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use Encode ;
=head1 NAME
Apache2::REST::Request - Apache2::Request subclass.
This module adds extra features to the standard C<Apache2::Request>.
As a consequence, you can use any method available on C<Apache2::Request>, plus
the additional methods below.
=head2 new
See L<Apache2::Request>
sub new {
my($class, @args) = @_;
my $self = {
r => Apache2::Request->new(@args) ,
'paramEncoding' => 'UTF-8' ,
'requestedFormat' => '' ,
return bless $self, $class;
=head2 param
See L<Apache2::Request::param> .
This decodes the param according to $this->paramEncoding
sub param{
my ( $self , @args ) = @_ ;
if ( wantarray ){
my @ret = $self->{r}->param(@args) ;
return map{ Encode::decode($self->paramEncoding() , $_ ) } @ret ;
my $ret = $self->{r}->param(@args) ;
return Encode::decode($self->paramEncoding() , $ret );
=head2 paramEncoding
Gets/Set the paramEncoding of this Request
sub paramEncoding{
my ( $self , $v ) = @_ ;
if ( $v ){ $self->{'paramEncoding'} = $v ;}
return $self->{'paramEncoding'} ;
=head2 requestedFormat
Get/Set the requested format.
You can use this to force the returned format from a particular resource.
Or to allow methods based on the format.
sub requestedFormat{
my ( $self , $v ) = @_ ;
if ( $v ){ $self->{'requestedFormat'} = $v ;}
return $self->{'requestedFormat'};