OpenFrame::Slots - Information about OpenFrame Slots


OpenFrame Slot functionality is designed as a pipe where transmogrification takes place. An OpenFrame::AbstractRequest object is poured into the top, and when it comes out of the bottom it should be an OpenFrame::AbstractResponse, that contains all the information that is needed by any server to deliver content to a browser. In between the top and the bottom of the pipe functionality is executed in a serial fashion. The moment that an AbstractResponse object is returned by any slot the pipe magically shortens itself.


package OpenFrame::Slot::MyRequestNoter;

use strict;
use warnings::register;

use OpenFrame::Slot;
use base qw ( OpenFrame::Slot );

sub what {
  return ['OpenFrame::AbstractRequest'];

sub action {
  my $self = shift;
  my $req  = shift;

  warnings::warn("URL Requested is: " . $req->getURI()->as_string());



Any slot should inherit from the OpenFrame::Slot class. This provides the basic functionality that a slot needs to get going. However, from any given slot there should be two methods that programmers need to concern themselves with, what() and action().


The what() method returns an array reference containing the classes that any given slot needs to function. For instance, the packaged class OpenFrame::Slot::Session requires an OpenFrame::AbstractRequest object in order to perform its action, and therefore returns it inside an array when its what() method is called.


The action() method takes the parameters that you specify in the what() method and does something with them. If it returns an object then that object gets kept for future use by other slots. For example, the OpenFrame::Slot::Session class returns both an OpenFrame::Session object and a OpenFrame::AbstractCookie object, that are later used by other slots.


The moment an object of the class OpenFrame::AbstractResponse is returned the pipe of slots stops, and returns the object to the server. This allows slots to be written that handle errors on fall through, much like a default case in a switch statement.


James A. Duncan <>