pg_cryobit - Manage PostgreSQL continuous backup
pg_cryobit help|man|checkconfig|archivewal|rotatewal|archivesnapshot|fullarchive [options]
This is pg_cryobit v.03 - Copyright Jerome Eteve 2010-2012
- checkconfig
Checks the configuration file is correct.
- archivewal
Archive a given WAL file using the configured shipper. Requires options --file.
- rotatewal
Forces a wal rotation. Checks the rotated file has been shipped. No required options.
- archivesnapshot
Take a snapshot archive of the whole database. No required options.
- fullarchive
rotatewal and archivesnapshot. Options apply.
- --conf=<file>
Specify configuration file on the command line. Applies to all commands.
- --file=<file>
Specify file to handle. Applies to archivewal
- --deepclean
Remove anything earlier than the last archivesnapshot. Applies to archivesnapshot
- --quiet
Same as --verbose=ERROR
Sets the verbosity level. Default is INFO. You probably want to avoid using FATAL only.
If no --conf option is given, pg_cryobit looks for a pg_cryobit.conf file in the following directories:
- The current directory
- Your HOME directory (HOME is defined)
- Your system /etc directory.
Configuration files examples can be found at
Here's one of them:
## An example configuration file for pg_cryobit
data_directory /path/to/postgresql/data_directory
## This is optional. Will use /tmp/ is not present.
#snapshooter_dir /path/to/where/you/want/your/snapshots/to/be/build
## This is mandatory. pg_cryobit MUST be able to
## connect to your database using this string.
dsn "dbi:Pg:dbname=PGDATABASE;host=PGHOST;port=PGPORT;user=PGUSER;password=PGPASSWORD"
## Valid options include:
# Parameter Environment Variable Default
# --------- -------------------- --------------
# dbname PGDATABASE current userid
# host PGHOST localhost
# port PGPORT 5432
# options PGOPTIONS ""
# tty PGTTY ""
# user PGUSER current userid
# password PGPASSWORD ""
## The shipper configuration.
plugin CopyFactory
## This is where you want your backups and wal logs to be saved.
## This MUST be a safe place, like a SAN location.
## This MUST be writable by the user running pg_cryobit
backup_dir /tmp/backupdir/
perldoc App::PgCryobit
Copyright 2010-11 by Jerome Eteve.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.