Dave Cross: Still Munging Data With Perl: Online event - Mar 17 Learn more

use strict;
our $VERSION = '3.34';
# Exceptions generated by this module
'OIO' => {
'description' => 'Generic Object::InsideOut exception',
# First 3 fields must be: 'Package', 'File', 'Line'
'fields' => ['Error', 'Chain'],
'OIO::Code' => {
'isa' => 'OIO',
'description' =>
'Object::InsideOut exception that indicates a coding error',
'fields' => ['Info', 'Code'],
'OIO::Internal' => {
'isa' => 'OIO::Code',
'description' =>
'Object::InsideOut exception that indicates a internal problem',
'fields' => ['Code', 'Declaration'],
'OIO::Attribute' => {
'isa' => 'OIO::Code',
'description' =>
'Object::InsideOut exception that indicates a coding error',
'fields' => ['Attribute'],
'OIO::Method' => {
'isa' => 'OIO',
'description' =>
'Object::InsideOut exception that indicates an method calling error',
'OIO::Args' => {
'isa' => 'OIO::Method',
'description' =>
'Object::InsideOut exception that indicates an argument error',
'fields' => ['Usage', 'Arg'],
# Turn on stack trace by default
# A 'throw' method that adds location information to the exception object
sub OIO::die
my $class = shift;
my %args = @_;
# Report on ourself?
my $report_self = delete($args{'self'});
# Ignore ourselves in stack trace, unless told not to
if (! $report_self) {
my @ignore = (__PACKAGE__, 'Object::InsideOut');
if (exists($args{'ignore_package'})) {
if (ref($args{'ignore_package'})) {
push(@ignore, @{$args{'ignore_package'}});
} else {
push(@ignore, $args{'ignore_package'});
$args{'ignore_package'} = \@ignore;
# Remove any location information
my $location = delete($args{'location'});
# Create exception object
my $e = $class->new(%args);
# Override location information, if applicable
if ($location) {
$e->{'package'} = $$location[0];
$e->{'file'} = $$location[1];
$e->{'line'} = $$location[2];
# If reporting on ourself, then correct location info
elsif ($report_self) {
my $frame = $e->trace->frame(1);
$e->{'package'} = $frame->package;
$e->{'line'} = $frame->line;
$e->{'file'} = $frame->filename;
# Throw error
# Provides a fully formated error message for the exception object
sub OIO::full_message
my $self = shift;
# Start with error class and message
my $msg = ref($self) . ' error: ' . $self->message();
# Add fields, if any
my @fields = $self->Fields();
foreach my $field (@fields) {
next if ($field eq 'Chain');
if (exists($self->{$field})) {
$msg .= "\n$field: " . $self->{$field};
# Add location
$msg .= "\nPackage: " . $self->{'package'}
. "\nFile: " . $self->{'file'}
. "\nLine: " . $self->{'line'};
# Chained error messages
if (exists($self->{'Chain'})) {
my $chain = OIO::full_message($self->{'Chain'});
$chain =~ s/^/ /mg;
$msg .= "\n\nSubsequent to the above, the following error also occurred:\n"
. $chain;
return ($msg . "\n");
# Catch untrapped errors
# Usage: local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = 'OIO::trap';
sub OIO::trap
# Just rethrow if already an exception object
if (Object::InsideOut::Util::is_it($_[0], 'Exception::Class::Base')) {
# Package the error into an object
'location' => [ caller() ],
'message' => 'Trapped uncaught error',
'Error' => join('', @_));
# Combine errors into a single error object
sub OIO::combine
my ($err1, $err2) = @_;
# Massage second error, if needed
if ($err2 && ! ref($err2)) {
my $e = OIO->new(
'message' => "$err2",
'ignore_package' => [ __PACKAGE__ ]
my $frame = $e->trace->frame(1);
$e->{'package'} = $frame->package;
$e->{'line'} = $frame->line;
$e->{'file'} = $frame->filename;
$err2 = $e;
# Massage first error, if needed
if ($err1) {
if (! ref($err1)) {
my $e = OIO->new(
'message' => "$err1",
'ignore_package' => [ __PACKAGE__ ]
my $frame = $e->trace->frame(1);
$e->{'package'} = $frame->package;
$e->{'line'} = $frame->line;
$e->{'file'} = $frame->filename;
$err1 = $e;
# Combine errors, if possible
if ($err2) {
if (Object::InsideOut::Util::is_it($err1, 'OIO')) {
$err1->{'Chain'} = $err2;
} else {
warn($err2); # Can't combine
} else {
$err1 = $err2;
return ($err1);
} # End of package's lexical scope