Changes for version v0.7.3 - 2023-01-04

  • Correcting minor oversight in handling pre-flight check with OPTIONS when _delete, _get, _head, _post, _put are used.


Endpoint object for Net::APi::REST
Return Code Object for Net::APi::REST
Apache2 Request Fields Object
Apache2 Request Upload Object


Framework for RESTful APIs
Cookie Object
Cookie Jar and cookie management
HTTP DateTime Manipulation and Formatting
JSON Web Token (JWT, JWS, JWE) as defined by RFC7519, RFC7515, RFC7516
utf8 compliant URI query string manipulation
Apache2 Incoming Request Access and Manipulation
Apache2 Outgoing Response Access and Manipulation
Apache2 Status Codes


in lib/Net/API/
in lib/Net/API/
in lib/Net/API/REST/
in lib/Net/API/REST/