Changes for version 1.4 - 2015-04-16

  • added 'AirDate' to Titles table for tv series episodes where we're given a date and series/episode info ex) "EastEnders" (1985) {(1991-10-15)}


Tools to dowload and manage a local copy of the IMDB list files in a database.
Object representation of Actor information.
Direct access to IMDB::Local database.
Object to manage database abstraction with handy entry points.
handy wrapper for objects from the database
Object to iterate through search results
The great new IMDB::Local!
Object representation of Director information.
Object to manage IMDB List file downloads.
Object representation of Genre information.
Object representation of Keyword information.
Object to manage IMDB List files.
Object representation of Movie information.
Object representation of Plot information.
The great new IMDB::Local::QualifierType!
Object representation of Rating information.
Object representation of TVShow information.
Object representation of Title information.
Object representation of VideoGame information.


in lib/IMDB/Local/DB/