Changes for version 1.20

  • update copyright
  • require HTML::AutoTag v1.06


HTML table generator benchmarks.
generate an HTML table.


Just another HTML table generator.
interface to Spreadsheet::Engine
Load data from files.
Generate preset HTML tables.
Generate anmiated HTML table cells and backgrounds.
Generate patterns in HTML table cell backgrounds.
Generate HTML table basic calculator.
Chess/checkers boards implemented with Javascript and HTML tables.
Generate Conway's Game of Life in HTML table cells' background.
Generate Handsontable HTML tables.
Generate <select>, <ol> and <ul> lists.
Generate scrolling HTML table cells and backgrounds.
Generates 9x9 sudoku boards via HTML tables.
TicTacToe board implemented with Javascript and HTML tables.


in lib/Spreadsheet/HTML/File/
in lib/Spreadsheet/HTML/File/
in lib/Spreadsheet/HTML/File/
in lib/Spreadsheet/HTML/File/