Changes for version 2.03
- added documentation (all examples, OpenFrame::Application, OpenFrame::Constants, OpenFrame::Slot::*)
- fixed per-application configuration to actually work
- OpenFrame::Server::HTTP now takes a port parameter instead of using the general configurations. It also can now handle POSTs
- new Eliza example
OpenFrame Application Writers Guide
OpenFrame installation guide.
An Application Framework for Perl and the Web
An abstract cookie class
An abstract request class
An abstract response class
base class for all OpenFrame applications
Simple OpenFrame configuration
Constants for OpenFrame
provides exception handling for OpenFrame
Class representing an OpenFrame installation
Apache extension for OpenFrame
Provide direct access to OpenFrame
Provide standalone HTTP access to OpenFrame
Information about OpenFrame Slots
Slot that returns an error
serve static HTML files
serve static image files
decline serving image files
handle cookie-based sessions
handle cookie-based sessions
in lib/OpenFrame/
in lib/OpenFrame/
in lib/OpenFrame/
in lib/OpenFrame/
in lib/OpenFrame/Slot/
in lib/OpenFrame/Slot/Dispatch/
in lib/OpenFrame/Slot/
in lib/OpenFrame/Slot/
in lib/OpenFrame/
- examples/eliza/
- examples/eliza/templates/index.html
- examples/hangman/
- examples/hangman/images/h0.gif
- examples/hangman/images/h1.gif
- examples/hangman/images/h2.gif
- examples/hangman/images/h3.gif
- examples/hangman/images/h4.gif
- examples/hangman/images/h5.gif
- examples/hangman/images/h6.gif
- examples/hangman/words.txt
- examples/hangman2/
- examples/hangman2/templates/index.html
- examples/webserver/htdocs/index.html
- examples/webserver/htdocs/perl.gif
- examples/webserver/