$Form::Toolkit::Form::VERSION = '0.004';
require 5.010_000;
use Moose -traits => 'Form::Toolkit::Meta::Class::Trait::HasID';
use JSON;
with qw(MooseX::Clone);
=head1 NAME
Form::Toolkit::Form - A Moose base class for Form implementation
has 'jsoner' => ( isa => 'JSON' , is => 'ro', required => 1, lazy_build => 1);
has 'fields' => ( isa => 'ArrayRef[Form::Toolkit::Field]', is => 'ro' , required => 1 , default => sub{ [] } ,
traits => ['Clone']);
has '_fields_idx' => ( isa => 'HashRef[Int]', is => 'ro' , required => 1, default => sub{ {} },
traits => [ 'Clone' ]);
has '_field_next_num' => ( isa => 'Int' , is => 'rw' , default => 0 , required => 1 ,
traits => ['Clone']);
has 'errors' => ( isa => 'ArrayRef[Str]' , is => 'rw' , default => sub{ [] } , required => 1 ,
traits => [ 'Clone' ]);
has 'submit_label' => ( isa => 'Str' , is => 'rw' , default => 'Submit', required => 1 ,
traits => [ 'Clone' ]);
=head2 BUILD
Hooks in the Moose BUILD to call build_fields
sub BUILD{
my ($self) = @_;
sub _build_jsoner{
my ($self) = @_;
return JSON->new->ascii(1)->pretty(0);
=head2 fast_clone
Returns fast clone of this form. This is field value focused and as shallow as possible,
so use with care if you want to change anything else than field values in your clones.
Benchmarking has shown this is 50x faster than the MooseX::Clone based clone method.
my $clone = $this->fast_clone();
sub fast_clone{
my ($self) = @_;
my $new_fields = [ map { $_->fast_clone() } @{ $self->fields() } ];
return bless { %$self , fields => $new_fields } , Scalar::Util::blessed($self);
=head2 id
Shortcut to $this->meta->id();
sub id{
my ($self) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line) = caller;
warn "Calling ->id() from $package ($filename: $line) is deprecated. Please use ->meta->id() instead";
return $self->meta->id();
=head2 do_accept
Accepts a form visitor returns this visitor's visit_form method returned value.
my $result = $this->do_accept($visitor);
sub do_accept{
my ($self, $visitor) = @_;
unless( $visitor->can('visit_form') ){
confess("Visitor $visitor cannot 'visit_form'");
return $visitor->visit_form($self);
=head2 build_fields
Called after Form creation to add_field to $self.
This should be the method you need to implement in your subclasses.
sub build_fields{
my ($self) = @_;
$self->add_field('Date' , 'a_date_field');
$self->add_field('String' , 'a string field');
# etc..
sub build_fields{}
=head2 add_error
Adds an error to this form (as a string).
$this->add_error('Something is globally wrong');
sub add_error{
my ($self , $error) = @_;
push @{$self->errors()} , $error;
=head2 add_field
$this->add_field('FieldType', 'field_name'); ## 'FieldType' is turned into Form::Toolkit::Field::FieldType'.
sub add_field{
my ($self, @rest) = @_;
my $field = shift @rest;
if( ref($field) && $field->isa('Form::Toolkit::Field') ){
return $self->_add_field($field);
if( ref( $field ) ){ confess("Argument $field not supported") ; }
## Field is not a ref at this point.
my $name = shift @rest;
## defaut is to be a string.
unless( $name ){ $name = $field , $field = 'String' ; }
## Try to load classes.
my $ret;
my $f_class = $field;
if( $f_class =~ /^\+/ ){
$f_class =~ s/^\+//;
$f_class = 'Form::Toolkit::Field::'.$f_class;
Class::Load::load_class( $f_class );
my $new_instance = $f_class->new({ form => $self , name => $name });
$ret = $self->_add_field($new_instance);
unless( $@ ){ return $ret; }
confess("Class $field is invalid: $@");
sub _add_field{
my ($self , $field ) = @_;
$field //= '';
unless( ref($field) && $field->isa('Form::Toolkit::Field') ){ confess("Please give a JCOM::Form::Field Instance, not a $field"); }
if( $self->field($field->name()) ){
confess("A field named '".$field->name()."' already exists in this form");
push @{$self->fields()} , $field;
## set the index
$self->_fields_idx->{$field->name()} = $self->_field_next_num();
$self->_field_next_num($self->_field_next_num() + 1);
return $field;
=head2 field
Get a field by name or undef.
my $field = $this->field('my_field');
sub field{
my ($self, $name) = @_;
my $idx = $self->_fields_idx->{$name};
return defined $idx ? $self->fields->[$idx] : undef;
=head2 is_valid
Opposite of has_errors.
sub is_valid{
my ($self) = @_;
return ! $self->has_errors();
=head2 has_errors
Returns true if this form has errors, false otherwise.
if( $this->has_errors() ){
sub has_errors{
my ($self) = @_;
return scalar(@{$self->errors()}) || grep { $_->has_errors } @{$self->fields()};
=head2 dump_errors
Convenience debugging method.
{ _form => [ 'error1' , ... ],
field1 => [ 'error' , ... ],
field2 => [ 'error' , ... ],
sub dump_errors{
my ($self) = @_;
my %field_errors = map{ $_->name() => $_->errors() } @{$self->fields()};
return { _form => $self->errors(),
%field_errors };
=head2 reset
Alias for clear. please override clear if you want. Don't touch this.
sub reset{
goto &clear;
=head2 clear
Resets this form to its void state. After the call, this form is
ready to be used again.
sub clear{
my ($self) = @_;
map{ $_->clear() } @{$self->fields()};
=head2 values_hash
Returns a hash of values like that:
a => 'aaa',
b => 'bbb',
multiplea => [ v1 , v2 , v3 ],
multipleb => []
You can feed this hash to the L<Form::Toolkit::Clerk::Hash>
got populate a similar form.
sub values_hash{
my ($self) = @_;
my $ret = {};
foreach my $field ( @{$self->fields()} ){
$ret->{$field->name()} = $field->value_struct();
return $ret;
=head2 litteral
Returns a litteral representation of this form (as a Base64 encoded JSON byte string).
print $this->litteral();
sub litteral{
my ($self) = @_;
return MIME::Base64::encode_base64url(ref($self) .'|'. $self->jsoner()->encode($self->values_hash()));
=head2 from_litteral
Class or instance method. Builds a new instance of form from the given litteral (See litteral).
If you are using Forms as other Form's field values, and if all your forms require
extra attribute, you can override that IN YOUR CONTAINER form. It will be called
as an instance method by the form filling Clerks. See example in test 11.
my $form = $this->from_litteral($litteral);
sub from_litteral{
my ($class , $litteral, $attributes ) = @_;
$attributes ||= {};
my ($fclass, $json) = split('\|', MIME::Base64::decode_base64url($litteral) , 2 );
my $jsoner = JSON->new();
my $values_hash = $jsoner->decode($json);
my $new_instance = $fclass->new(%$attributes);
return $new_instance;
=head2 fill_hash
Shortcut to fill this form with a pure Perl hash. After calling this,
the form will be validated and populated with error messages if necessary.
$this->fill_hash({ field1 => 'value' , field2 => undef , field3 => [ 'a' , 'b' , 'c' ]});
if( $this->has_errors() ){
sub fill_hash{
my ($self, $hash) = @_;
$hash //= {};
Form::Toolkit::Clerk::Hash->new({ source => $hash })->fill_form($self);
1; # End of Form::Toolkit::Form