Changes for version 0.06 - 2009-02-09

    • parsing improvements to deal with issues discovered parsing parrot trac - jesse
    • Support login with Trac's cookie auth - jesse
    • Skip transaction history types we don't know how to deal with - jesse
    • Remove coerce - jesse
    • Removing MooseX::ClassAttribute - jesse
    • Switch to Any::Moose, so we can use Mouse for memory and cpu savings! - jesse
    • Starting to work on removing MooseX::ClassAccessor Working on props parsing - jesse
    • Better caching of ticket history. Properish handling of the keywords filed - jesse
    • Improve performance of ticket ops by caching static data Improve detection of ticket update/create forms when the user doesn't have the right to set the requestor - jesse
    • added tests for keywords - jesse


Interact with a remote Trac instance
Connection to a remote Trac server
Provides persistent credentials for the Trac instance
Create, read, and update tickets on a remote Trac instance
Represents a single attachment for a Trac ticket
A Trac ticket's history
A single history entry for a Trac ticket
A single property change in a Trac ticket history entry
A ticket search (custom query) in Trac