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=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Module::Generic::Iterator - An Array Iterator Object Class
my $i = Module::Generic::Iterator->new( [qw( Joe John Mary )] );
# or also:
my $a = Module::Generic::Array->new( [qw( Joe John Mary )] );
my $i = $a->iterator;
while( $i->has_next )
my $elem = $i->next;
my $value = $elem->value;
# Get the next element relative to our element
printf( "Next value is: %s at offset %d\n", $elem->next, $elem->next->pos );
=head1 VERSION
This provides an object oriented array iterator. Each of its elements are L<Module::Generic::Iterator::Element> object
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
Provided with an array reference or an L<Module::Generic::Array> object, and this will create a new iterator and return it.
=head2 elements
Contains the array elements
=head2 eof
Returns true if the position in the iterator has reached the end of the array.
=head2 find
Creates a clone of the current array object and returns it.Provided wit an array element and this returns its position in the array starting at 0.
If nothing was found, this returns undef.
=head2 first
Returns the first element of the array.
=head2 has_next
Returns true if there is another item after the current one.
=head2 has_prev
Returns true if there is another item before the current one.
=head2 last
Returns the last element of the array.
=head2 length
Returns the size of the array, starting from 1, as a L<Module::Generic::Number> object.
=head2 next
Returns the next L<Module::Generic::Iterator::Element> object or undef if there are no more element.
=head2 pos
Sets or returns the current position in the array.
This is an lvalue method.
$e->pos = 10; # Sets the current position to 10
my $pos = $e->pos; # Returns the current position
=head2 prev
Returns the previous L<Module::Generic::Iterator::Element> object or undef if there are no more previous element.
=head2 reset
Reset the position inside the array and sets it to 0.
=head2 _find_pos
Provided with an item, this returns its position in the array or undef if it is not in the array.
=for Pod::Coverage FREEZE
=for Pod::Coverage STORABLE_freeze
=for Pod::Coverage STORABLE_thaw
=for Pod::Coverage THAW
=for Pod::Coverage TO_JSON
Serialisation by L<CBOR|CBOR::XS>, L<Sereal> and L<Storable::Improved> (or the legacy L<Storable>) is supported by this package. To that effect, the following subroutines are implemented: C<FREEZE>, C<THAW>, C<STORABLE_freeze> and C<STORABLE_thaw>
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Module::Generic::Iterator::Element>, L<Module::Generic::Array>
=head1 AUTHOR
Jacques Deguest E<lt>F<jack@deguest.jp>E<gt>
Copyright (c) 2000-2024 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.
You can use, copy, modify and redistribute this package and associated
files under the same terms as Perl itself.