$App::CSE::Command::Update::VERSION = '0.015';
use Moose;
extends qw/App::CSE::Command/;
my $LOGGER = Log::Log4perl->get_logger();
sub execute{
my ($self) = @_;
my $colorizer = $self->cse()->colorizer();
my $colored = sub{ $colorizer->colored(@_);};
# Check the index.
# Re-index if nothing is there.
my $check = App::CSE::Command::Check->new({ cse => $self->cse() });
if( $check->execute() ){
$LOGGER->info(&$colored("Rebuilding the index..", 'green bold'));
my $index_cmd = App::CSE::Command::Index->new( { cse => $self->cse() });
if( $index_cmd->execute() ){
$LOGGER->error(&$colored("Building index failed", 'red'));
return 1;
# Nothing else to do.
return 0;
# Right time to reindex dirty files.
my @dirty_files = sort keys %{$self->cse->dirty_files()};
unless( @dirty_files ){
$LOGGER->info(&$colored("No dirty files", 'green bold'));
return 0;
# Build an indexer.
my $searcher = Lucy::Search::IndexSearcher->new( index => $self->cse()->index_dir().'' );
my $indexer = Lucy::Index::Indexer->new( schema => $searcher->get_schema(),
index => $self->cse()->index_dir().'' );
my $NFILES = 0;
foreach my $dirty_file ( @dirty_files ){
$indexer->delete_by_term( field => 'path.raw',
term => $dirty_file );
unless( -e $dirty_file ){
# File is gone.
delete $self->cse()->dirty_files()->{$dirty_file};
my $mime_type = File::MimeInfo::Magic::mimetype($dirty_file.'') || 'application/octet-stream';
my $file_class = App::CSE::File->class_for_mime($mime_type, $dirty_file.'');
unless( $file_class ){
$LOGGER->warn("Cannot reindex Mimetype $mime_type for $dirty_file is not supported anymore?");
## Build a file instance.
my $file = $file_class->new({cse => $self->cse(),
mime_type => $mime_type,
file_path => $dirty_file.'' })->effective_object();
$LOGGER->info("Reindexing file $dirty_file as ".$file->mime_type());
# And index it
my $content = $file->content();
path => $file->file_path(),
'path.raw' => $file->file_path(),
dir => $file->dir(),
mime => $file->mime_type(),
mtime => $file->mtime->iso8601(),
$content ? ( content => $content ) : ()
# Remove from the dirty files hash
delete $self->cse()->dirty_files()->{$dirty_file};
# Commit and save that.
$LOGGER->info(&$colored('Re-indexed '.$NFILES.' files' ,'green bold'));
return 0;