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use strict;
use threads;
package My::Class; {
use threads::shared qw(share is_shared shared_clone);
use Scalar::Util qw(reftype blessed);
# Constructor
sub new
my $class = shift;
share(my %self);
# Add arguments to object hash
while (my $tag = shift) {
if (!@_) {
require Carp;
Carp::croak("Missing value for '$tag'");
$self{$tag} = shared_clone(shift);
return (bless(\%self, $class));
# Adds fields to a shared object
sub set
my ($self, $tag, $value) = @_;
$self->{$tag} = shared_clone($value);
package main;
# Create an object containing some complex elements
my $obj = My::Class->new('bar' => { 'ima' => 'hash' },
'baz' => [ qw(shared array) ]);
# Create a thread
threads->create(sub {
# The thread shares the object
print("Object has a $obj->{'bar'}->{'ima'}\n");
# Add some more data to the object
push(@{$obj->{'baz'}}, qw(with five elements));
# Add a complex field to the object
$obj->set('funk' => { 'yet' => [ qw(another hash) ] });
# Show that the object picked up the data set by the thread
print('Object has a ', join(' ', @{$obj->{'baz'}}), "\n");
print('Object has yet ', join(' ', @{$obj->{'funk'}->{'yet'}}), "\n");
=head1 NAME - Example 'threadsafe' class code
This example class illustrates how to create hash-based objects that can be
shared between threads using L<threads::shared>. In addition, it shows how to
permit the objects' fields to contain arbitrarily complex data structures.
=item my $obj = My::Class->new('key' => $value, ...)
The class contructor takes parameters in the form of C<key=E<gt>value> pairs,
and adds them as fields to the newly created shared object. The I<values> may
be any complex data structures, and are themselves made I<shared>.
=item $obj->set('key' => $value)
This method adds/sets a field for a shared object, making the value for the
field I<shared> if necessary.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<threads>, L<threads::shared>
=head1 AUTHOR
Jerry D. Hedden, S<E<lt>jdhedden AT cpan DOT orgE<gt>>
Copyright 2006 - 2009 Jerry D. Hedden. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.