Changes for version 1.30_02 - 2005-05-22

  • Lots of patches from Ruslan:
    • First and main change is using of `goto &$AUTOLOAD` syntax, that helps avoid code duplication and hides AUTOLOAD sub from stack trace. I think this also would help implement CompileAllAutoSubs method easier.
  • It's also one of the steps to better tests coverage.
  • Test coverage for grows from 66% to 75.2%.
  • _LoadFromSQL never reported error when PK fields are missed. Fixed.
  • fetchrow_hashref dies only when RaiseErrors is true, because we can control this from Handle obj so we should die according to $Handle->RaiseErrors property. Fixed.
  • When RaiseErrors is "false" then fetchrow_hashref returns undef and we should check $sth->err(see `perldoc DBI`). Fixed.
  • After call to fetchrow we should clean "fetched" internal hash and fill it only when we return successful result. Fixed.
  • If SimpleQuery fails, _LoadFromSQL method doesn't return any error message. Fixed.

Changes for version 1.30_01 - 2005-05-16

  • Patches from Ruslan to switch to using '' for our regular_case subroutine aliases


Encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple perl objects
Perl extension which is a generic DBI handle
An Informix specific Handle object
An ODBC specific Handle object
An oracle specific Handle object
A Postgres specific Handle object
A SQLite specific Handle object
a Sybase specific Handle object
A mysql specific Handle object
A mysql specific Handle object
Superclass for records loaded by SearchBuilder
Records with caching behavior
Deal with multiple SearchBuilder result sets as one
Ensure uniqueness of records in a collection