# {{{ Version, package, new, etc
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = "1.25";
=head1 NAME
DBIx::SearchBuilder - Encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple perl objects
use DBIx::SearchBuilder;
use DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle;
my $handle = DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle->new();
$handle->Connect( Driver => 'SQLite', Database => "my_test_db" );
my $sb = DBIx::SearchBuilder->new( Handle => $handle, Table => "my_table" );
$sb->Limit( FIELD => "column_1", VALUE => "matchstring" );
while ( my $record = $sb->Next ) {
print $record->my_column_name();
This module provides an object-oriented mechanism for retrieving and updating data in a DBI-accesible database.
=head1 METHODS
# {{{ sub new
#instantiate a new object.
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = {};
bless( $self, $class );
return ($self);
# }}}
# {{{ sub _Init
#Initialize the object
sub _Init {
my $self = shift;
my %args = ( Handle => undef,
@_ );
$self->{'DBIxHandle'} = $args{'Handle'};
# }}}
# {{{ sub CleanSlate
=head2 CleanSlate
This completely erases all the data in the SearchBuilder object. It's
useful if a subclass is doing funky stuff to keep track of
a search
sub CleanSlate {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'itemscount'} = 0;
$self->{'tables'} = "";
$self->{'auxillary_tables'} = "";
$self->{'where_clause'} = "";
$self->{'limit_clause'} = "";
$self->{'order'} = "";
$self->{'alias_count'} = 0;
$self->{'first_row'} = 0;
$self->{'must_redo_search'} = 1;
@{ $self->{'aliases'} } = ();
delete $self->{'items'} if ( defined $self->{'items'} );
delete $self->{'left_joins'} if ( defined $self->{'left_joins'} );
delete $self->{'raw_rows'} if ( defined $self->{'raw_rows'} );
delete $self->{'count_all'} if ( defined $self->{'count_all'} );
delete $self->{'subclauses'} if ( defined $self->{'subclauses'} );
delete $self->{'restrictions'} if ( defined $self->{'restrictions'} );
#we have no limit statements. DoSearch won't work.
# }}}
# {{{ sub _Handle
=head2 _Handle [DBH]
Get or set this object's DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle object.
sub _Handle {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{'DBIxHandle'} = shift;
return ( $self->{'DBIxHandle'} );
# }}}
# {{{ sub _DoSearch
sub _DoSearch {
my $self = shift;
my $QueryString = $self->BuildSelectQuery();
# If we're about to redo the search, we need an empty set of items
delete $self->{'items'};
eval {
# TODO: finer-grained eval and cheking.
my $records = $self->_Handle->SimpleQuery($QueryString);
my $counter;
$self->{'rows'} = 0;
while ( my $row = $records->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
my $item = $self->NewItem();
$self->{'must_redo_search'} = 0;
return ( $self->{'rows'});
# }}}
=head2 AddRecord RECORD
Adds a record object to this collection
sub AddRecord {
my $self = shift;
my $record = shift;
push @{$self->{'items'}}, $record;
# {{{ sub _DoCount
sub _DoCount {
my $self = shift;
my $all = shift || 0;
my $QueryString = $self->BuildSelectCountQuery();
eval {
# TODO: finer-grained Eval
my $records = $self->_Handle->SimpleQuery($QueryString);
my @row = $records->fetchrow_array();
$self->{ $all ? 'count_all' : 'raw_rows' } = $row[0];
return ( $row[0] );
# }}}
=head2 _ApplyLimits STATEMENTREF
This routine takes a reference to a scalar containing an SQL statement.
It massages the statement to limit the returned rows to $self->RowsPerPage
starting with $self->FirstRow
sub _ApplyLimits {
my $self = shift;
my $statementref = shift;
$self->_Handle->ApplyLimits($statementref, $self->RowsPerPage, $self->FirstRow);
$$statementref =~ s/main\.\*/join(', ', @{$self->{columns}})/eg
if $self->{columns} and @{$self->{columns}};
if (my $groupby = $self->_GroupClause) {
$$statementref =~ s/(LIMIT \d+)?$/$groupby $1/;
# {{{ sub _DistinctQuery
=head2 _DistinctQuery STATEMENTREF
This routine takes a reference to a scalar containing an SQL statement.
It massages the statement to ensure a distinct result set is returned.
sub _DistinctQuery {
my $self = shift;
my $statementref = shift;
my $table = shift;
# XXX - Postgres gets unhappy with distinct and OrderBy aliases
if (exists $self->{'order_clause'} && $self->{'order_clause'} =~ /(?<!main)\./) {
$$statementref = "SELECT main.* FROM $$statementref";
else {
$self->_Handle->DistinctQuery($statementref, $table)
# }}}
# {{{ sub _BuildJoins
=head2 _BuildJoins
Build up all of the joins we need to perform this query
sub _BuildJoins {
my $self = shift;
return ( $self->_Handle->_BuildJoins($self) );
# }}}
# {{{ sub _isJoined
=head2 _isJoined
Returns true if this Searchbuilder requires joins between tables
sub _isJoined {
my $self = shift;
if (keys(%{$self->{'left_joins'}})) {
} else {
# }}}
# {{{ sub _LimitClause
# LIMIT clauses are used for restricting ourselves to subsets of the search.
sub _LimitClause {
my $self = shift;
my $limit_clause;
if ( $self->RowsPerPage ) {
$limit_clause = " LIMIT ";
if ( $self->FirstRow != 0 ) {
$limit_clause .= $self->FirstRow . ", ";
$limit_clause .= $self->RowsPerPage;
else {
$limit_clause = "";
return $limit_clause;
# }}}
# {{{ sub _isLimited
=head2 _isLimited
If we've limited down this search, return true. Otherwise, return false.
sub _isLimited {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{'is_limited'} = shift;
else {
return ( $self->{'is_limited'} );
# }}}
# }}} Private utility methods
# {{{ BuildSelectQuery
=head2 BuildSelectQuery
Builds a query string for a "SELECT rows from Tables" statement for this SearchBuilder object
sub BuildSelectQuery {
my $self = shift;
# The initial SELECT or SELECT DISTINCT is decided later
my $QueryString = $self->_BuildJoins . " ";
$QueryString .= $self->_WhereClause . " "
if ( $self->_isLimited > 0 );
# DISTINCT query only required for multi-table selects
if ($self->_isJoined) {
$self->_DistinctQuery(\$QueryString, $self->{'table'});
} else {
$QueryString = "SELECT main.* FROM $QueryString";
$QueryString .= $self->_OrderClause;
# }}}
# {{{ BuildSelectCountQuery
=head2 BuildSelectCountQuery
Builds a SELECT statement to find the number of rows this SearchBuilder object would find.
sub BuildSelectCountQuery {
my $self = shift;
#TODO refactor DoSearch and DoCount such that we only have
# one place where we build most of the querystring
my $QueryString = $self->_BuildJoins . " ";
$QueryString .= $self->_WhereClause . " "
if ( $self->_isLimited > 0 );
# DISTINCT query only required for multi-table selects
if ($self->_isJoined) {
$QueryString = $self->_Handle->DistinctCount(\$QueryString);
} else {
$QueryString = "SELECT count(main.id) FROM " . $QueryString;
return ($QueryString);
# }}}
# {{{ Methods dealing traversing rows within the found set
# {{{ sub Next
=head2 Next
Returns the next row from the set as an object of the type defined by sub NewItem.
When the complete set has been iterated through, returns undef and resets the search
such that the following call to Next will start over with the first item retrieved from the database.
*next = \&Next;
sub Next {
my $self = shift;
my @row;
return (undef) unless ( $self->_isLimited );
$self->_DoSearch() if ( $self->{'must_redo_search'} != 0 );
if ( $self->{'itemscount'} < $self->{'rows'} ) { #return the next item
my $item = ( $self->{'items'}[ $self->{'itemscount'} ] );
return ($item);
else { #we've gone through the whole list. reset the count.
return (undef);
# }}}
# {{{ sub GotoFirstItem
=head2 GotoFirstItem
Starts the recordset counter over from the first item. The next time you call Next,
you'll get the first item returned by the database, as if you'd just started iterating
through the result set.
*goto_first_item = \&GotoFirstItem;
sub GotoFirstItem {
my $self = shift;
# }}}
# {{{ sub GotoItem
=head2 GotoItem
Takes an integer, n.
Sets the record counter to n. the next time you call Next,
you'll get the nth item.
sub GotoItem {
my $self = shift;
my $item = shift;
$self->{'itemscount'} = $item;
# }}}
# {{{ sub First
=head2 First
Returns the first item
sub First {
my $self = shift;
return ( $self->Next );
# }}}
# {{{ sub Last
=head2 Last
Returns the last item
sub Last {
my $self = shift;
$self->GotoItem( ( $self->Count ) - 1 );
return ( $self->Next );
# }}}
# {{{ ItemsArrayRef
=head2 ItemsArrayRef
Return a refernece to an array containing all objects found by this search.
sub ItemsArrayRef {
my $self = shift;
#If we're not limited, return an empty array
return [] unless $self->_isLimited;
#Do a search if we need to.
$self->_DoSearch() if $self->{'must_redo_search'};
#If we've got any items in the array, return them.
# Otherwise, return an empty array
return ( $self->{'items'} || [] );
# }}}
# }}}
# {{{ sub NewItem
=head2 NewItem
NewItem must be subclassed. It is used by DBIx::SearchBuilder to create record
objects for each row returned from the database.
sub NewItem {
my $self = shift;
"DBIx::SearchBuilder needs to be subclassed. you can't use it directly.\n";
# }}}
# {{{ sub RedoSearch
=head2 RedoSearch
Takes no arguments. Tells DBIx::SearchBuilder that the next time it's asked
for a record, it should requery the database
sub RedoSearch {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'must_redo_search'} = 1;
# }}}
# {{{ Routines dealing with Restrictions (where subclauses)
# {{{ sub UnLimit
=head2 UnLimit
UnLimit clears all restrictions and causes this object to return all
rows in the primary table.
sub UnLimit {
my $self = shift;
# }}}
# {{{ sub Limit
=head2 Limit
Limit takes a hash of parameters with the following keys:
=over 4
=item TABLE
Can be set to something different than this table if a join is
wanted (that means we can't do recursive joins as for now).
=item ALIAS
Unless ALIAS is set, the join criterias will be taken from EXT_LINKFIELD
and INT_LINKFIELD and added to the criterias. If ALIAS is set, new
criterias about the foreign table will be added.
=item FIELD
Column to be checked against.
=item VALUE
Should always be set and will always be quoted.
OPERATOR is the SQL operator to use for this phrase. Possible choices include:
=over 4
=item "="
=item "!="
=item "LIKE"
In the case of LIKE, the string is surrounded in % signs. Yes. this is a bug.
=item "NOT LIKE"
STARTSWITH is like LIKE, except it only appends a % at the end of the string
=item "ENDSWITH"
ENDSWITH is like LIKE, except it prepends a % to the beginning of the string
Can be AND or OR (or anything else valid to aggregate two clauses in SQL)
on some databases, such as postgres, setting CASESENSITIVE to 1 will make
this search case sensitive
sub Limit {
my $self = shift;
my %args = (
TABLE => $self->{'table'},
FIELD => undef,
VALUE => undef,
ALIAS => undef,
OPERATOR => '=',
SUBCLAUSE => undef,
LEFTJOIN => undef,
@_ # get the real argumentlist
my ($Alias);
#since we're changing the search criteria, we need to redo the search
if ( $args{'FIELD'} ) {
#If it's a like, we supply the %s around the search term
if ( $args{'OPERATOR'} =~ /LIKE/i ) {
$args{'VALUE'} = "%" . $args{'VALUE'} . "%";
elsif ( $args{'OPERATOR'} =~ /STARTSWITH/i ) {
$args{'VALUE'} = $args{'VALUE'} . "%";
$args{'OPERATOR'} = "LIKE";
elsif ( $args{'OPERATOR'} =~ /ENDSWITH/i ) {
$args{'VALUE'} = "%" . $args{'VALUE'};
$args{'OPERATOR'} = "LIKE";
#if we're explicitly told not to to quote the value or
# we're doing an IS or IS NOT (null), don't quote the operator.
if ( $args{'QUOTEVALUE'} && $args{'OPERATOR'} !~ /IS/i ) {
my $tmp = $self->_Handle->dbh->quote( $args{'VALUE'} );
# Accomodate DBI drivers that don't understand UTF8
if ($] >= 5.007) {
require Encode;
if( Encode::is_utf8( $args{'VALUE'} ) ) {
Encode::_utf8_on( $tmp );
$args{'VALUE'} = $tmp;
$Alias = $self->_GenericRestriction(%args);
warn "No table alias set!"
unless $Alias;
# We're now limited. people can do searches.
if ( defined($Alias) ) {
return ($Alias);
else {
return (1);
# }}}
# {{{ sub ShowRestrictions
=head2 ShowRestrictions
Returns the current object's proposed WHERE clause.
sub ShowRestrictions {
my $self = shift;
return ( $self->{'where_clause'} );
# }}}
# {{{ sub ImportRestrictions
=head2 ImportRestrictions
Replaces the current object's WHERE clause with the string passed as its argument.
#import a restrictions clause
sub ImportRestrictions {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'where_clause'} = shift;
# }}}
# {{{ sub _GenericRestriction
sub _GenericRestriction {
my $self = shift;
my %args = ( TABLE => $self->{'table'},
FIELD => undef,
VALUE => undef,
ALIAS => undef,
LEFTJOIN => undef,
OPERATOR => '=',
SUBCLAUSE => undef,
QUOTEVALUE => undef,
@_ );
my ( $Clause, $QualifiedField );
#TODO: $args{'VALUE'} should take an array of values and generate
# the proper where clause.
#If we're performing a left join, we really want the alias to be the
#left join criterion.
if ( ( defined $args{'LEFTJOIN'} )
&& ( !defined $args{'ALIAS'} ) ) {
$args{'ALIAS'} = $args{'LEFTJOIN'};
# {{{ if there's no alias set, we need to set it
unless ( $args{'ALIAS'} ) {
#if the table we're looking at is the same as the main table
if ( $args{'TABLE'} eq $self->{'table'} ) {
# TODO this code assumes no self joins on that table.
# if someone can name a case where we'd want to do that,
# I'll change it.
$args{'ALIAS'} = 'main';
# {{{ if we're joining, we need to work out the table alias
else {
$args{'ALIAS'} = $self->NewAlias( $args{'TABLE'} );
# }}}
# }}}
# Set this to the name of the field and the alias, unless we've been
# handed a subclause name
$QualifiedField = $args{'ALIAS'} . "." . $args{'FIELD'};
if ( $args{'SUBCLAUSE'} ) {
$Clause = $args{'SUBCLAUSE'};
else {
$Clause = $QualifiedField;
print STDERR "$self->_GenericRestriction QualifiedField=$QualifiedField\n"
if ( $self->DEBUG );
my ($restriction);
# If we're trying to get a leftjoin restriction, lets set
# $restriction to point htere. otherwise, lets construct normally
if ( $args{'LEFTJOIN'} ) {
$restriction =
\$self->{'left_joins'}{ $args{'LEFTJOIN'} }{'criteria'}{"$Clause"};
else {
$restriction = \$self->{'restrictions'}{"$Clause"};
# If it's a new value or we're overwriting this sort of restriction,
if ( $self->_Handle->CaseSensitive && defined $args{'VALUE'} && $args{'VALUE'} ne '' && $args{'VALUE'} ne "''" && ($args{'OPERATOR'} !~/IS/ && $args{'VALUE'} !~ /^null$/i)) {
unless ( $args{'CASESENSITIVE'} || !$args{'QUOTEVALUE'} ) {
( $QualifiedField, $args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'} ) =
$self->_Handle->_MakeClauseCaseInsensitive( $QualifiedField,
$args{'OPERATOR'}, $args{'VALUE'} );
my $clause = "($QualifiedField $args{'OPERATOR'} $args{'VALUE'})";
# Juju because this should come _AFTER_ the EA
my $prefix = "";
if ( $self->{_open_parens}{$Clause} ) {
$prefix = " ( " x $self->{_open_parens}{$Clause};
delete $self->{_open_parens}{$Clause};
if ( ( ( exists $args{'ENTRYAGGREGATOR'} )
and ( $args{'ENTRYAGGREGATOR'} || "" ) eq 'none' )
or ( !$$restriction )
) {
$$restriction = $prefix . $clause;
else {
$$restriction .= $args{'ENTRYAGGREGATOR'} . $prefix . $clause;
return ( $args{'ALIAS'} );
# }}}
# {{{ Parentheses Control
sub _OpenParen {
my ( $self, $clause ) = @_;
# Immediate Action
sub _CloseParen {
my ( $self, $clause ) = @_;
my $restriction = \$self->{'restrictions'}{"$clause"};
if ( !$$restriction ) {
$$restriction = " ) ";
else {
$$restriction .= " ) ";
# }}}
# {{{ sub _AddRestriction
sub _AddSubClause {
my $self = shift;
my $clauseid = shift;
my $subclause = shift;
$self->{'subclauses'}{"$clauseid"} = $subclause;
# }}}
# {{{ sub _WhereClause
sub _WhereClause {
my $self = shift;
my ( $subclause, $where_clause );
#Go through all the generic restrictions and build up the "generic_restrictions" subclause
# That's the only one that SearchBuilder builds itself.
# Arguably, the abstraction should be better, but I don't really see where to put it.
#Go through all restriction types. Build the where clause from the
#Various subclauses.
foreach $subclause ( keys %{ $self->{'subclauses'} } ) {
# Now, build up the where clause
if ( defined($where_clause) ) {
$where_clause .= " AND ";
warn "$self $subclause doesn't exist"
if ( !defined $self->{'subclauses'}{"$subclause"} );
$where_clause .= $self->{'subclauses'}{"$subclause"};
$where_clause = " WHERE " . $where_clause if ( $where_clause ne '' );
return ($where_clause);
# }}}
# {{{ sub _CompileGenericRestrictions
#Compile the restrictions to a WHERE Clause
sub _CompileGenericRestrictions {
my $self = shift;
my ($restriction);
delete $self->{'subclauses'}{'generic_restrictions'};
#Go through all the restrictions of this type. Buld up the generic subclause
foreach $restriction ( sort keys %{ $self->{'restrictions'} } ) {
if ( defined $self->{'subclauses'}{'generic_restrictions'} ) {
$self->{'subclauses'}{'generic_restrictions'} .= " AND ";
$self->{'subclauses'}{'generic_restrictions'} .=
"(" . $self->{'restrictions'}{"$restriction"} . ")";
# }}}
# }}}
# {{{ Routines dealing with ordering
# {{{ sub OrderBy
=head2 Orderby PARAMHASH
Orders the returned results by ALIAS.FIELD ORDER. (by default 'main.id ASC')
Takes a paramhash of ALIAS, FIELD and ORDER.
ALIAS defaults to main
FIELD defaults to the primary key of the main table. Also accepts C<FUNCTION(FIELD)> format
ORDER defaults to ASC(ending). DESC(ending) is also a valid value for OrderBy
sub OrderBy {
my $self = shift;
my %args = ( @_ );
$self->OrderByCols( \%args );
=head2 OrderByCols ARRAY
OrderByCols takes an array of paramhashes of the form passed to OrderBy.
The result set is ordered by the items in the array.
sub OrderByCols {
my $self = shift;
my @args = @_;
my $row;
my $clause;
foreach $row ( @args ) {
my %rowhash = ( ALIAS => 'main',
FIELD => undef,
if ($rowhash{'ORDER'} =~ /^des/i) {
$rowhash{'ORDER'} = "DESC";
else {
$rowhash{'ORDER'} = "ASC";
if ( ($rowhash{'ALIAS'}) and
($rowhash{'FIELD'}) and
($rowhash{'ORDER'}) ) {
if ($rowhash{'FIELD'} =~ /^(\w+\()(.*\))$/) {
# handle 'FUNCTION(FIELD)' formatted fields
$rowhash{'ALIAS'} = $1 . $rowhash{'ALIAS'};
$rowhash{'FIELD'} = $2;
$clause .= ($clause ? ", " : " ");
$clause .= $rowhash{'ALIAS'} . ".";
$clause .= $rowhash{'FIELD'} . " ";
$clause .= $rowhash{'ORDER'};
if ($clause) {
$self->{'order_clause'} = "ORDER BY" . $clause;
else {
$self->{'order_clause'} = "";
# }}}
# {{{ sub _OrderClause
=head2 _OrderClause
returns the ORDER BY clause for the search.
sub _OrderClause {
my $self = shift;
unless ( defined $self->{'order_clause'} ) {
return "";
return ($self->{'order_clause'});
# }}}
# }}}
# {{{ Routines dealing with grouping
# {{{ GroupBy (OBSOLETE)
=head2 GroupBy (DEPRECATED)
Alias for the GroupByCols method.
sub GroupBy { (shift)->GroupByCols( @_) }
# }}}
# {{{ GroupByCols
=head2 GroupByCols ARRAY_OF_HASHES
Each hash contains the keys ALIAS and FIELD. ALIAS defaults to 'main' if ignored.
sub GroupByCols {
my $self = shift;
my @args = @_;
my $row;
my $clause;
foreach $row ( @args ) {
my %rowhash = ( ALIAS => 'main',
FIELD => undef,
if ( ($rowhash{'ALIAS'}) and
($rowhash{'FIELD'}) ) {
$clause .= ($clause ? ", " : " ");
$clause .= $rowhash{'ALIAS'} . ".";
$clause .= $rowhash{'FIELD'};
if ($clause) {
$self->{'group_clause'} = "GROUP BY" . $clause;
else {
$self->{'group_clause'} = "";
# }}}
# {{{ _GroupClause
=head2 _GroupClause
Private function to return the "GROUP BY" clause for this query.
sub _GroupClause {
my $self = shift;
unless ( defined $self->{'group_clause'} ) {
return "";
return ($self->{'group_clause'});
# }}}
# }}}
# {{{ routines dealing with table aliases and linking tables
# {{{ sub NewAlias
=head2 NewAlias
Takes the name of a table.
Returns the string of a new Alias for that table, which can be used to Join tables
or to Limit what gets found by a search.
sub NewAlias {
my $self = shift;
my $table = shift || die "Missing parameter";
my $alias = $self->_GetAlias($table);
my $subclause = "$table $alias";
push ( @{ $self->{'aliases'} }, $subclause );
return $alias;
# }}}
# {{{ sub _GetAlias
# _GetAlias is a private function which takes an tablename and
# returns a new alias for that table without adding something
# to self->{'aliases'}. This function is used by NewAlias
# and the as-yet-unnamed left join code
sub _GetAlias {
my $self = shift;
my $table = shift;
my $alias = $table . "_" . $self->{'alias_count'};
return ($alias);
# }}}
# {{{ sub Join
=head2 Join
Join instructs DBIx::SearchBuilder to join two tables.
The standard form takes a param hash with keys ALIAS1, FIELD1, ALIAS2 and
FIELD2. ALIAS1 and ALIAS2 are column aliases obtained from $self->NewAlias or
a $self->Limit. FIELD1 and FIELD2 are the fields in ALIAS1 and ALIAS2 that
should be linked, respectively. For this type of join, this method
has no return value.
Supplying the parameter TYPE => 'left' causes Join to preform a left join.
in this case, it takes ALIAS1, FIELD1, TABLE2 and FIELD2. Because of the way
that left joins work, this method needs a TABLE for the second field
rather than merely an alias. For this type of join, it will return
the alias generated by the join.
sub Join {
my $self = shift;
my %args = (
TYPE => 'normal',
FIELD1 => undef,
ALIAS1 => 'main',
TABLE2 => undef,
FIELD2 => undef,
ALIAS2 => undef,
$self->_Handle->Join( SearchBuilder => $self, %args );
# }}}
# }}}
# {{{ Deal with 'pages' of results'
# {{{ sub NextPage
sub NextPage {
my $self = shift;
$self->FirstRow( $self->FirstRow + $self->RowsPerPage );
# }}}
# {{{ sub FirstPage
sub FirstPage {
my $self = shift;
# }}}
# {{{ sub LastPage
# }}}
# {{{ sub PrevPage
sub PrevPage {
my $self = shift;
if ( ( $self->FirstRow - $self->RowsPerPage ) > 1 ) {
$self->FirstRow( $self->FirstRow - $self->RowsPerPage );
else {
# }}}
# {{{ sub GotoPage
sub GotoPage {
my $self = shift;
my $page = shift;
if ( $self->RowsPerPage ) {
$self->FirstRow( 1 + ( $self->RowsPerPage * $page ) );
} else {
# }}}
# {{{ sub RowsPerPage
=head2 RowsPerPage
Limits the number of rows returned by the database.
Optionally, takes an integer which restricts the # of rows returned in a result
Returns the number of rows the database should display.
sub RowsPerPage {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'show_rows'} = shift if (@_);
return ( $self->{'show_rows'} );
# }}}
# {{{ sub FirstRow
=head2 FirstRow
Get or set the first row of the result set the database should return.
Takes an optional single integer argrument. Returns the currently set integer
first row that the database should return.
# returns the first row
sub FirstRow {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{'first_row'} = shift;
#SQL starts counting at 0
#gotta redo the search if changing pages
return ( $self->{'first_row'} );
# }}}
# }}}
# {{{ Public utility methods
# {{{ sub _ItemsCounter
=head2 _ItemsCounter
Returns the current position in the record set.
sub _ItemsCounter {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'itemscount'};
# }}}
# {{{ sub Count
=head2 Count
Returns the number of records in the set.
*count = \&Count;
sub Count {
my $self = shift;
# An unlimited search returns no tickets
return 0 unless ($self->_isLimited);
# If we haven't actually got all objects loaded in memory, we
# really just want to do a quick count from the database.
if ( $self->{'must_redo_search'} ) {
# If we haven't already asked the database for the row count, do that
$self->_DoCount unless ( $self->{'raw_rows'} );
#Report back the raw # of rows in the database
return ( $self->{'raw_rows'} );
# If we have loaded everything from the DB we have an
# accurate count already.
else {
return ( $self->{'rows'} );
# }}}
# {{{ sub CountAll
=head2 CountAll
Returns the total number of potential records in the set, ignoring any
# 22:24 [Robrt(500@outer.space)] It has to do with Caching.
# 22:25 [Robrt(500@outer.space)] The documentation says it ignores the limit.
# 22:25 [Robrt(500@outer.space)] But I don't believe thats true.
# 22:26 [msg(Robrt)] yeah. I
# 22:26 [msg(Robrt)] yeah. I'm not convinced it does anything useful right now
# 22:26 [msg(Robrt)] especially since until a week ago, it was setting one variable and returning another
# 22:27 [Robrt(500@outer.space)] I remember.
# 22:27 [Robrt(500@outer.space)] It had to do with which Cached value was returned.
# 22:27 [msg(Robrt)] (given that every time we try to explain it, we get it Wrong)
# 22:27 [Robrt(500@outer.space)] Because Count can return a different number than actual NumberOfResults
# 22:28 [msg(Robrt)] in what case?
# 22:28 [Robrt(500@outer.space)] CountAll _always_ used the return value of _DoCount(), as opposed to Count which would return the cached number of
# results returned.
# 22:28 [Robrt(500@outer.space)] IIRC, if you do a search with a Limit, then raw_rows will == Limit.
# 22:31 [msg(Robrt)] ah.
# 22:31 [msg(Robrt)] that actually makes sense
# 22:31 [Robrt(500@outer.space)] You should paste this conversation into the CountAll docs.
# 22:31 [msg(Robrt)] perhaps I'll create a new method that _actually_ do that.
# 22:32 [msg(Robrt)] since I'm not convinced it's been doing that correctly
sub CountAll {
my $self = shift;
# An unlimited search returns no tickets
return 0 unless ($self->_isLimited);
# If we haven't actually got all objects loaded in memory, we
# really just want to do a quick count from the database.
if ( $self->{'must_redo_search'} || !$self->{'count_all'}) {
# If we haven't already asked the database for the row count, do that
$self->_DoCount(1) unless ( $self->{'count_all'} );
#Report back the raw # of rows in the database
return ( $self->{'count_all'} );
# If we have loaded everything from the DB we have an
# accurate count already.
else {
return ( $self->{'rows'} );
# }}}
# {{{ sub IsLast
=head2 IsLast
Returns true if the current row is the last record in the set.
sub IsLast {
my $self = shift;
if ( $self->_ItemsCounter == $self->Count ) {
return (1);
else {
return (undef);
# }}}
# {{{ sub DEBUG
sub DEBUG {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{'DEBUG'} = shift;
return ( $self->{'DEBUG'} );
# }}}
# }}}
# {{{ Column
=head2 Column { FIELD => undef }
Specify that we want to load the column FIELD.
Other parameters are TABLE ALIAS AND FUNCTION.
Autrijus and Ruslan owe docs.
sub Column {
my $self = shift;
my %args = ( TABLE => undef,
ALIAS => undef,
FIELD => undef,
FUNCTION => undef,
my $table = $args{TABLE} || do {
if ( my $alias = $args{ALIAS} ) {
$alias =~ s/_\d+$//;
else {
my $name = ( $args{ALIAS} || 'main' ) . '.' . $args{FIELD};
if ( my $func = $args{FUNCTION} ) {
if ( $func =~ /^DISTINCT\s*COUNT$/i ) {
$name = "COUNT(DISTINCT $name)";
else {
$name = "\U$func\E($name)";
my $column = "col" . @{ $self->{columns} ||= [] };
$column = $args{FIELD} if $table eq $self->{table} and !$args{ALIAS};
push @{ $self->{columns} }, "$name AS \L$column";
return $column;
# }}}
# {{{ Columns
=head2 Columns LIST
Specify that we want to load only the columns in LIST
sub Columns {
my $self = shift;
$self->Column( FIELD => $_ ) for @_;
# }}}
# {{{ Fields
=head2 Fields TABLE
Return a list of fields in TABLE, lowercased.
TODO: Why are they lowercased?
sub Fields {
my $self = shift;
my $table = shift;
my $dbh = $self->_Handle->dbh;
# TODO: memoize this
return map lc( $_->[0] ), @{
eval {
$dbh->column_info( '', '', $table, '' )->fetchall_arrayref( [3] );
|| $dbh->selectall_arrayref("DESCRIBE $table;")
|| $dbh->selectall_arrayref("DESCRIBE \u$table;")
|| []
# }}}
# {{{ HasField
=head2 HasField { TABLE => undef, FIELD => undef }
Returns true if TABLE has field FIELD.
Return false otherwise
sub HasField {
my $self = shift;
my %args = ( FIELD => undef,
TABLE => undef,
my $table = $args{TABLE} or die;
my $field = $args{FIELD} or die;
return grep { $_ eq $field } $self->Fields($table);
# }}}
# {{{ SetTable
=head2 Table [TABLE]
If called with an arguemnt, sets this collection's table.
Always returns this collection's table.
sub SetTable {
my $self = shift;
return $self->Table(@_);
sub Table {
my $self = shift;
$self->{table} = shift if (@_);
return $self->{table};
# }}}
# {{{ POD
=head1 AUTHOR
Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Jesse Vincent, jesse@fsck.com.
All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle, DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record.
# }}}