use strict ;
use JSON::XS ;
=head1 NAME
Apache2::REST::Writer::bin - Apache2::REST::Response Writer for binary
This writer returns the binary part of the response.
If the bin_mimetype of the response is set, it returns this mimetype.
Otherwise application/bin is returned
=head2 new
sub new{
my ( $class ) = @_;
return bless {} , $class;
=head2 mimeType
sub mimeType{
my ( $self , $resp ) = @_ ;
if ( $resp->binMimeType()){
return $resp->binMimeType() ;
return 'application/bin' ;
=head2 asBytes
Returns the response as json UTF8 bytes for output.
sub asBytes{
my ($self, $resp ) = @_ ;
return $resp->bin() ;