Changes for version 1.0.4 - 2020-05-17

  • Added invoice_now method to Net::API::Stripe::Billing::Subscription used in cancelling subscriptions Change from TryCatch to Nice::Try because TryCatch got broken with release of Devel::Declare version 0.006020


An interface to Stripe API
A Stripe Address Object
A Stripe Japanese Address Object
A Stripe Japanese Address Object
The Balance object
A Stripe Reserved Fund Object
A Stripe Pending Fund Object
The Balance Transaction object
A Stripe Coupon Object
A Stripe Credit Note Object
Stripe API Credit note Line Item Object
An interface to Stripe API
A Stripe Customer Invoice Balance Transaction Upon Voiding
A Stripe Invoice Item Object
A Stripe Invoice Line Item Object
A Stripe Invoice Lines List Object
A Stripe Invoice Period Object
A Stripe Invoice Setting Object
An Invoice Status Transition Object
A Stripe Invoice Tax Amount
A Stripe Plan Object
A Stripe Plan Tiers Object
A Stripe Plan Transform Usage Object
A Stripe Subscription Object
A Stripe Subscription Item Object
A Stripe Subscription Items List Object
A Stripe Subscription Schedule Object
A Stripe Customer Tax ID Object
A Stripe Billing Thresholds Object
A Stripe Usage Record Object
A Stripe Bitcoin Transaction Object
The Charge object of Stripe API
A Stripe Charges List Object
A Stripe Charge Outcome Object
A Stripe Refunds List Object
A Stripe Checkout Item
A Stripe Checkout Session Object
A Stripe Account Object
A Stripe Account Branding Object
A Stripe Account Capability Object
A Stripe External Accounts List Object
A Stripe Account Link Object
A Stripe Account Relationship Object
A Stripe Account Requirements Object
A Stripe Account Settings Object
A Stripe Account Settings Object for Card Payments
A Stripe Account Settings Object for Dashboard
A Stripe Account Settings Object for Payments
A Stripe Account Settings Object for Payouts
A Stripe Account Verification Object
A Stripe Application Fee Object
A Stripe Application Fee Refund Object
A Stripe Account Business Profile Object
A Stripe Country Spec Object
A Stripe Country Spec Verification Fields Object
A Stripe Verification Fields Details Object
A Stripe Person Object
An Stripe Top-up Object
A Stripe Account-to-Account Transfer Object
A Stripe Transfer Reversal Object
A list of Transfer Reversal as Object
A Stripe Custom Field Object
A Customer object in Stripe API
A Stripe Customer Balance Tranaction Object
A Stripe Customers List Object
A Stripe Sources List Object
A Customer Tax ID object
A Customer Tax IDs List Object
A Stripe Customer Tax Info (deprecated)
A Customer Tax Verification Object
A Stripe Dispute Object
A Stripe Dispute Evidence Object
Dispute Evidence Details Object
A Stripe Error Object
A Stripe Event Object
A Stripe Event Data Object
A Stripe Event Request object
A file in Stripe API
A Stripe File Link Object
File Links for Stripe API
A Stripe Early Fraud Warning Object
A Stripe Fraud Review Object
A Stripe Fraud Review Session Object
A Stripe Value List Object
A Stripe Value List Item Object
A Stripe Generic Module
A Stripe Geo Location Object
A Stripe Issued Authorization Object
A Stripe Authorization History Request Object
A Stripe Authorization Transaction Object
A Stripe Authorization Verification Date Object
A Stripe Issued Card Object
A Stripe Card Holder Object
A Stripe Issued Card Transaction Dispute Object
A Stripe Issued Card Dispute Evidence Object
A Stripe Issued Card Evidence Object
A Stripe Issued Card Evidence Object
A Stripe Merchant Data Object
A Stripe Issuing Transaction Object
Stripe List Object
A Stripe Mandate Object
A Stripe Order Object
A Stripe Order Delivery Estimate Object
A Stripe Order Item Object
A Stripe Order Return Object
A Stripe Order Returns List Object
A Stripe SKU Object
A Stripe SKU Inventory Object
A Stripe SKU Package Dimensions Object
A Stripe Order Shipping Method Object
A Stripe Order Status Transitions Object
A Stripe Payment Bank Account Object.
A Stripe Payment Card Object
A Stripe Payment Cards List Object
A Stripe Payment Method Origin Object
A Stripe Instalment Payment Object
A Stripe Payment Intent Object
A Stripe Payment Intent Charges List Object
A Stripe Payment Next Action Object
A Stripe Charge Setup Intent
A Stripe Payment Method Object
A Stripe Payment Method Details
A Stripe Payment Source Object
A Stripe ACH Credit Transfer Object
A Stripe Code Verification Object
A Stripe Payment Source Owner Object
A Stripe Payment Receiver Object
A Stripe Payout Object
A Stripe Price Object
A Stripe Product Object
A Stripe Product Package Dimension Object
A Stripe Refund Object
Stripe API Reporting Run Object
A Stripe Shipping Object
A Stripe Schedule Query Run Object
A Stripe Tax Rate Object
A Stripe Connection Token Object
A Strip Terminal Reader Location Object
A Stripe Terminal Reader Object
A Time Zone Object
A Stripe Token Object
An interface to manage and handle Stripe WebHooks
An Apache handler for Stripe Web Hook
An Stripe WebHook Object


in lib/Net/API/