Let's run the tutorial, if it works, it works ;)
Ok, we'll build a simple project in this tutorial:
We'd like to build Acme::Hello( we love examples with name hello ;)
The repo is svk://__shipwright/hello
1. init
$ shipwright create -r svk://__shipwright/hello
2. import
$ shipwright import -r svk://__shipwright/hello Acme::Hello
Then shipwright will try to download, and import Acme::Hello and all its deps. If you want to skip some deps, e.g. Locale::Maketext and Locale::Maketext::Lexicon, just add `--skip Locale::Maketext and Locale::Maketext::Lexicon' arg
run `shipwright help import' to get more options
3. build
$ shipwright build -r svk://__shipwright/hello
Test is kind of time consuming? you can add `--skip-test' to skip test.
run `shipwright help build' to get more options
the log of the above 3 commands can be found in docs/tutorial.log
update dist(s)
if you just want to update a dist( just the dist source itself, don't want to update build or require.yml ), use the `update' cmd. techenically, it will delete the dir in dists and import again.
if not, you can import it again, which will overwrite the old one. techenically, it will delete the corresponding dir in dists/ and scripts/, then add new one. If you want to overwrite dep dists too, please use --overwrite