$App::CSE::Command::Search::VERSION = '0.005';
use Moose;
extends qw/App::CSE::Command/;
my $LOGGER = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
# Parameter stuff
# Inputs
has 'query_str' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Str' , lazy_build => 1);
has 'dir_str' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Maybe[Str]', lazy_build => 1);
has 'num' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Int', lazy_build => 1);
has 'offset' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Int' , lazy_build => 1);
has 'sort_str' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Str' , lazy_build => 1);
# Calculated
has 'filtered_query' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Lucy::Search::Query' , lazy_build => 1);
has 'query' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Lucy::Search::Query' , lazy_build => 1);
has 'sort_spec' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Lucy::Search::SortSpec', lazy_build => 1);
# Operational stuff.
has 'hits' => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Lucy::Search::Hits', lazy_build => 1);
has 'searcher' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'Lucy::Search::IndexSearcher' , lazy_build => 1);
has 'highlighter' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'App::CSE::Lucy::Highlight::Highlighter' , lazy_build => 1);
sub _build_sort_spec{
my ($self) = @_;
my @rules = ( Lucy::Search::SortRule->new( type => 'score'),
Lucy::Search::SortRule->new( field => 'path' )
if( $self->sort_str() eq 'score' ){
# Nothing to do.
}elsif( $self->sort_str() eq 'path' ){
@rules = (
Lucy::Search::SortRule->new( field => 'path' ),
Lucy::Search::SortRule->new( type => 'score'),
}elsif( $self->sort_str() eq 'mtime' ){
@rules = (
Lucy::Search::SortRule->new( field => 'mtime' , reverse => 'true' ),
Lucy::Search::SortRule->new( field => 'path' ),
$LOGGER->error($self->cse->colorizer->colored("Unknown sort mode ".$self->sort_str().". Falling back to 'score'", 'red bold'));
return Lucy::Search::SortSpec->new(rules => \@rules );
sub _build_highlighter{
my ($self) = @_;
## Note that this only builds a content highlighter.
$LOGGER->debug("Using highlight_query = ".$self->highlight_query('content')->to_string());
return App::CSE::Lucy::Highlight::Highlighter->new(
searcher => $self->searcher(),
query => $self->highlight_query(),
field => 'content',
excerpt_length => 100,
cse_command => $self,
=head2 highlight_query
Returns the query used to highlight the given field. Will be the original
query or the highlight query of the query prefix.
my $hl_query = $this->highlight_query('content');
sub highlight_query{
my ($self, $field) = @_;
my $query = $self->query();
if( $query->isa('App::CSE::Lucy::Search::QueryPrefix') ){
return $query->highlight_query($field || 'content');
return $query;
sub _build_searcher{
my ($self) = @_;
my $searcher = Lucy::Search::IndexSearcher->new( index => $self->cse->index_dir().'' );
return $searcher;
sub options_specs{
return [ 'offset|o=i', 'num|n=i', 'sort|s=s' , 'reverse|r' ];
my %legit_sort = ( 'score' => 1, 'path' => 1 , 'mtime' => 1 );
sub _build_sort_str{
my ($self) = @_;
my $sort_str = $self->cse()->options()->{sort} || 'score';
unless( $legit_sort{$sort_str} ){
$LOGGER->error($self->cse->colorizer->colored("Unknown sort mode ".$sort_str.". Falling back to 'score'", 'red bold'));
return 'score';
my $perl_version = $];
if( $perl_version >= 5.016 && $sort_str ne 'score' ){
$LOGGER->warn($self->cse->colorizer->colored("A bug in Lucy doesn't allow this version of Perl($perl_version) to take sort mode (".$sort_str.") into account for now.", 'yellow bold'));
return 'score'
return $sort_str;
sub _build_offset{
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->cse()->options->{offset} || 0;
sub _build_num{
my ($self) = @_;
my $num = $self->cse->options()->{num};
return defined($num) ? $num : 5;
sub _build_hits{
my ($self) = @_;
$LOGGER->info("Searching for '".$self->filtered_query()->to_string()."'");
my $perl_version = $];
my $hits = $self->searcher->hits( query => $self->filtered_query(),
offset => $self->offset(),
num_wanted => $self->num(),
## This segfaults on perl 16 and 18 :(
( $perl_version < 5.016 ) ? ( sort_spec => $self->sort_spec() ) : ()
return $hits;
sub _build_query_str{
my ($self) = @_;
my $cse = $self->cse();
my @str_bits = ();
while($cse->args()->[0] && ! -e $cse->args()->[0] ){
push @str_bits, ( shift @{$cse->args()} );
return join(' ', @str_bits);
sub _build_dir_str{
my ($self) = @_;
# Give a chance to query STR.
return shift @{$self->cse->args()} || undef;
sub _build_filtered_query{
my ($self) = @_;
if( my $dir_str = $self->dir_str() ){
# Filter the query with a filter on this dir as a prefix.
my $fq = Lucy::Search::ANDQuery->new();
$fq->add_child(App::CSE::Lucy::Search::QueryPrefix->new( field => 'path.raw',
query_string => $dir_str.'*',
keep_case => 1
return $fq;
# General case. Same as the original query.
return $self->query();
sub _build_query{
my ($self) = @_;
# if( $self->query_str() =~ /\*$/ ){
# return App::CSE::Lucy::Search::QueryPrefix->new(
# field => 'content',
# query_string => $self->query_str(),
# );
# }
my $analyzer;
my $fields = [ 'content' , 'decl', 'path' ];
if( $self->query_str() =~ /\*/ ){
# Let the query parser keep the *'s
$analyzer = Lucy::Analysis::RegexTokenizer->new( pattern => '\S+' );
unless( $self->query_str() =~ /\:/ ){
# No colon. Search only in content
$fields = [ 'content' ];
my $qp = App::CSE::Lucy::Search::QueryParser->new( schema => $self->searcher->get_schema,
default_boolop => 'AND',
fields => $fields,
$analyzer ? ( analyzer => $analyzer ) : (),
return $qp->parse($self->query_str());
sub execute{
my ($self) = @_;
my $colorizer = $self->cse->colorizer();
my $colored = sub{ $colorizer->colored(@_); };
unless( $self->query_str() ){
$LOGGER->warn(&$colored("Missing query. Do cse help" , 'red'));
return 1;
# Check the index.
my $check = App::CSE::Command::Check->new({ cse => $self->cse() });
if( $check->execute() ){
$LOGGER->info(&$colored("Rebuilding the index..", 'green bold'));
my $index_cmd = App::CSE::Command::Index->new( { cse => $self->cse() });
if( $index_cmd->execute() ){
$LOGGER->error(&$colored("Building index failed", 'red'));
return 1;
my $start_time = Time::HiRes::time();
## This will trigger a search. Look at _build_hits
my $hits = $self->hits();
my $highlighter = $self->highlighter();
$LOGGER->info(&$colored('Hits: '. $self->offset().' - '.( $self->offset() + $self->num() - 1).' of '.$hits->total_hits().' sorted by '.$self->sort_str(), 'green bold')."\n\n");
while ( my $hit = $hits->next ) {
my $excerpt = $highlighter->create_excerpt($hit);
my $star = '';
if( my $stat = File::stat::stat( $hit->{path} ) ){
if( $hit->{mtime} lt DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $stat->mtime())->iso8601() ){
$star = &$colored('*' , 'red bold');
# Mark the file as dirty.
$self->cse()->dirty_files()->{$hit->{'path.raw'}} = 1;
$LOGGER->trace("Score: ".$hit->get_score());
my $hit_str = &$colored($hit->{path}.'', 'magenta bold').' ('.$hit->{mime}.') ['.$hit->{mtime}.$star.']'.&$colored(':', 'cyan bold');
$hit_str .= q|
|.( $excerpt || substr($hit->{content} || '' , 0 , 100 ) ).q|
my $stop_time = Time::HiRes::time();
# Save the dirty files memory.
$LOGGER->info("Search took ".sprintf('%.03f', ( $stop_time - $start_time ))." secs");
return 0;
=head1 NAME
App::CSE::Command::Search - Search the index for keywords or queries.