Changes for version 1.10_01 - 2004-08-26
- Reimplemented DBIx::SearchBuilder:::Record::Cachable to use Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry. This should make it faster and more memory efficient.
Changes for version 1.02_03 - 2004-07-22
- Additional bullet proofing for joins. Now we default to ALIAS1 being "main" (
Changes for version 1.02_02 - 2004-07-20
- Fixed a join bug that mostly manifests as a 'Dependency chain' error on RT2.
Changes for version 1.02_01 - 2004-07-07
- magic _Object instantiation from
- make SB::_Handle settable directly (
- document the above
Encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple perl objects
Perl extension which is a generic DBI handle
an Informix specific Handle object
an oracle specific Handle object
a mysql specific Handle object
a Sybase specific Handle object
a mysql specific Handle object
Perl extension for subclassing, so you can deal with a Record
Deal with multiple SearchBuilder result sets as one
in SearchBuilder/Handle/
in SearchBuilder/Handle/
in SearchBuilder/Record/
in SearchBuilder/Record/
in SearchBuilder/Record/