Template::Declare - Perlish declarative templates


Template::Declare is a pure-perl declarative HTML/XUL/XML templating system.

Yes. Another one. There are many others like it, but this one is ours.

A few key features and buzzwords:

All templates are 100% pure perl code
Simple declarative syntax
No angle brackets
"Native" XML namespace and declarator support
Public and private templates


Basic usage

# Basic HTML usage:
package MyApp::Templates;
use Template::Declare::Tags; # defaults to 'HTML'
use base 'Template::Declare';

template simple => sub {
    html {
        head {}
        body {
            p {'Hello, world wide web!'}

package main;
use Template::Declare;
Template::Declare->init( roots => ['MyApp::Templates']);
print Template::Declare->show( 'simple');

# Output:
# <html>
#  <head></head>
#  <body>
#   <p>Hello, world wide web!
#   </p>
#  </body>
# </html>

# Let's do XUL!
package MyApp::Templates;
use base 'Template::Declare';
use Template::Declare::Tags 'XUL';

template main => sub {
    xml_decl { 'xml', version => '1.0' };
    xml_decl { 'xml-stylesheet',  href => "chrome://global/skin/", type => "text/css" };
    groupbox {
        caption { attr { label => 'Colors' } }
        radiogroup {
          for my $id ( qw< orange violet yellow > ) {
            radio {
                attr {
                    id => $id,
                    label => ucfirst($id),
                    $id eq 'violet' ?
                        (selected => 'true') : ()
          } # for

package main;
Template::Declare->init( roots => ['MyApp::Templates']);
print Template::Declare->show('main')

# Output:
# <?xml version="1.0"?>
# <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
# <groupbox>
#  <caption label="Colors" />
#  <radiogroup>
#   <radio id="orange" label="Orange" />
#   <radio id="violet" label="Violet" selected="true" />
#   <radio id="yellow" label="Yellow" />
#  </radiogroup>
# </groupbox>

A slightly more advanced example

In this example, we'll show off how to set attributes on HTML tags, how to call other templates and how to declare a private template that can't be called directly. We'll also show passing arguments to templates.

package MyApp::Templates;
use Template::Declare::Tags;
use base 'Template::Declare';

private template 'header' => sub {
       head {
           title { 'This is a webpage'};
           meta { attr { generator => "This is not your father's frontpage"}}

private template 'footer' => sub {
       my $self = shift;
       my $time = shift || gmtime;

       div { attr { id => "footer"};
             "Page last generated at $time."

template simple => sub {
   my $self = shift;
   my $user = shift || 'world wide web';

   html {
       body {
           p { attr { class => 'greeting'};
               "Hello, $user!"};

package main;
use Template::Declare;
Template::Declare->init( roots => ['MyApp::Templates']);
print Template::Declare->show( 'simple', 'TD user');

# Output:
#  <html>
#  <head>
#   <title>This is a webpage
#   </title>
#   <meta generator="This is not your father&#39;s frontpage" />
#  </head>
#  <body>
#   <p class="greeting">Hello, TD user!
#   </p>
#  </body>
#  <div id="footer">Page last generated at Mon Jul  2 17:09:34 2007.</div>
# </html>

For more options, especially the "native" XML namespace support and more samples, see Template::Declare::Tags.


Sometimes you just want simple syntax for inline elements. The following shows how to use a postprocessor to emphasize text _like this_.

package MyApp::Templates;
use Template::Declare::Tags;
use base 'Template::Declare';

template before => sub {
    h1 {
        outs "Welcome to ";
        em { "my"};
        outs " site. It's ";
        em { "great"};
        outs "!";

template after => sub {
    h1 { "Welcome to _my_ site. It's _great_!"};
    h2 { outs_raw "This is _not_ emphasized."};

package main;
use Template::Declare;
Template::Declare->init( roots => ['MyApp::Templates'], postprocessor => \&emphasize);
print Template::Declare->show( 'before');
print Template::Declare->show( 'after');

sub emphasize {
    my $text = shift;
    $text =~ s{_(.+?)_}{<em>$1</em>}g;
    return $text;

# Output:
# <h1>Welcome to 
#  <em>my</em> site. It&#39;s 
#  <em>great</em>!</h1>
# <h1>Welcome to <em>my</em> site. It&#39;s <em>great</em>!</h1>
# <h2>This is _not_ emphasized.</h2>

Multiple template roots (search paths)





This class method initializes the Template::Declare system.



We're reusing the perl interpreter for our templating langauge, but Perl was not designed specifically for our purpose here. Here are some known pitfalls while you're scripting your templates with this module.

  • It's quite common to see tag sub calling statements without trailing semi-colons right after }. For instance,

    template foo => {
        p {
            a { attr { src => '1.png' } }
            a { attr { src => '2.png' } }
            a { attr { src => '3.png' } }

    is equivalent to

    template foo => {
        p {
            a { attr { src => '1.png' } };
            a { attr { src => '2.png' } };
            a { attr { src => '3.png' } };

    But xml_decl is a notable exception. Please always put a trailing semicolon after xml_decl { ... }, or you'll mess up the outputs.

  • Another place that requires trailing semicolon is the statements before a Perl looping statement, an if statement, or a show call. For example:

    p { "My links:" };
    for (@links) {
        with( src => $_ ), a {}

    The ; after p { ... } is required here, or Perl will complaint about syntax errors.

  • Literal strings that have tag siblings won't be captured. So the following template

    p { 'hello'; em { 'world' } }



    instead of the desired output


    You can use outs here to solve this problem:

    p { outs 'hello'; em { 'world' } }

    Note you can always get rid of the outs crap if the string literal is the only element of the containing block:

    p { 'hello, world!' }


Call show with a template_name and Template::Declare will render that template. Content generated by show can be accessed with the output method if the output method you've chosen returns content instead of outputting it directly.

(If called in scalar context, this method will also just return the content when available).


alias Some::Clever::Mixin under '/mixin';


import_templates Wifty::UI::something under '/something';

path_for $template

Returns the path for the template name to be used for show, adjusted
with paths used in import_templates.


Takes a package, template name and a boolean. The boolean determines whether to show private templates.

Returns a reference to the template's code if found. Otherwise, returns undef.

This method is an alias for "resolve_template"


Turns a template path (TEMPLATE_PATH) into a CODEREF. If the boolean INCLUDE_PRIVATE_TEMPLATES is true, resolves private template in addition to public ones.

First it looks through all the valid Template::Declare roots. For each root, it looks to see if the root has a template called $template_name directly (or via an import statement). Then it looks to see if there are any "alias"ed paths for the root with prefixes that match the template we're looking for.


This method registers a template called TEMPLATE_NAME in package PACKAGE. As you might guess, CODEREF defines the template's implementation.


This method registers a private template called TEMPLATE_NAME in package PACKAGE. As you might guess, CODEREF defines the template's implementation.

Private templates can't be called directly from user code but only from other templates.


Crawling all over, baby. Be very, very careful. This code is so cutting edge, it can only be fashioned from carbon nanotubes.

Some specific bugs and design flaws that we'd love to see fixed.

Output isn't streamy.

If you run into bugs or misfeatures, please report them to


Template::Declare::Tags, Template::Declare::TagSet, Template::Declare::TagSet::HTML, Template::Declare::TagSet::XUL, Jifty.


Jesse Vincent <>


Copyright 2006-2007 Best Practical Solutions, LLC