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## REST API Framework - ~/lib/Net/API/REST/
## Version v0.200.1
## Copyright(c) 2019 DEGUEST Pte. Ltd.
## Author: Jacques Deguest <>
## Created 2019/12/15
## Modified 2020/05/16
use strict;
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw( :http );
our $VERSION = 'v0.200.1';
use utf8;
our $CODES =
## Info 1xx
100 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_CONTINUE,
101 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS,
102 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_PROCESSING,
## Success 2xx
200 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_OK,
201 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_CREATED,
202 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_ACCEPTED,
203 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_NON_AUTHORITATIVE,
204 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_NO_CONTENT,
205 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_RESET_CONTENT,
206 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT,
207 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_MULTI_STATUS,
## Redirect 3xx
300 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES,
301 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY,
302 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY,
303 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_SEE_OTHER,
304 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED,
305 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_USE_PROXY,
307 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT,
## Client error 4xx
400 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
401 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED,
402 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED,
403 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_FORBIDDEN,
404 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_NOT_FOUND,
405 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED,
406 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE,
408 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT,
409 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_CONFLICT,
410 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_GONE,
411 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED,
412 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED,
414 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE,
416 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE,
417 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_EXPECTATION_FAILED,
## WebDAV
423 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_LOCKED,
## WebDAV
424 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY,
426 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_UPGRADE_REQUIRED,
## Server error 5xx
500 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,
501 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,
502 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY,
503 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE,
504 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_GATEWAY_TIME_OUT,
506 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES,
## WebDAV
510 => Apache2::Const::HTTP_NOT_EXTENDED,
'fr_FR' =>
100 => "Continuer",
101 => "Changement de protocole",
102 => "En traitement",
200 => "OK",
201 => "Créé",
202 => "Accepté",
203 => "Information non certifiée",
204 => "Pas de contenu",
205 => "Contenu réinitialisé",
206 => "Contenu partiel",
207 => "Multi-Status",
208 => "Déjà rapporté",
226 => "IM Used",
300 => "Choix multiples",
301 => "Changement d'adresse définitif",
302 => "Changement d'adresse temporaire",
303 => "Voir ailleurs",
304 => "Non modifié",
305 => "Utiliser le proxy",
307 => "Redirection temporaire",
308 => "Redirection permanente",
400 => "Mauvaise requête",
401 => "Non autorisé",
402 => "Paiement exigé",
403 => "Interdit",
404 => "Non trouvé",
405 => "Méthode non autorisée",
406 => "Aucun disponible",
407 => "Authentification proxy exigée",
408 => "Requête hors-délai",
409 => "Conflit",
410 => "Parti",
411 => "Longueur exigée",
412 => "Précondition échouée",
413 => "Corps de requête trop grand",
414 => "URI trop long",
415 => "Format non supporté",
416 => "Plage demandée invalide",
417 => "Comportement erroné",
418 => "I'm a teapot",
421 => "Requête mal dirigée",
422 => "Entité intraitable",
423 => "Vérouillé",
424 => "Dépendence échouée",
426 => "Mis-à-jour requise",
428 => "Précondition requise",
429 => "Trop de requête",
431 => "Champs d'entête de la requête trop large",
444 => "Connexion clôturée sans réponse",
451 => "Indisponible pour des raisons légales",
499 => "Le client a terminé la requête",
500 => "Erreur interne du serveur",
501 => "Non implémenté",
502 => "Mauvais intermédiaire",
503 => "Service indisponible",
504 => "Intermédiaire hors-délai",
505 => "Version HTTP non supportée",
506 => "Variant Also Negotiates",
507 => "Stoquage insuffisant",
508 => "Boucle detectée",
509 => "Limite de bande passante dépassée",
510 => "Pas étendu",
511 => "Autentification réseau requise",
599 => "Erreur de timeout connexion réseau",
'en_GB' =>
100 => "Continue",
101 => "Switching Protocols",
102 => "Processing",
200 => "OK",
201 => "Created",
202 => "Accepted",
203 => "Non-authoritative Information",
204 => "No Content",
205 => "Reset Content",
206 => "Partial Content",
207 => "Multi-Status",
208 => "Already Reported",
226 => "IM Used",
300 => "Multiple Choices",
301 => "Moved Permanently",
302 => "Found",
303 => "See Other",
304 => "Not Modified",
305 => "Use Proxy",
307 => "Temporary Redirect",
308 => "Permanent Redirect",
400 => "Bad Request",
401 => "Unauthorized",
402 => "Payment Required",
403 => "Forbidden",
404 => "Not Found",
405 => "Method Not Allowed",
406 => "Not Acceptable",
407 => "Proxy Authentication Required",
408 => "Request Timeout",
409 => "Conflict",
410 => "Gone",
411 => "Length Required",
412 => "Precondition Failed",
413 => "Payload Too Large",
414 => "Request-URI Too Long",
415 => "Unsupported Media Type",
416 => "Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
417 => "Expectation Failed",
418 => "I'm a teapot",
421 => "Misdirected Request",
422 => "Unprocessable Entity",
423 => "Locked",
424 => "Failed Dependency",
426 => "Upgrade Required",
428 => "Precondition Required",
429 => "Too Many Requests",
431 => "Request Header Fields Too Large",
444 => "Connection Closed Without Response",
451 => "Unavailable For Legal Reasons",
499 => "Client Closed Request",
500 => "Internal Server Error",
501 => "Not Implemented",
502 => "Bad Gateway",
503 => "Service Unavailable",
504 => "Gateway Timeout",
505 => "HTTP Version Not Supported",
506 => "Variant Also Negotiates",
507 => "Insufficient Storage",
508 => "Loop Detected",
509 => "Bandwidth Limit Exceeded",
510 => "Not Extended",
511 => "Network Authentication Required",
599 => "Network Connect Timeout Error",
'ja_JP' =>
100 => "継続",
101 => "プロトコル切替",
102 => "処理中",
200 => "成功",
201 => "作成完了",
202 => "受理",
203 => "信頼できない情報",
204 => "内容なし",
205 => "内容をリセット",
206 => "部分的内容",
207 => "複数のステータス",
208 => "既に報告",
226 => "IM使用",
300 => "複数の選択",
301 => "恒久的に移動した",
302 => "発見した",
303 => "他を参照せよ",
304 => "未更新",
305 => "プロキシを使用せよ",
307 => "一時的リダイレクト",
308 => "恒久的リダイレクト",
400 => "リクエストが不正である",
401 => "認証が必要である",
402 => "支払いが必要である",
403 => "禁止されている",
404 => "未検出",
405 => "許可されていないメソッド",
406 => "受理できない",
407 => "プロキシ認証が必要である",
408 => "リクエストタイムアウト",
409 => "競合",
410 => "消滅した",
411 => "長さが必要",
412 => "前提条件で失敗した",
413 => "ペイロードが大きすぎる",
414 => "URIが大きすぎる",
415 => "サポートしていないメディアタイプ",
416 => "レンジは範囲外にある",
417 => "Expectヘッダによる拡張が失敗",
418 => "私はティーポット",
421 => "誤ったリクエスト",
422 => "処理できないエンティティ",
423 => "ロックされている",
424 => "依存関係で失敗",
426 => "アップグレード要求",
428 => "条件付きリクエストを要求",
429 => "リクエスト過大で拒否した",
431 => "ヘッダサイズが過大",
444 => "Connection Closed Without Response",
451 => "法的理由により利用不可",
499 => "Client Closed Request",
500 => "サーバ内部エラー",
501 => "実装されていない",
502 => "不正なゲートウェイ",
503 => "サービス利用不可",
504 => "ゲートウェイタイムアウト",
505 => "サポートしていないHTTPバージョン",
506 => "Variant Also Negotiates",
507 => "容量不足",
508 => "ループを検出",
509 => "帯域幅制限超過",
510 => "拡張できない",
511 => "ネットワーク認証が必要",
599 => "ネットワーク接続タイムアウトエラー",
sub init
my $self = shift( @_ );
my $r = shift( @_ );
$self->SUPER::init( @_ );
return( $self );
sub is_info { $_[ 1 ] >= 100 && $_[ 1 ] < 200; }
sub is_success { $_[ 1 ] >= 200 && $_[ 1 ] < 300; }
sub is_redirect { $_[ 1 ] >= 300 && $_[ 1 ] < 400; }
sub is_error { $_[ 1 ] >= 400 && $_[ 1 ] < 600; }
sub is_client_error { $_[ 1 ] >= 400 && $_[ 1 ] < 500; }
sub is_server_error { $_[ 1 ] >= 500 && $_[ 1 ] < 600; }
## Returns a status line for a given code
## e.g. status_message( 404 ) would yield "Not found"
## sub status_message { return( Apache2::RequestUtil::get_status_line( $_[1] ) ); }
sub status_message
my $self = shift( @_ );
my( $code, $lang );
if( scalar( @_ ) == 2 )
( $code, $lang ) = @_;
$code = shift( @_ );
$lang = 'en_GB';
$lang = 'en_GB' if( !exists( $HTTP_CODES->{ $lang } ) );
my $ref = $HTTP_CODES->{ $lang };
return( $ref->{ $code } );