Jifty::Plugin - Describes a plugin to the Jifty framework
Plugins are like mini-apps. They come in packages with share directories which provide static and template files; they provide actions; they have dispatcher rules. To create the skeleton of a new plugin, you can use the command: jifty plugin --name SomePlugin
To use a plugin in your Jifty application, find the Plugins:
line in the config.yml
- SpiffyThing: {}
- SomePlugin:
arguments: to
the: constructor
The dispatcher for a plugin should live in Jifty::Plugin::name::Disptcher
; it is written like any other Jifty::Dispatcher. Plugin dispatcher rules are checked before the application's rules; however, see "Plugins and rule ordering" in Jifty::Dispatcher for how to manually specify exceptions to this.
Actions and models under a plugin's namespace are automatically discovered and made available to applications.
Sets up a new instance of this plugin. This is called by Jifty after reading the configuration file, and is supplied whatever plugin-specific settings were in the config file. Note that because plugins affect Mason's component roots, adding plugins during runtime is not supported.
init [ARGS]
Called by "new", this does any custom configuration that the plugin might need. It is passed the same parameters as "new", gleaned from the configuration file.
Called right before every request. By default, this adds the plugin's actions to the list of allowed actions, using "allow" in Jifty::API.
Returns the root of the template directory for this plugin
Returns the root of the static directory for this plugin
Returns the classname of the dispatcher class for this plugin