shift( @_ ) // '';
my $class = CORE::ref( $self );
my @array = @$self;
# Return an array reference rather than a list so this works with Sereal and CBOR
# On or before Sereal version 4.023, Sereal did not support multiple values returned
CORE::return( [$class, \@array] ) if( $serialiser eq 'Sereal' && Sereal::Encoder->VERSION <= version->parse( '4.023' ) );
# But Storable want a list with the first element being the serialised element
CORE::return( $class, \@array );
sub STORABLE_freeze { CORE::return( CORE::shift->FREEZE( @_ ) ); }
sub STORABLE_thaw { CORE::return( CORE::shift->THAW( @_ ) ); }
# NOTE: CBOR will call the THAW method with the stored classname as first argument, the constant string CBOR as second argument, and all values returned by FREEZE as remaining arguments.
# NOTE: Storable calls it with a blessed object it created followed with $cloning and any other arguments initially provided by STORABLE_freeze
sub THAW
my( $self, undef, @args ) = @_;
my $ref = ( CORE::scalar( @args ) == 1 && CORE::ref( $args[0] ) eq 'ARRAY' ) ? CORE::shift( @args ) : \@args;
my $class = ( CORE::defined( $ref ) && CORE::ref( $ref ) eq 'ARRAY' && CORE::scalar( @$ref ) > 1 ) ? CORE::shift( @$ref ) : ( CORE::ref( $self ) || $self );
$ref = ( CORE::scalar( @$ref ) && CORE::ref( $ref->[0] ) eq 'ARRAY' ) ? $ref->[0] : [];
# Storable pattern requires to modify the object it created rather than returning a new one
if( CORE::ref( $self ) )
@$self = @$ref;
CORE::return( $self );
CORE::return( $class->new( $ref ) );
sub TO_JSON { CORE::return( [ @{$_[0]} ] ); }
# NOTE: Module::Generic::Array::Tie class
use strict;
use warnings;
use Scalar::Util ();
our $dummy_callback = sub{1};
my( $class, $opts ) = @_;
$opts //= {};
if( ( Scalar::Util::reftype( $opts ) // '' ) ne 'HASH' )
warn( "Options provided (", overload::StrVal( $opts ), ") is not an hash reference\n" );
$opts = {};
$opts->{data} //= [];
$opts->{debug} //= 0;
if( CORE::length( $opts->{add} ) && ref( $opts->{add} ) ne 'CODE' )
warnings::warn( "Code provided for the array add callback is not a code reference.\n" ) if( warnings::enabled( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) || $opts->{debug} );
if( CORE::length( $opts->{remove} ) && ref( $opts->{remove} ) ne 'CODE' )
warnings::warn( "Code provided for the array remove callback is not a code reference.\n" ) if( warnings::enabled( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) || $opts->{debug} );
my $ref =
callback_add => $opts->{add},
callback_remove => $opts->{remove},
data => ( ( Scalar::Util::reftype( $opts->{data} ) // '' ) eq 'ARRAY' ? [@{$opts->{data}}] : [] ),
debug => $opts->{debug},
print( STDERR ( ref( $class ) || $class ), "::TIEARRAY: Using ", scalar( @{$ref->{data}} ), " elements in array vs ", scalar( @{$opts->{data}} ), " received via opts->data.\n" ) if( $ref->{debug} );
return( bless( $ref => ( ref( $class ) || $class ) ) );
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $data = $self->{data};
my $cb = $self->{callback_remove} || $dummy_callback;
my $rv;
if( !$cb )
warnings::warn( "No callback remove found. This should not happen.\n" ) if( warnings::enabled( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) || $self->{debug} );
$rv = 1;
my $removed = [ @$data ];
my $caller = $self->get_caller;
my $def = { type => 'remove', start => 0, end => $#$data, removed => $removed, data => $removed, 'caller' => $caller };
local $_ = $def;
$rv = $cb->( $def );
print( STDERR ref( $self ), "::CLEAR: removing all data from 0 to ", $#$data, " -> callback returned ", ( defined( $rv ) ? 'true' : 'undef' ), "\n" ) if( $self->{debug} );
return if( !defined( $rv ) );
@{$self->{data}} = ();
my( $self, $key ) = @_;
my $data = $self->{data};
return(0) if( $key > $#$data || $key < 0 );
my $cb = $self->{callback_remove} || $dummy_callback;
my $rv;
if( !$cb )
warnings::warn( "No callback remove found. This should not happen.\n" ) if( warnings::enabled( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) || $self->{debug} );
$rv = 1;
my $removed = [ @$data[ $key ] ];
my $caller = $self->get_caller;
my $def = { type => 'remove', start => $key, end => $key, removed => $removed, data => $removed, 'caller' => $caller };
local $_ = $def;
$rv = $cb->( $def );
print( STDERR ref( $self ), "::DELETE: removing data from $key to ", ( $key + 1 ), " -> callback returned ", ( defined( $rv ) ? 'true' : 'undef' ), "\n" ) if( $self->{debug} );
return if( !defined( $rv ) );
return( CORE::splice( @$data, $key, 1 ) );
my( $self, $key ) = @_;
my $data = $self->{data};
return(0) if( $key > $#$data || $key < 0 );
my( $self, $count ) = @_;
# This is an optional method, so we set it as a noop
my( $self, $index ) = @_;
return( $self->{data}->[ $index ] );
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $data = $self->{data};
return( $#$data + 1 );
sub POP
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $data = $self->{data};
my $cb = $self->{callback_remove} || $dummy_callback;
my $rv;
if( !$cb )
warnings::warn( "No callback remove found. This should not happen.\n" ) if( warnings::enabled( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) || $self->{debug} );
$rv = 1;
my $removed = [ @$data[ $#$data ] ];
my $caller = $self->get_caller;
my $def = { type => 'remove', start => $#$data, end => $#$data, removed => $removed, data => $removed, 'caller' => $caller };
local $_ = $def;
$rv = $cb->( $def );
print( STDERR ref( $self ), "::POP: removing data from ", $#$data, " to ", ( $#$data + 1 ), " -> callback returned ", ( defined( $rv ) ? 'true' : 'undef' ), "\n" ) if( $self->{debug} );
return if( !defined( $rv ) );
return( CORE::splice( @$data, -1 ) );
sub PUSH
my( $self, @values ) = @_;
my $data = $self->{data};
my $cb = $self->{callback_add} || $dummy_callback;
my $rv;
if( !$cb )
warnings::warn( "No callback add found. This should not happen.\n" ) if( warnings::enabled( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) || $self->{debug} );
$rv = 1;
my $added = \@values;
my $caller = $self->get_caller;
my $def = { type => 'add', start => ( $#$data + 1 ), added => $added, data => $added, 'caller' => $caller };
local $_ = $def;
$rv = $cb->( $def );
print( STDERR ref( $self ), "::PUSH: adding ", scalar( @values ), " data at position ", ( $#$data + 1 ), " -> callback returned ", ( defined( $rv ) ? 'true' : 'undef' ), ". Array contains ", scalar( @$data ), " elements.\n" ) if( $self->{debug} );
return if( !defined( $rv ) );
CORE::splice( @$data, ( $#$data + 1 ), 0, @values );
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $data = $self->{data};
my $cb = $self->{callback_remove} || $dummy_callback;
my $rv;
if( !$cb )
warnings::warn( "No callback remove found. This should not happen.\n" ) if( warnings::enabled( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) || $self->{debug} );
$rv = 1;
my $removed = [ @$data[0] ];
my $caller = $self->get_caller;
my $def = { type => 'remove', start => 0, end => 0, removed => $removed, data => $removed, 'caller' => $caller };
local $_ = $def;
$rv = $cb->( $def );
return if( !defined( $rv ) );
return( CORE::splice( @$data, 0, 1 ) );
my( $self, $offset, $len, @values ) = @_;
my $data = $self->{data};
my $size = $#$data + 1;
$offset //= 0;
$offset += $size if( $offset < 0 );
$len //= ( ( $#$data + 1 ) - $offset );
print( STDERR ref( $self ), "::SPLICE: called with offset '$offset', length '$len' and ", scalar( @values ), "\n" ) if( $self->{debug} );
my $rv;
if( scalar( @values ) )
my $cb = $self->{callback_add} || $dummy_callback;
if( !$cb )
warnings::warn( "No callback add found. This should not happen.\n" ) if( warnings::enabled( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) || $self->{debug} );
$rv = 1;
my $added = \@values;
my $caller = $self->get_caller;
my $def = { type => 'add', start => $offset, added => $added, data => $added, 'caller' => $caller };
local $_ = $def;
$rv = $cb->( $def );
print( STDERR ref( $self ), "::SPLICE: adding ", scalar( @values ), " data at position $offset -> callback returned ", ( defined( $rv ) ? 'true' : 'undef' ), "\n" ) if( $self->{debug} );
my $cb = $self->{callback_remove} || $dummy_callback;
if( !$cb )
warnings::warn( "No callback remove found. This should not happen.\n" ) if( warnings::enabled( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) || $self->{debug} );
$rv = 1;
my $removed = [ @$data[ $offset..( $offset + ( $len - 1 ) ) ] ];
my $caller = $self->get_caller;
my $def = { type => 'remove', start => $offset, end => ( $offset + ( $len - 1 ) ), removed => $removed, data => $removed, 'caller' => $caller };
local $_ = $def;
$rv = $cb->( $def );
print( STDERR ref( $self ), "::SPLICE: removing data from $offset to ", ( $offset + $len ), " -> callback returned ", ( defined( $rv ) ? 'true' : 'undef' ), "\n" ) if( $self->{debug} );
return if( !defined( $rv ) );
return( CORE::splice( @$data, $offset, $len, @values ) );
my( $self, $index, $value ) = @_;
my $cb = $self->{callback_add} || $dummy_callback;
my $rv;
if( !$cb )
warnings::warn( "No callback add found. This should not happen.\n" ) if( warnings::enabled( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) || $self->{debug} );
$rv = 1;
my $added = [ $value ];
my $caller = $self->get_caller;
my $def = { type => 'add', start => $index, added => $added, data => $added, 'caller' => $caller };
local $_ = $def;
$rv = $cb->( $def );
print( STDERR ref( $self ), "::STORE: adding 1 data at position $index -> callback returned ", ( defined( $rv ) ? 'true' : 'undef' ), "\n" ) if( $self->{debug} );
return if( !defined( $rv ) );
$self->{data}->[ $index ] = $value;
my( $self, $count ) = @_;
my $data = $self->{data};
$#$data = ( $count - 1 );
# if( $count > ( $#$data + 1 ) )
# {
# $#$data = ( $count - 1 );
# }
# else
# {
# CORE::splice( @$data, ( $count - 1 ) );
# }
my( $self, @values ) = @_;
my $data = $self->{data};
my $cb = $self->{callback_add} || $dummy_callback;
my $rv;
if( !$cb )
warnings::warn( "No callback add found. This should not happen.\n" ) if( warnings::enabled( 'Module::Generic::Array' ) || $self->{debug} );
$rv = 1;
print( STDERR ref( $self ), "::UNSHIFT: got here for values to add '", join( "', '", @values ), "' with callback '$cb'\n" ) if( $self->{debug} );
my $added = \@values;
my $caller = $self->get_caller;
my $def = { type => 'add', start => 0, added => $added, data => $added, 'caller' => $caller };
local $_ = $def;
$rv = $cb->( $def );
print( STDERR ref( $self ), "::UNSHIFT: adding ", scalar( @values ), " data at position 0 -> callback returned ", ( defined( $rv ) ? 'true' : 'undef' ), "\n" ) if( $self->{debug} );
return if( !defined( $rv ) );
return( CORE::splice( @$data, 0, 0, @values ) );
my( $self, $ref_count ) = @_;
# noop
sub get_caller
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $frame = 2;
my $info = [caller( $frame )];
print( STDERR ref( $self ), "::get_caller: At frame $frame, called from package ", $info->[0], " at line ", $info->[2], "\n" ) if( $self->{debug} );
while( scalar( @$info ) && substr( $info->[0], 0, 22 ) eq 'Module::Generic::Array' )
$info = [caller( ++$frame )];
print( STDERR ref( $self ), "::get_caller: At frame $frame, called from package ", $info->[0], " at line ", $info->[2], "\n" ) if( $self->{debug} );
return( $info );
sub has_callback
my $self = shift( @_ );
return(1) if( ref( $self->{callback_add} ) eq 'CODE' || ref( $self->{callback_remove} ) eq 'CODE' );
sub set_callback
my( $self, $what, $code ) = @_;
if( !defined( $what ) )
warn( "No callback type was provided. Use \"add\" or \"remove\".\n" );
elsif( $what ne 'add' && $what ne 'remove' )
warn( "Unknown callback type was provided: '$what'. Use \"add\" or \"remove\".\n" );
elsif( !defined( $code ) )
warn( "No callback anonymous subroutine or subroutine reference was provided.\n" );
elsif( ref( $code ) ne 'CODE' )
warn( "Callback provided (", overload::StrVal( $code ), ") is not a code reference.\n" );
$self->{ "callback_${what}" } = $code;
sub unset_callback
my( $self, $what ) = @_;
if( !defined( $what ) )
warn( "No callback type was provided. Use \"add\" or \"remove\".\n" );
elsif( $what ne 'add' && $what ne 'remove' )
warn( "Unknown callback type was provided: '$what'. Use \"add\" or \"remove\".\n" );
$self->{ "callback_${what}" } = undef;