Changes for version 0.06 - 2005-12-23
- Added more tests for mysql and Pg now that DBSchema supports them. Tests want more love
Changes for version 0.05_03
- Forward-ported features from DBIx::SearchBuilder: 1.37_01 Thu Dec 8 15:56:50 EST 2005
- Switched Postgres sequence lookups to use CURRVAL, rather than OIDs
- 1.36 Fri Dec 2 18:04:21 EST 2005
- Change to how we resolve virtual columns to deal with a "no such attribute" bug in RT
- 1.35 Wed Nov 2 22:36:02 EST 2005
- Doc fixes and OrderBy cleanup from ruslan
- 1.34 Wed Nov 2 22:26:15 EST 2005
- Clone support from Ruslan
Changes for version 0.05_02
- Added support for "virtual" columns
- Added support for named references between tables
- column owner => refers_to MyApp::User by 'email';
- not_null deprecated in favor of mandatory
Changes for version 0.05_01 - 2005-11-08
- Initial release
An object-relational persistence framework
Encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple perl objects
Deal with multiple Jifty::DBI::Collection result sets as one
Ensure uniqueness of records in a collection
DateTime object wrapper around date columns
Jifty::DBI UTF-8 data filter
Perl extension which is a generic DBI handle
An Informix specific Handle object
An ODBC specific Handle object
An oracle specific Handle object
A Postgres specific Handle object
A SQLite specific Handle object
a Sybase specific Handle object
A mysql specific Handle object
A mysql specific Handle object
abstract class for objects that has filters
Superclass for records loaded by Jifty::DBI::Collection
Records with caching behavior
Generate table schemas from Jifty::DBI records
in ex/Example/Model/
in ex/Example/Model/
in lib/Jifty/DBI/
in lib/Jifty/DBI/Filter/
in lib/Jifty/DBI/