RT::Interface::Email::Auth::StrictSMIME - strict SMIME protection
If message is not encrypted with SMIME standard then report error to sender and doesn't create or update ticket.
Add this filter after standard RT's one and before any other. Configuration should be something like the following:
@MailPlugins = (qw(Auth::MailFrom Auth::StrictSMIME Auth::SMIME));
As well you need template 'NotEncryptedMessage', this template is used to notify senders that their message was not recorded. When the template is called an object of the current ticket may be not available so you have to avoid any code in the template that doesn't check this fact. Use conditions if ( $TicketObj && $TicketObj-
id ) {...}>. In general situation next template should work just fine:
Subject: [ERROR] Couldn't process a message
Hi, message you sent was not processed as it was not encrypted with
SMIME encryption. Please, resubmit your request using encryption
This plugin should work normal with RT 3.6.3, but this version of RT has a little bit broken logic, so you may see undesirable side effects and probably wrong results. To fix issues we provide a patch you can find in patches dir within the tarball, changes in the patch are in the RT's repository and would be available with RT 3.6.4.
Returns a CurrentUser object. Also performs all the commands.