Ion - A clear and concise API for writing TCP servers and clients


version 0.07_01


use Ion;

# A simple echo server
my $echo = Listen 7777;

while (my $conn = <$echo>) {
    while (my $line = <$conn>) {
        $conn->("you said: $line");

# Or separate the protocol from the listener and let Ion handle the rest
Service { return "you said: $_[0]" } $echo;

# Client connections
my $conn = Connect localhost => 7777; # Connect to the server
$conn->('hello world');               # Send a message
my $reply = <$conn>;                  # Get it back


Ion is intended as an easy to use, concise interface for building TCP networking applications in Perl using Coro. Although it is not strictly necessary, it is recommended that one have at least a passing familiarity with Coro when building services with this module.



Listen builds and initializes a TCP listening socket, returning an Ion::Server.

Incoming connections are accepted using the readline operator (<>). This will cede to the event loop until a new connection is ready.

Incoming data from the client connection is read similarly. The client is overloaded to send response data when called as a function.

Because each of these operations has the potential to cede control to the event loop, it is recommended that the client response loop be called using async. That allows other incoming connections to be accepted without waiting for the original client to disconnect.

my $server = Listen 1234, 'localhost';

while (my $conn = <$server>) {        # cedes until $conn is ready
    async {
        while (my $line = <$conn>) {  # cedes until $line is ready

The port number and host interface are optional. If left undefined, these will be assigned by the operating system and are accessible via the port and host methods of the server.

my $server = Listen;
my $port   = $server->port;
my $host   = $server->host;


Begins serving requests on the specified listening service by calling the supplied code block for each line received from a client connection. The service may be specified as the server object itself (the return value of "Listen") or by passing the port and host name, which are passed unchanged to "Listen".

The handler block will be called for each incoming line of data and additionally is passed the client connection and the server objects.

Service {
    my ($line, $conn, $server) = @_;
    return do_something_with_line($line);
} 7777, '';

The return value of the handler function is then returned to the client. If the handler function returns a false value, the client will be disconnected. Alternately, the handler function may return any defined, false value (e.g., 0) to retain the client connection but handle the response itself.

Service {
    my ($line, $conn, $server) = @_;
    return 0;


Opens a connection to a remote host and returns an Ion::Conn object. The connection object is overloaded to send data when called as a function and read the next line of data using the readline operator (<>). The connection is safely closed by calling the close method.

my $conn = Connect 'localhost', 7777;
my $pong = <$conn>;

The readline operator will block until a complete message arrives. To continue thread execution while waiting for the message, use an async block and join with it later.

my $pending  = async { <$conn> };
my $response = $pending->join;

Connect may also be used to build an Ion::Conn out of an existing Coro::Handle. The handle may then be used like any other Ion connection. This is particularly useful for serializing data across a non-blocking pipe.

use Coro::Handle 'unblock';
use AnyEvent::Util 'portable_pipe';
use JSON::XS qw(encode_json decode_json);
use Ion;

my ($r, $w) = portable_pipe;
my $in  = Connect(unblock($r)) << \&decode_json;
my $out = Connect(unblock($w)) >> \&encode_json;


Sending a raw line of text is sometimes desireable, but complex applications will want to use an established protocol when transmitting complex data. Rather than fill request handling logic with the details of encoding and decoding data for transmission, the routines used for translating structured data into line data and vice versa may be specified using the >> and << operators, respectively.

The syntax is identical for both servers and client connections. When applied to a server instance, client connections accepted on the server side inherit the server's configuration (note: the connecting client code will need to be similarly configured).

Multiple routines may be chained together as a single expression or multiple statements with the assignment version of each operator (>>= and <<=). When more than one routine is specified, they will each be called in turn on the result of the previous routine, with the first routine receiving the raw line data.


use Ion;
use JSON::XS;

my $server = Listen;
$server <<= sub{ decode_json(shift) };
$server >>= sub{ encode_json(shift) };

while (my $conn = <$server>) {
  while (my $data = <$conn>) {              # $data is perl data
    $conn->({foo => 'bar', baz => 'bat'});  # $conn is sent json: "{'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'bat'}"


use Ion;
use Data::Dumper;
use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64 decode_base64);

my $client = Connect somehost => 4242;

# Compound expression
$client << sub{ decode_base64(shift) }                # decode line format
  << sub{ my $msg = eval shift; $@ && die $@; $msg }; # eval perl string

# Individual statements
$client >>= sub{ Dumper(shift) };                     # serialize with Dumper
$client >>= sub{ encode_base64(shift, '') };          # single line of base64


As one would expect using the <> operator, the value of $/ controls the character or string used to match the end of a line of input from the socket. It is also appended to all output.

local $/ = "\n\n";
my $http_request = <$conn>;


The bit shift operators overloaded to simplify data serialization and deserialization have a higher precedence than the comma operator, which can cause unexpected problems.

For example, the following code:

my $client = Connect 'somehost', 4242
  << sub{ decode_json(shift) }
  >> sub{ encode_json(shift) }; equivalent to the parenthesized statement:

my $client = Connect 'somehost', ((4242
  << sub{ decode_json(shift) })
  >> sub{ encode_json(shift) });

...and would be more correctly written to avoid errors as:

my $client = Connect('somehost', 4242)
  << sub{ decode_json(shift) }
  >> sub{ encode_json(shift) };


Jeff Ober <>


This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Jeff Ober.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.