Net::API::CPAN::Module - Meta CPAN API Module Class
use Net::API::CPAN::Module;
my $obj = Net::API::CPAN::Module->new( {
abstract => "Japan Folklore Object Class",
author => "MOMOTARO",
authorized => \1,
binary => \0,
date => "2023-07-29T05:10:12",
deprecated => \0
description => "Folklore::Japan is a totally fictious perl 5 module designed to serve as an example for the MetaCPAN API.",
directory => \0
dist_fav_count => 1,
distribution => "Folklore::Japan",
documentation => "Folklore::Japan",
download_url => "",
id => "l0tsOf1192fuN100",
indexed => \1
level => 1,
maturity => "released",
mime => "text/x-script.perl-module",
module => [
associated_pod => "MOMOTARO/Folklore-Japan-v1.2.3/lib/Folklore/",
authorized => \1
indexed => \1
name => "Folklore::Japan",
version => "v1.2.3",
version_numified => "1.002003",
name => "",
path => "lib/Folklore/",
pod => "NAME Folklore::Japan - Japan Folklore Object Class VERSION version v1.2.3 SYNOPSIS use Folklore::Japan; my \$fun = Folklore::Japan->new; DESCRIPTION This is an imaginary class object to Japan folklore to only serve as dummy example AUTHOR Momo Taro <momo.taro\> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2023 by Okayama, Inc.. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.",
pod_lines => [
release => "Folklore-Japan-v1.2.3",
sloc => 202,
slop => 637,
stat => {
gid => 12345,
mode => 33188,
mtime => 1690618397,
size => 10240,
uid => 16790,
status => "latest",
suggest => {
input => [
payload => {
doc_name => "Folklore::Japan",
weight => 985,
version => "v1.2.3",
version_numified => "1.002003",
} ) || die( Net::API::CPAN::Module->error );
my $string = $obj->abstract;
my $string = $obj->author;
my $bool = $obj->authorized;
my $bool = $obj->binary;
my $date = $obj->date;
my $bool = $obj->deprecated;
my $string = $obj->description;
my $string = $obj->dir;
my $bool = $obj->directory;
my $num = $obj->dist_fav_count;
my $string = $obj->distribution;
my $string = $obj->documentation;
my $uri = $obj->download_url;
my $string = $obj->id;
my $bool = $obj->indexed;
my $num = $obj->level;
my $string = $obj->maturity;
my $uri = $obj->metacpan_url;
my $string = $obj->mime;
my $array = $obj->module;
foreach my $this ( @$array )
my $scalar = $this->associated_pod;
my $boolean = $this->authorized;
my $boolean = $this->indexed;
my $scalar = $this->name;
my $scalar = $this->version;
my $number = $this->version_numified;
my $string = $obj->name;
my $str = $obj->object;
my $this = $obj->package;
my $string = $obj->path;
my $this = $obj->permission;
my $string = $obj->pod;
my $string = $obj->pod_lines;
my $string = $obj->release;
my $num = $obj->sloc;
my $num = $obj->slop;
my $this = $obj->stat;
my $integer = $obj->stat->gid;
my $integer = $obj->stat->mode;
my $datetime = $obj->stat->mtime;
my $integer = $obj->stat->size;
my $integer = $obj->stat->uid;
my $string = $obj->status;
my $this = $obj->suggest;
my $array = $obj->suggest->input;
my $hash = $obj->suggest->payload;
my $integer = $obj->suggest->weight;
my $vers = $obj->version;
my $num = $obj->version_numified;
This class serves to retrieve and manipulate modules.
It inherits from Net::API::CPAN::Generic
Provided with an hash or hash reference of parameters, and this instantiates a new Net::API::CPAN::Module
The parameters that can be provided bear the same name and supports the same values as the methods below.
$obj->abstract( "Japan Folklore Object Class" );
my $string = $obj->abstract;
Sets or gets a string and returns a scalar object, even if there is no value.
$obj->author( "MOMOTARO" );
my $string = $obj->author;
Sets or gets a string and returns a scalar object, even if there is no value.
my $bool = $obj->authorized;
Sets or gets a boolean value, and returns a boolean object or undef
if no value is set.
my $bool = $obj->binary;
Sets or gets a boolean value, and returns a boolean object or undef
if no value is set.
$obj->date( "2023-07-29T05:10:12" );
my $datetime_obj = $obj->date;
Sets or gets a datetime value, and returns a DateTime object that stringifies to the format that was provided with the string set (usally an ISO 8601 datetime format) or undef
if no value is set.
my $bool = $obj->deprecated;
Sets or gets a boolean value, and returns a boolean object or undef
if no value is set.
$obj->description( "Folklore::Japan is a totally fictious perl 5 module designed to serve as an example for the MetaCPAN API." );
my $string = $obj->description;
Sets or gets a string and returns a scalar object, even if there is no value.
Sets or gets a string and returns a scalar object, even if there is no value.
my $bool = $obj->directory;
Sets or gets a boolean value, and returns a boolean object or undef
if no value is set.
my $number = $obj->dist_fav_count;
Sets or gets an integer value, and returns a number object or undef
if no value is set.
$obj->distribution( "Folklore::Japan" );
my $string = $obj->distribution;
Sets or gets a string and returns a scalar object, even if there is no value.
$obj->documentation( "Folklore::Japan" );
my $string = $obj->documentation;
Sets or gets a string and returns a scalar object, even if there is no value.
$obj->download_url( "" );
my $uri = $obj->download_url;
Sets or gets an URI, and returns an URI object or undef
if no value is set.
$obj->id( "l0tsOf1192fuN100" );
my $string = $obj->id;
Sets or gets a string and returns a scalar object, even if there is no value.
my $bool = $obj->indexed;
Sets or gets a boolean value, and returns a boolean object or undef
if no value is set.
my $number = $obj->level;
Sets or gets an integer value, and returns a number object or undef
if no value is set.
$obj->maturity( "released" );
my $string = $obj->maturity;
Sets or gets a string and returns a scalar object, even if there is no value.
Returns a link, as an URI object, to the module's page on MetaCPAN, or undef
if no module author, release. or path is currently set.
$obj->mime( "text/x-script.perl-module" );
my $string = $obj->mime;
Sets or gets a string and returns a scalar object, even if there is no value.
$obj->module( [
associated_pod => "MOMOTARO/Folklore-Japan-v1.2.3/lib/Folklore/",
authorized => \1,
indexed => $VAR1->[0]{authorized},
name => "Folklore::Japan",
version => "v1.2.3",
version_numified => "1.002003",
] );
my $array = $obj->module;
foreach my $this ( @$array )
$this->associated_pod( "MOMOTARO/Folklore-Japan-v1.2.3/lib/Folklore/" );
my $scalar = $this->associated_pod;
$this->authorized( \1 );
my $boolean = $this->authorized;
$this->indexed( \1 );
my $boolean = $this->indexed;
$this->name( "Folklore::Japan" );
my $scalar = $this->name;
$this->version( "v1.2.3" );
my $scalar = $this->version;
$this->version_numified( 1.002003 );
my $number = $this->version_numified;
Sets or gets an array of dynamic class objects with class name Net::API::CPAN::Module::Module
and having the folowing properties also accessible as methods, and returns an array object even if there is no value.
A Net::API::CPAN::Module::Module
object will be instantiated with each value from the array provided and replace said value.
boolean (boolean object)indexed
boolean (boolean object)name
$obj->name( "" );
my $string = $obj->name;
Sets or gets a string and returns a scalar object, even if there is no value.
Returns the object type for this class, which is module
Returns an Net::API::CPAN::Package object for this module, or upon error, sets an error object and returns undef
in scalar context or an empty list in list context.
An error is returned if the documentation property is not set.
$obj->path( "lib/Folklore/" );
my $string = $obj->path;
Sets or gets a string and returns a scalar object, even if there is no value.
Returns an Net::API::CPAN::Permission object for this module, or upon error, sets an error object and returns undef
in scalar context or an empty list in list context.
An error is returned if the documentation property is not set.
$obj->pod( "NAME Folklore::Japan - Japan Folklore Object Class VERSION version v1.2.3 SYNOPSIS use Folklore::Japan; my \$fun = Folklore::Japan->new; DESCRIPTION This is an imaginary class object to Japan folklore to only serve as dummy example AUTHOR Momo Taro <momo.taro\> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2023 by Okayama, Inc.. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself." );
my $string = $obj->pod;
Sets or gets a string and returns a scalar object, even if there is no value.
$obj->pod_lines( [
] );
my $string = $obj->pod_lines;
Sets or gets a string and returns a scalar object, even if there is no value.
$obj->release( "Folklore-Japan-v1.2.3" );
my $string = $obj->release;
Sets or gets a string and returns a scalar object, even if there is no value.
my $number = $obj->sloc;
Sets or gets an integer value, and returns a number object or undef
if no value is set.
my $number = $obj->slop;
Sets or gets an integer value, and returns a number object or undef
if no value is set.
$obj->stat( {
gid => 12345,
mode => 33188,
mtime => 1690618397,
size => 10240,
uid => 16790,
} );
my $this = $obj->stat;
$obj->stat->gid( 12345 );
my $integer = $obj->stat->gid;
$obj->stat->mode( 33188 );
my $integer = $obj->stat->mode;
$obj->stat->mtime( 1690618397 );
my $datetime = $obj->stat->mtime;
$obj->stat->size( 10240 );
my $integer = $obj->stat->size;
$obj->stat->uid( 16790 );
my $integer = $obj->stat->uid;
Sets or gets a dynamic class object with class name Net::API::CPAN::Module::Stat
and having the folowing properties also accessible as methods, and returns an object from such class, or undef
if no value was provided.
integer (number object)mode
integer (number object)mtime
integer (number object)uid
integer (number object)
$obj->status( "latest" );
my $string = $obj->status;
Sets or gets a string and returns a scalar object, even if there is no value.
$obj->suggest( {
input => [
payload => {
doc_name => "Folklore::Japan",
weight => 985,
} );
my $this = $obj->suggest;
$obj->suggest->input( [
] );
my $array = $obj->suggest->input;
$obj->suggest->payload( {
doc_name => "Folklore::Japan",
} );
my $hash = $obj->suggest->payload;
$obj->suggest->weight( 985 );
my $integer = $obj->suggest->weight;
Sets or gets a dynamic class object with class name Net::API::CPAN::Module::Suggest
and having the folowing properties also accessible as methods, and returns an object from such class, or undef
if no value was provided.
array (array object)payload
integer (number object)
$obj->version( "v1.2.3" );
my $version = $obj->version;
Sets or gets a version value and returns a version object using Changes::Version.
my $number = $obj->version_numified;
Sets or gets a float value, and returns a number object or undef
if no value is set.
"abstract" : "Japan Folklore Object Class",
"author" : "MOMOTARO",
"authorized" : true,
"binary" : false,
"date" : "2023-07-29T05:10:12",
"deprecated" : false,
"description" : "Folklore::Japan is a totally fictious perl 5 module designed to serve as an example for the MetaCPAN API.",
"directory" : false,
"dist_fav_count" : 1,
"distribution" : "Folklore::Japan",
"documentation" : "Folklore::Japan",
"download_url" : "",
"id" : "l0tsOf1192fuN100",
"indexed" : true,
"level" : 1,
"maturity" : "released",
"mime" : "text/x-script.perl-module",
"module" : [
"associated_pod" : "MOMOTARO/Folklore-Japan-v1.2.3/lib/Folklore/",
"authorized" : true,
"indexed" : true,
"name" : "Folklore::Japan",
"version" : "v1.2.3",
"version_numified" : 1.002003
"name" : "",
"path" : "lib/Folklore/",
"pod" : "NAME Folklore::Japan - Japan Folklore Object Class VERSION version v1.2.3 SYNOPSIS use Folklore::Japan; my $fun = Folklore::Japan->new; DESCRIPTION This is an imaginary class object to Japan folklore to only serve as dummy example AUTHOR Momo Taro <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2023 by Okayama, Inc.. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.",
"pod_lines" : [
"release" : "Folklore-Japan-v1.2.3",
"sloc" : 202,
"slop" : 637,
"stat" : {
"gid" : 12345,
"mode" : 33188,
"mtime" : 1690618397,
"size" : 10240,
"uid" : 16790
"status" : "latest",
"suggest" : {
"weight" : 985,
"payload" : {
"doc_name" : "Folklore::Japan"
"input" : [
"version" : "v1.2.3",
"version_numified" : "1.002003"
Jacques Deguest <>
Net::API::CPAN, Net::API::CPAN::Activity, Net::API::CPAN::Author, Net::API::CPAN::Changes, Net::API::CPAN::Changes::Release, Net::API::CPAN::Contributor, Net::API::CPAN::Cover, Net::API::CPAN::Diff, Net::API::CPAN::Distribution, Net::API::CPAN::DownloadUrl, Net::API::CPAN::Favorite, Net::API::CPAN::File, Net::API::CPAN::Module, Net::API::CPAN::Package, Net::API::CPAN::Permission, Net::API::CPAN::Rating, Net::API::CPAN::Release
MetaCPAN::API, MetaCPAN::Client
Copyright(c) 2023 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.
All rights reserved
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.