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Exception::Class::Nested - Nested declaration of Exception::Class classes
use Exception::Class::Nested (
'MyException' => {
description => 'This is mine!',
'YetAnotherException' => {
description => 'These exceptions are related to IPC',
'ExceptionWithFields' => {
fields => [ 'grandiosity', 'quixotic' ],
alias => 'throw_fields',
full_message => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $msg = $self->message;
$msg .= " and grandiosity was " . $self->grandiosity;
return $msg;
This is little more than a thin wrapper around the use Exception::Class
call. It allows you to nest the class declarations instead of having to repeat the class names in the isa=> parameters. It also allows you to define/overload methods in the classes.
Please submit bugs to the CPAN RT system at http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Exception%3A%3AClass%3A%3ANested or via email at bug-exception-class-nested@rt.cpan.org.
Jenda Krynicky, <jenda@krynicky.cz>
Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Jenda Krynicky. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.