Jifty::DBI::Record - Superclass for records loaded by Jifty::DBI::Collection


package MyRecord;
use base qw/Jifty::DBI::Record/;


Jifty::DBI::Record encapuslates records and tables as part of the Jifty::DBI object-relational mapper.



Instantiate a new, empty record object.


Returns this row's primary key.


Return a hash of the values of our primary keys for this function.


Private method.


Returns undef unless COLUMN has a true value for ATTRIBUTE.

Otherwise returns COLUMN's value for that attribute.


Return our primary keys. (Subclasses should override this, but our default is that we have one primary key, named 'id'.)


Sets up the primary key columns.

_to_record COLUMN VALUE

This PRIVATE method takes a column name and a value for that column.

It returns undef unless COLUMN is a valid column for this record that refers to another record class.

If it is valid, this method returns a new record object with an id of VALUE.




Returns a list this table's readable columns


Returns a list of this table's writable columns

record values

As you've probably already noticed, Jifty::DBI::Record autocreates methods for your standard get/set accessors. It also provides you with some hooks to massage the values being loaded or stored.

When you fetch a record value by calling $my_record-some_field>, Jifty::DBI::Record provides the following hook


This hook is called with a reference to the value returned by Jifty::DBI. Its return value is discarded.

When you set a value, Jifty::DBI provides the following hooks

before_set_column_name PARAMHASH

Jifty::DBI::Record passes this function a reference to a paramhash composed of:


The name of the column we're updating.


The new value for column.


A boolean that, if true, indicates that value is an SQL function, not just a value.

If before_set_column_name returns false, the new value isn't set.

validate_column_name VALUE

This hook is called just before updating the database. It expects the actual new value you're trying to set column_name to. It returns two values. The first is a boolean with truth indicating success. The second is an optional message. Note that validate_column_name may be called outside the context of a set operation to validate a potential value. (The Jifty application framework uses this as part of its AJAX validation system.)


_value takes a single column name and returns that column's value for this row. Subclasses can override _value to insert custom access control.


Takes a column name and returns that column's value. Subclasses should never override __value.


_set takes a single column name and a single unquoted value. It updates both the in-memory value of this column and the in-database copy. Subclasses can override _set to insert custom access control.

_validate column VALUE

Validate that value will be an acceptable value for column.

Currently, this routine does nothing whatsoever.

If it succeeds (which is always the case right now), returns true. Otherwise returns false.


Takes a single argument, $id. Calls load_by_cols to retrieve the row whose primary key is $id


Takes a hash of columns and values. Loads the first record that matches all keys.

The hash's keys are the columns to look at.

The hash's values are either: scalar values to look for OR has references which contain 'operator' and 'value'



Takes a hashref, such as created by Jifty::DBI and populates this record's loaded values hash.


Load a record as the result of an SQL statement


This method creates a new record with the values specified in the PARAMHASH.

Keys that aren't known as columns for this record type are dropped.

This method calls two hooks in your subclass:


This method is called before trying to create our row in the database. It's handed a reference to your paramhash. (That means it can modify your parameters on the fly). before_create returns a true or false value. If it returns false, the create is aborted.


This method is called after attempting to insert the record into the database. It gets handed a reference to the return value of the insert. That'll either be a true value or a Class::ReturnValue


Delete this record from the database. On failure return a Class::ReturnValue with the error. On success, return 1;

This method has two hooks


This method is called before the record deletion, if it exists. It returns a boolean value. If the return value is false, it aborts the create and returns the return value from the hook.


This method is called after deletion, with a reference to the return value from the delete operation.


This method returns this class's default table name. It uses Lingua::EN::Inflect to pluralize the class's name as we believe that class names for records should be in the singular and table names should be plural.

If your class name is My::App::Rhino, your table name will default to rhinos. If your class name is My::App::RhinoOctopus, your default table name will be rhino_octopuses. Not perfect, but arguably correct.


Returns the collection class which this record belongs to; override this to subclass. If you haven't specified a collection class, this returns a best guess at the name of the collection class for this collection.

It uses a simple heuristic to determine the collection class name -- It appends "Collection" to its own name. If you want to name your records and collections differently, go right ahead, but don't say we didn't warn you.


Guesses a table name based on the class's last part.


Returns or sets the current Jifty::DBI::Handle object

used for the declarative syntax


Jesse Vincent <>, Alex Vandiver <>, David Glasser <>, Ruslan Zakirov <>

Based on DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record, whose credits read:

Jesse Vincent, <> 
Enhancements by Ivan Kohler, <>
Docs by Matt Knopp <>

