- type
Type of test method. See "method_types" in Test::Able::Object for the list.
- do_setup
Only relevant for methods of type test. Boolean indicating whether to run the associated setup methods.
- do_teardown
Only relevant for methods of type test. Boolean indicating whether to run the associated teardown methods.
- plan_builders
List of names of methods used to determine the method's plan.
- type_builders
List of names of methods used to determine the method's type.
- plan_from_attribute
Return the method's test plan as determined via a subroutine attribute if possible.
- plan_from_sub_name
Return the method's test plan as determined via the subroutine's name if possible.
- type_from_attribute
Return the method's type as determined via a subroutine attribute if possible.
- type_from_sub_name
Return the method's type as determined via the subroutine's name if possible.
- fetch_sub_attribute
Return the subroutine attribute if one exists.