Audio::SndFile - Portable reading and writing of audio files
use Audio::SndFile;
my $f = Audio::SndFile->open("<","audiofile.wav");
my $g = Audio::SndFile->open(">","", type => 'au',
subtype => 'pcm_16', channels => 1, endianness => 'file');
my $buffer = "";
while ($f->read_int($buffer,1024)) {
Audio::SndFile is a perl interface to the sndfile library and provides a portable API for reading and writing audio data in different formats.
my $sndfile = Audio::SndFile->open($mode, $file, %options);
Creates an Audio::SndFile object from a file specification.
$mode can be "<" (read), ">" (write) or "+<" (read/write)
$file is a filehandle or filename.
%options: if you're opening a file write-only, you should specify at least the options "type", "subtype" and "channels". The default endianness is "file". See also "FORMATS"
File info
my $type = $sndfile->type;
my $subtype = $sndfile->subtype;
my $endianness = $sndfile->endianness;
my $channels = $sndfile->channels;
my $samplerate = $sndfile->samplerate;
my $sections = $sndfile->sections;
my $bool = $sndfile->seekable;
my $frames = $sndfile->frames;
Read info from an Audio::SndFile object. See also "FORMATS"
Read audio data
my $numsamples = $sndfile->read_TYPE($buffer,$num);
my $numframes = $sndfile->readf_TYPE($buffer,$num);
Read max $num samples (single values) or frames (interleaved values; one value for each channel) from $sndfile into $buffer as a packed string of native endianness. TYPE may be one of "short", "int", "float" or "double". Values will be converted if necessary.
Returns the number of samples / frames read. $buffer will be shrunk or grown accordingly.
my @values = $sndfile->unpack_TYPE($num);
my @values = $sndfile->unpackf_TYPE($num);
Same as read_TYPE and readf_TYPE, but returns the values as a list of scalars.
Write audio data
my $num = $sndfile->write_TYPE($buffer);
my $num = $sndfile->writef_TYPE($buffer);
Write $buffer with packed samples or frames to $sndfile. TYPE may be one of "short", "int", "float" or "double". Returns the number of frames / samples written.
my $num = $sndfile->pack_TYPE(@values);
my $num = $sndfile->packf_TYPE(@values);
Same as write_TYPE and writef_TYPE but these take a list of values instead of a packed string.
$sndfile->seek($offset, $whence);
perlfunc/seek to frame $offset. See also Fcntl.
Most methods throw an exception on error, but if you need to know:
my $enum = $sndfile->error;
my $estring = $sndfile->strerror;
Return the last error as a number or string.
my $libsndfile_version = Audio::SndFile::lib_version;
Version of the libsndfile library linked by the module. Note that if you update your libsndfile you should also recompile this module if you want to take advantage of new formats provided by libsndfile.
The exact list of supported file types are dependend on your libsndfile version. When building this module it tries to figure out which types are available. File types that are not supported by your libsndfile at the time of building this module will not be available. In other words: recompile this module after upgrading your libsndfile.
Supported file types (when avaiable) in this version of Audio::SndFile are:
wav, aiff, au, raw, paf, svx, nist, voc, ircam, w64, mat4, mat5, pvf, xi, htk, sds, avr, wavex, sd2, flac, caf.
Supported subtypes are:
pcm_s8, pcm_16, pcm_24, pcm_32, pcm_u8, float, double, ulaw, alaw, ima_adpcm, ms_adpcm, gsm610, vox_adpcm, g721_32, g723_24, g723_40, dwvw_12, dwvw_16, dwvw_24, dwvw_n, dpcm_8, dpcm_16.
These map to SF_FORMAT_$type in the C API.
See for the description of each (sub)type.
The following endianness specifications are supported:
file, big, little, cpu.
These map to SF_ENDIAN_$endianness in the C API.
Note that not all combinations of type, subtype and endianness is supported. See also
Currenly there are no known bugs, but this code is new and not very well tested.
This module does not implement the full libsndfile API. Notably missing is a decent way of using the sf_command() calls. This will be implemented later.
There is currently no way to read seperate channels into seperate buffers.
Erik de Castro Lopo's libsndfile page:
Audio::SoundFile - an old(er) interface to libsndfile. Doesn't build on my perl and looks incomplete.
Joost Diepenmaat, <>.
Note: The following copyright & license only apply to this perl package (i.e. the "glue" to libsndfile). See for the license to libsndfile.
Copyright (C) 2006 by Joost Diepenmaat, Zeekat Softwareontwikkeling
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
1 POD Error
The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:
- Around line 326:
alternative text 'perlfunc/seek' contains non-escaped | or /