$App::JESP::Driver::VERSION = '0.013';
use Moose;
=head1 NAME
App::JESP::Driver - DB Specific stuff superclass.
use Log::Any qw/$log/;
use DBI;
has 'jesp' => ( is => 'ro' , isa => 'App::JESP', required => 1, weak_ref => 1);
=head2 apply_patch
Applies the given L<App::JESP::Patch> to the database. Dies in case of error.
You do NOT need to implement that in subclasses.
$this->apply_patch( $patch );
sub apply_patch{
my ($self, $patch) = @_;
$log->info("Applying patch ".$patch->id());
if( my $sql = $patch->sql() ){
$log->trace("Patch is SQL='$sql'");
return $self->apply_sql( $sql );
if( my $script_file = $patch->script_file() ){
$log->trace("Patch is SCRIPT='".$script_file."'");
return $self->apply_script( $script_file );
=head2 apply_script
Runs the given 'script' file, with the given environment:
JESP_DSN : The full Perl DSN string
JESP_DRIVER: The name of the DBI driver in use
JESP_DRIVER_DSN: the part of the DSN after the driver
Then the JESP_DRIVER_DSN is parsed and split into its components to generate environment variables.
The most common is:
JESP_DATABASE: Name of the database to connect to
JESP_PORT: The port to connect to.
sub apply_script{
my ($self, $script) = @_;
my @cmd = ( $script );
my $input = '';
my $on_stdout = sub{
$log->info( @_ );
my @stderr;
my $on_stderr = sub{
$log->warn( @_ );
push @stderr , @_;
my $properties = {};
my ($scheme, $driver, $attr_string, $attr_hash, $driver_dsn) = DBI->parse_dsn( $self->jesp()->dsn() );
ref($self)->_OdbcParse( $driver_dsn , $properties , [] );
$properties->{user} ||= $self->jesp()->username();
$properties->{password} ||= $self->jesp()->password();
$properties = {
%{ defined( $attr_hash ) ? $attr_hash : {} },
dsn => $self->jesp()->dsn(),
scheme => $scheme,
driver => $driver,
driver_dsn => $driver_dsn,
attr_string => $attr_string,
my %EXTRA_ENV = ();
# Outside testing, be verbose.
# Transfer all the DB properties
foreach my $key ( keys %{$properties} ){
if( $properties->{$key} ){
$EXTRA_ENV{'JESP_'.uc($key)} = $properties->{$key};
local %ENV = ( %ENV , %EXTRA_ENV );
IPC::Run::run( \@cmd , \$input , $on_stdout , $on_stderr ) or die join(' ', @cmd).": $? : ".join("\n", @stderr )."\n";
=head2 apply_sql
Databases and their drivers vary a lot when it comes
to apply SQL patches. Some of them are just fine with sending
a blog of SQL to the driver, even when it contains multiple
statements and trigger or procedure, function definitions.
Some of them require a specific implementation.
This is the default implementation that just use the underlying DB
connection to send the patch SQL content.
sub apply_sql{
my ($self, $sql) = @_;
my $dbh = $self->jesp()->get_dbh()->();
my $ret = $dbh->do( $sql );
return defined($ret) ? $ret : confess( $dbh->errstr() );
# Shamelessly copied from DBD-mysql-4.043/lib/DBD/mysql.pm
sub _OdbcParse {
my($class, $dsn, $hash, $args) = @_;
my($var, $val);
if (!defined($dsn)) {
while (length($dsn)) {
if ($dsn =~ /([^:;]*\[.*]|[^:;]*)[:;](.*)/) {
$val = $1;
$dsn = $2;
$val =~ s/\[|]//g; # Remove [] if present, the rest of the code prefers plain IPv6 addresses
} else {
$val = $dsn;
$dsn = '';
if ($val =~ /([^=]*)=(.*)/) {
$var = $1;
$val = $2;
if ($var eq 'hostname' || $var eq 'host') {
$hash->{'host'} = $val;
} elsif ($var eq 'db' || $var eq 'dbname') {
$hash->{'database'} = $val;
} else {
$hash->{$var} = $val;
} else {
foreach $var (@$args) {
if (!defined($hash->{$var})) {
$hash->{$var} = $val;