Jifty::Script::FastCGI - A FastCGI server for your Jifty application


When you're ready to move up to something that can handle the increasing load your new world-changing application is generating, you'll need something a bit heavier-duty than the pure-perl Jifty standalone server. FastCGI is what you're looking for.

Because Apache's FastCGI dispatcher can't pass commandline flags to your script, you'll need to call jifty a bit differently:

AddHandler fastcgi-script fcgi
DocumentRoot /path/to/your/jifty/app/share/web/templates
FastCgiServer /path/to/your/jifty/app/bin/jifty -initial-env JIFTY_COMMAND=fastcgi
ScriptAlias /  /path/to/your/jifty/app/bin/jifty/

For lighttpd (, use this setting:

server.modules  = ( "mod_fastcgi" )
server.document-root = "/path/to/your/jifty/app/share/web/templates"
fastcgi.server = (
       "" => (
           "your_jifty_app" => (
               "socket"       => "/tmp/your_jifty_app.socket",
               "check-local"  => "disable",
               "bin-path"     => "/path/to/your/jifty/app/bin/jifty",
               "bin-environment" => ( "JIFTY_COMMAND" => "fastcgi" ),
               "min-procs"    => 1,
               "max-procs"    => 5,
               "max-load-per-proc" => 1,
               "idle-timeout" => 20,

If you have MaxRequests options under FastCGI in your config.yml, or commandline option --maxrequests=N assigned, the fastcgi process will exit after serving N requests.



Creates a new FastCGI process.